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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. because its the only chance they have to be atop the college hockey world i think cornell is a solid team this year, i love the riley nash kid, great combo of skill and size, but if we're trying to compare teams, which is think is what we are doing here, und is a better team than cornell, even with the current rough patch. although i do agree that we shouldn't be ranked 5th or 6th, who cares, it's just the polls, it means nothing.
  2. that's what i thought, looks like andrea and willy will be taking early exits like i usually do in these games i don't think i have made it past the first weekend of a sioux survivor all year.
  3. won't kristo still be with the world jr. team? or is he back by then?
  4. i'm not sure how many of your posts i have responded to, it is few and far between, but i respond when i feel it is warranted, in your case usually some sort of delusion about how wonderful the goofers are, this is a sioux message board after all, so you shouldn't be all that surprised. and i don't feel the need to hide what i say from the rest of the world. if i don't want anyone else to see it, i don't post it, not sure how sending you a private message would make me more of a man? when you add something useful to the conversation, i don't jump on your posts... so seems to me there is a simple solution, im sure you can figure it out
  5. this is a quite humerous observation gooferz considering that the majority of your trolling is just what you described... confrontational without adding anything to the conversation, on an opposing teams site nonetheless... what, you on the outs with your buddies over at gpl. also, how should you come to expect this from me? do we have a history of conversation? i will admit that that particular post added nothing to this conversation other than as a response to our goof trolls, but whos to say that's not relevant? go back to your hole little goofer
  6. it was a response to one of your cohorts about your "superior" team... like i said, we've taken 3 out of a possible 4 points from you already this season, and we are still ahead of you in the wcha, as is scsu... a point is a point however you want to sugar coat it there bucky.
  7. maybe the goofs and BADgers are on the right track with the bthc... at least they would get away from wcha officiating
  8. you have to look at the big picture here, like gooferz is. i mean since the um hockey team is struggling so much, the bthc would surely bring them back to prominence like their basketball and football teams got any breaking news on anyone else leaving the team gooferz?
  9. well it seems to me that your goofs are below both teams in the wcha, and have yet to get a win against either team UND is struggling right now, but still looks better than the goofs... and here's why i hope you guys continue to lose and miss the postseason... again!! and my opinions on the bthc have not changed.
  10. it is kind of funny. i actually think when a writer whos a fan of another team has to resort to false stereotypes to find put downs for our team, that is actually a compliment. i mean if he can't find something negative that is true to write about und hockey, then he is either very dumb or the sioux are saints, take your pick i just hope noone informs him that the sioux are actually a younger team than his sub-.500 goofs, oh and to rub salt in the wound, he tries to make fun of the canadian dollar... the last time i checked the canadian dollar was stronger than the us dollar, quite a bit in fact apparently noone informed him of our ongoing recession. personally, im a current topic/pop culture kind of guy, i would have gone with the lawnmower toss...
  11. uh, the wcha and du did next to nothing in reguards to the bina incident (the one game suspension was a joke). the ncaa is a different entity, and made a point of emphasis for players safety, which they should have, and good for them, but i wasn't talking about the ncaa. lapoint lost half a season and has more hardware in his leg than most veterans... because he can skate again, a slew foot isn't a point of emphasis? do we need a cam neely incident (i think it was him who had his career ended?) before a knee on knee is an automatic suspension? what if genoway misses the rest of the season? then will there be a point of emphasis for headhunting hits from behind to a defenseless, unsuspecting opponenet? i'm not talking about the ncaa rules committee, i am talking about the wcha league office and how they handle their officials and incidents like the ones being discussed, and my opinion on the matter is the same... its a joke. do we need a point of emphasis to protect the players? can't mcclown grow a pair and hand out a suspension worthy of the act? i would think you would have to kill someone to get more than a one game suspension, and even then if it's a first offense, i wouldn't be shocked if the mandatory one game is all they got. i used to get very frustrated with the subpar officiating in such a great conference, but after all these years, i have come to the realization that the guys in charge are setting these guys up for failure, although there are still instances where the officiating is atrocious (how do 4 officials miss a puck hitting the netting? also, its the end of the day, so my reading comprehension is suspect at best, but you might have to clarify for me why the top end talent is better off in college hockey? im not being a smart a$$, i just didn't get your reasoning. and i agree with you the wcha is still the best conference in hockey, but how long will it stay that way?
  12. wow, pretty high praise from a guy who knows hockey. especially from a guy out east. i heard him on xm home ice, i think they may have interviewed him at the intermission of the umn/und saturday game too? and his position is to grow college hockey, and to entice the top end players to go the college route. with the state of affairs with officials and the league office in the "best conference in college hockey" (which i still believe it is, although mcclown and shep are doing their best to change that), i think he's got some work cut out for him.
