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Everything posted by roper1313

  1. I remeber Gator mentioning that he was recovering from a stroke earlier in the year. Hope he is healthy. He is probably just leaving FL while all the spring breakers invade. If you're around give us a shout.
  2. Sagard, WPOS, Greyeagle- what are your opinons on Ryan P. Do you want to see him back this year or should he take the redshirt. IMO, he should take the redshirt, he didn't seem to be having a great freshman year anyway.
  3. How 'bout this for a penalty box sign? "Yum, Rockey Mountain Oysters"
  4. Isn't Karl in Columbus's minor leagues. Karl and Dean could reunite and bring the Stanley Cup to the hockey hotbed of Columbus.
  5. Coaching, somehow the biggest school in ND can't make it to state in the past three or four years . For those of you who don't follow ND HS hockey there are only16-20 HS teams in the entire state. Federov- I graduated in '93, my sister in '95. You a fellow Bruin? I think Redwing77 is a '95 grad. As far as Fargo being a hockey town. If you expand to Fargo-Moorhead it definately is. Moorhead is drawing over 2000 for their home games this year. They are currently ranked 4th and beat previously unbeaten and Class A #1 ranked Waroad 4-1 on Saturday up in Warroad. Which is not an easy thing to do.
  6. UND Fan- Jason's family moved to Moorhead his 8th or 9th grade year, he played most of his youth hockey for Grand Forks North (Central). Quite the pick up for Moorhead. I was hoping he'd join us at Fargo South but considering how bad we got our a$$ kicked by Moorhead in HS I think he made the right choice. Siouxfaninphoenix- If you want the low down on the tournament let me know. I started posting a discripiton of how it is actually 5 tournaments in one but was getting long winded. I try to catch a couple of cames every year. The squirt olympics is a spectical. 1000's of people watching squirts do NHL All-Star skill competitions.
  7. I played in the inagural squirt tournament and I know that it was won by the GF squirt team led by none other than Jason Blake. If my memory serves me correct Grand Forks won the first two or three. If you want to know who's going to be the top HS schools in MN come watch these squirts and see which MN team dominates. Very often this team competes for the State title in 6 or 7 years. It would be neat to find out but I am sure countless Div. one players have come through this tournament. With the way Michigan and Minnesota are recruiting the youngsters don't be suprise if they get a couple of verbals out of this tournament.
  8. Not Sioux related, but thought some of you might be interested. Come to Fargo and see future Sioux recruits at the Fargo Flyer International Squirt Tournament. Date: 1/26/04 To: All Fargo-Moorhead Media From: Fargo Flyers Hockey Club Re: News Release Fargo ,ND Fargo Flyers to Host 20th Annual Squirt International Hockey Tournament & Twist! Fargo Flyers International Tournament committee is proud to announce that the
  9. I think I am interested in playing. What I need to find out is if a person can still get Final Five tickets and if anyone knows what the WCHA/X's policy is on small children (under 2). I'll have to hide the hockey in with a shopping trip if I am going to get clearence on this. Are kids under 2 free, do I need to buy a lap ticket like at The Ralph ($5) or will I need to buy a full priced ticket for my little Sioux fan? FYI, I played HS hockey in the early 90's and still get out once a week so while I'm not in shape I'm not completely out of shape. Thanks for the help.
  10. Nice article in The Forum on Colby Genoway: http://www.in-forum.com/articles/index.cfm?id=48624
  11. Maybe someone can help me understand this NHL CBA issue. Sagard, are the millions of reasons Zachs potential signing bonus, because if I understand this issue correctly the players will be without a paycheck as long as the NHL is locked out. Am I correct on this? I remember the NHLPA's head mention that he warned all NHL players to plan on not having a paycheck for next year. I think he was on PA and Dubay last fall. Thanks for the help.