  13. i couldn't care less what fans of other teams' perceptions are, that has absolutely no ramifications (or shouldn't) on the game itself, but i hear what you are saying. if a player gets hurt on a clean play, it's sports, injuries happen and you deal with it. you still may not like it, but you don't place the blame on the opponenet if it was a clean play, sioux or not. forney and murray had season (and und career ending) shoulder injuries, i didn't see anyone throwing blame on the opponenet who hit them. where it gets frustrating, and dangerous, is when the officials, the league office and even coaches and players are allowing, missing, blowing, whatever you call it, all these dangerous, illegal plays that are causing injury. the sioux aren't saints, we play physical, and have made dangerous hits (cfb, etc.) and even if they don't cause injury, i don't like it, and believe me neither does hak and company, have you seen his face when one of his players takes a dumb penalty or makes a dangerous play. but what kind of message are you sending the entire league when a guy breaks another guys neck and you give him a two minute minor and a one game suspension?? or if you head hunt a guy for 200 feet then slam his head into the glass when he's not expecting it... one game, and genoway still has no timetable for return?? this is the type of thing that is a joke. it starts with mcclown and papa shep... if you have two bafoons at the wheel, how do we expect anything more from the officials who report to them... or a$$clowns like gwoz who just do whatever they please because he knows they won't do anything to him. i'm not directing this at you, but this topic is one that gets me going, because if changes aren't made to protect the players, guys like toews, oshie, kessel, parise etc. will take their talent north of the border. one, the officiating has got to be better, although i have no first hand knowledge, as i haven't seen a game. and two, they allow self policing. a guy knows if he makes a dirty play, he's going to have to answer the bell. i'm not saying that fighting is the end all, be all solution to this, so please dave k, take a deep breath. just my little rant... it's going to be a long weekend if we are without two of our senior captains, uw can bury the puck!!
  14. i agree with sica here, don't try and compare injuries on legal plays to injuries that were a direct result of a dirty play. the incidents on bina, lapoint and genoway were all dirty... and all got a whopping one game suspension. the knee on knee on watkins and duncs, dirty and didn't get a penalty, let alone a suspension. as stated, finleys hit, completely legal and clean. don't know about smaby's, don't remember the hit or vigs, but don't compare apples to oranges here. i think the original point was that dirty plays leading to injuries need to be dealt with more severely... which i agree with. and i don't think any logical sioux fan would be screaming bloody murder if a sioux player was on the other end of the finley hit, it was a hard, clean check.
  15. i won't go as far as to say kane doesn't deserve his contract, because he is a hell of a hockey player, and being a di@k to a cabbie doesn't change that fact... but i can't say i didn't think last summer that management might use this incident to their advantage to sign him for a little less, who wants some spoiled kid who beats up a cabbie over a dollar, but i think they understand how important kane and toews are to the future of that franchise, and hope that this was a one time mistake, im sure management has had plenty of conversations with him to ensure it doesn't happen again. not sure if this affected his contract negotiations at all, which considering they gave him and toews identical ones, i would have to say it had no bearing whatsoever. heck, tiger woods has been screwing around on his wife for years, and not only are all of his sponsors backing him... he's now getting new sponsorship offers?? its the world we live in.
  16. nothing like coming to the decc without our best player and captain to get all you dog fans hopes up about getting a few points this weekend
  17. sioux sports subjective idealism philosophy... if a davek put on ignore posts in a thread but noone sees it, is he still posting? i actually get quite a kick out his posts sometimes (although they can get repetitive and tiresome), keep on rolling for the little man davek
  18. i'm not cpu savvy enough to link another thread, so i just copied this from the former players thread... so 91% then? QUOTE (nodak hockey fanatic @ Dec 2 2009, 10:50 AM) ok, i almost spit my coffee all over my coffee screen. you should put a disclaimer on your posts that are more ridiculous than usual. even you have to find this post quite amusing davek. 90% of your posts are a direct response/argument with another poster, or some comment about fighting, um, etc. that is meant to entice debate and response. QUOTE (DaveK @ Dec 2 2009, 2:41 PM) That is false, and I'm truly sorry that you have that misconception about me.
  19. still no tip though, so that cabbie better have correct change!
  20. ok, i almost spit my coffee all over my coffee screen. you should put a disclaimer on your posts that are more ridiculous than usual. even you have to find this post quite amusing davek. 90% of your posts are a direct response/argument with another poster, or some comment about fighting, um, etc. that is meant to entice debate and response.
  21. first, he swung a second time after hitting vokoun in the head and broke his stick on the crossbar. second, he should be shaken up, he just about took his goalies head off. i don't think anyone is claiming what ballard did was intentional, but i bet he will be a little more careful where he's slinging that stick the next time he gets beat for a goal. and i know this site is "politics free", so not sure why your banner gets a pass, maybe its ok to bash one party not the other?? but i'll post a response of my own to you. i don't want to put it in my banner area because i don't need everyone to see it everytime i post... dave k's democracy... why earn it when we'll take it from someone else who did and give it to you for free!
  22. i don't think there are any conspiracies... i think the story is that he didn't have the academic requirements to come to und, so went to duluth. i have seen him play a couple of times and he is a gamer though. i can see how him and big mac were a force to be reckoned with on the blueline.
  23. back to the topic at hand, since frankly the genoway talk is depressing, and we wish him the speediest of full recoveries... anyone know why hunter bishop has only played in a little over half of ohio states games? injury? i would guess he is not a healthy scratch since he was one of their leading returning scorers. just wondering if anyone knew the deal... any ohio state fans out there?
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