  12. Canadian Broadcast is having some troubles also, bur you can try it at :www.fan590.com. GO USA
  13. Redwing77, age is relative. You graduated with my little sister. I graduated in '93, yes the year before Souths first state championship
  14. Back when I was at UMD from 94-98 I came to the Ralph in Buldogs colors 3 or 4 times and each time sat in the student section with friends from high school. Was there some good natured ribbing? OH YEAH. Did I feel like I needed to call the UN and ask for some peace keepers? HE double hockey sticks NO! Grow a back bone!
  15. During the 94 lockout I remember seeing, and playing a lot of pick up hockey with ex-UMD NHLers, so I don't think you'll see a flood of players to other leagues. I heard the head of the NHLPA on KFAN about a month ago, and he made the statement that the NHLPA had sent a letter to its member warning them to be prepared to go a full year without a paycheck. Apparently in 94 a lot of players were not prepared and had to get loans to live. What a shock to find out pro athletes can't manage their money Maybe someone can answer this question. Does the NHL team pay both sides of a two way contract or does the AHL team pay while a player is down and the NHL team pay when their called up?? If I'm Praise and Vanek, I don't accept a two way contract. A first round pick is probably guaranteed NHL money. To summarize: STAY IN SCHOOL!!!
  16. I think PCM means that Lucia has shown no respect to The Ralph and Sioux fans. His favorite team to play is Michigan because they are a Big 10 school. Same old, same old!! PA and Dubay have been showing lots of respect to The Ralph and to the UND program. Overall a good show today.
  17. Section 113 Row J Hope to hear Scott Hennen lots tonight HERE'S YOUR UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA FIGHTING SIOUX SCOOORING!!!
  18. DaveK- FYI Detroit's Ford Field is a Dome. You can't compare Seatles climate to ours, however thier new stadium has a roof over 70% of the seats. Arizona is building a new indoor stadium. Houston just moved into a new indoor stadium last year. I would bet all the money in the world that if the Vikings build a new stadium it will have a roof. Too much money in concerts, hosting final fours, and Super Bowls. I would say that indoor stadiums are very much in vouge. I will admit that I loved going to games at Dakota Field and would wish I could someday take my son to a football game and let him play pick up games in the NW corner of Dakota Field. However I wouldn't give the Fargodome back, as it has had a huge economic impact on the Fargo-Moorhead community.
  19. If anyone on the board is going to the Wild game tomorrow please give a report on parking at The Ralph. Varsity Club members do not get to park in the Barnes and Nobel lot this year so I need some help. Also, my dad spoke to one of the AADs up there, and he said that the big field to the north of the rink is being developed and unavailable for parking. I've never had to worry about parking so I need to know how early a guy need to show up to get a decent parking spot. Any guidance would be appreciated.
  20. Although it is tough for me to admit that a Gopher is a good up and coming player, I would add Jordon Leopold to the list. It is quite an impressive list of young player. It will be interesting to see how many develop and most importantly how many Calgary can affoard to keep around.
  21. If a game goes on up at the Ralph or anywhere in GF you guys can count me in as an 8th player. I have a group of guys who play once a week so I'll be ready to kick some Gopher tail. Stuckinfargo, a group of us play Thursdays in Moorhead. We are always looking for goaltenders. Let me know if your interested. FYI, we only have 3 more weeks before they take the ice out.
  22. Can someone post what the lines have looked like lately? Thanks.
  23. This is from ESPN.com's NHL Power Rankings: Who needs Alexei Yashin (61 gp, 14-30-44, -17, $7.4M) when you've got Jason Blake (61 gp, 19-25-44, +23, $600,000). Great for Jason!! Jeez was that Moorhead team any good? With Ryan Kraft getting some PT with the Sharks this year and Matt Cullen putting up his solid numbers in Florida. I just can't firgure out why our Fargo South team got killed by them??
  24. All he has is Sioux green His grampa went to law school at UND and his great uncle played with Ralph in the early days. Untill UMD builds that 100 million dollar rink Ethan will be steered up I 29.
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