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Posts posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. They aren't rescinding the offer. As long as UND and the state goes along with the name change, it's good. However, that petition drive could be a problem. But, we will have to wait and see what happens.

    The petition drive could be a real issue. And.....if they actually get the signatures to get the damn thing on the ballot, who know what could happen.

  2. I'm not sure you want to get into the discussion about "what I read about your team on message boards and regional newspapers." You have Lakes and JBB representing, remember.

    Just by you bringing this up here again, I would guess McFeely has Doug Fullerton lined up as a guest for his show next week.

    Lakes and JBB have nothing to do with this. I am commenting on what I read on other Big Sky boards and in the newspapers that serve those communities. No one is leaping with glee about UND joining the Sky and when the subject comes up it certainly seems most have buyers remorse for the reasons mentioned in my previous post. Not sure what Lakes and JBB have to do with any of that......other than they will be throwing bombs if UND has the invite yanked. As for my opinion....I could care less other than it would be fun to see the Griz have some competition in the Sky.

  3. UND is doing what is required to keep their membership in the BSC. The SL Tribe and the petition from members of the SR Tribe are done separate of the ND State Government institutions and the U of North Dakota.

    Just because some crank columnist from Sacramento says "throw them out" doesn't mean it is even something on the radar of the BSC. Jeez! :silly:

    UND is a member of the BSC and that won't change unless UND wants it to.

    Maybe. As I read message boards, regional newspapers and listen to some of the stuff the BSC says.......it becomes pretty clear that the ONLY people excited about UND being in the Big Sky are the fans and staff of UND as well as the GF Herald. I think it is probable that the conference won't have the balls the jerk the invite, but there is clearly some buyers remorse from most in the Sky save the UND following. Because of that, I also would not be shocked if the Sky were to decide to rescind the invite. The travel and not having a travel partner (not having USD) is a real turn off for the other school in the Sky.....as is the messy problem with the nick name that seems to never go away.

  4. I've found UNI fans to be among the nicest, most polite, down to earth fans I've had the priviledge to meet. Has your experience been from message board fodder? I've experienced far more ugliness between sioux and bison fans-both virtually and reality.

    I have been to games in Iowa as well as the idiots on the message board. Generally the message boards are worse. The GSU fans were some smack talking SOBs, but when I attended the Bison game a few years back in Georgia you would have never met a more gracious bunch of fans even in defeat. We hit a couple bars close to the stadium for some drinks after the game and we were amazed that as soon as we walked in with our Bison shirts on pitchers of beer started appearing on our table sent over by GSU fans congratulating us on our win. These boards generally bring out the worst in a team's fan base.

  5. Good stuff. On an unrelated matter what happened to Wyoming? I have been following them this year and was a bit surprised when they pretty much took a dump against Temple in their bowl game. Up until then they have had a pretty good season.

    I was shocked by that as well. However, defense has been suspect all season although better than last year. I just think they could not handle the Temlple running game. It was hard to watch very much of it since the Bison were on at the same time. I have 2 TVs in my mancave, but WYO was on the small one behind my bar and the Bison were on the big plasma TV.

    I do think WYO will be tough next year. Too bad the Mountain West is falling apart. It is not the same with out BYU and Utah. The upcome defections next year really hurt the conference.

  6. And.......as much as it pains me to lend any credibility to DaveK.....I do find that when talking FCS Football here in Wyoming I usually have to refer to it as I-AA so that people understand what I am talking about. Most here know that NDSU is playing for the National Championship and surprisingly they think it is a Bowl game. When I explain that it used to be called DI-AA they understand.

  7. It sure seems to me that SHSU is the most overlooked team in the playoffs. Most of us scoffed when they made the number one see and thought that they would be quickly dispatched in either their first or second game in the playoffs. Then they won both. and Montana was up next. Most of us thought that SHSU was was a decent team but surely the Griz and their cocky fans (probably more cocky that even us Bison fans) would dump Sam. Well, that did not happen either and now SHSU is meeting the Bison in Frisco. After the run SHSU has made I doubt that anyone is overlooking them. Hell, they have a running back that is as solid as a fire hydrant with legs and won't tip over. I think the Bison can take them down, but it will be a tight game and a dog fight. I am glad that the Bison got experience against a running team with the pounding of GSU (and that was not all due to crowd noise).

    As for Sioux fans that don't want to cheer for the Bison......what is wrong with that? Although it is kind of stupid to try and claim that the folks that want to cheer for the Bison in the title game are somewhat of a lesser level Sioux fan than those who don't. As for this Bison fan.....I must admit, if UND was playing Farley and those idiots from UNI, I would probably take a deep breath, and hope UND whacked them. For this Bison fan there is not much of a rivalry left between NDSU and UND in sports.........but UNI........I can't stand them. And if any other Bison fan wants to to say I am less of a Bison fan because of that......might just need his ass kicked.

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  8. During the past 5 years the State of Wyoming has paid almost $45,000 in scholarships for my kids to attend UW. This is through the Hathaway Scholarship program and another UW specific program. Since North Dakota is doing very well financially, it puzzles me that there is no effort to emulate a program similar to what we do in Wyoming to make sure our kids can get a university education. If you are interested in looking at the Wyoming program, I have posted the link to it below. While the program is not perfect, it has so far aided thousands of Wyoming students and since it is funded by an endowment set up by the State, it will continue in perpituity. If you click on the link to The University of Wyoming, it shows how the Hathaway merit and needs based scholarships are administered there.


  9. Maybe this is intended for that certain school in Fargo. They love to express how they feel about UND on their shirts.

    If those are the shirts I am thinking of, I have no use for them either. I don't think you should be able to ban them, but fans wearing them are pretty damn classless given all the issues with the nickname and the issue of disrespectful use of the name. I must admit I had one of those shirts in undergrad school many years ago......but those were different times. Now it is relegated to a box of old college stuff (as well as being way to small for the current version of WYOBISONMAN to wear.... :sad: ).

  10. Kelley said the transition “will not include any ban on wearing Fighting Sioux clothing at athletic events,” but he asked that fans who do wear or display the nickname and logo to “do so in a manner that is respectful to American Indians.”


    I wonder if he's talking about the same "manner of respect" that he has shown to the Spirit Lake and Standing Rock tribes?

    I don't see how they could ban wearing Sioux items at events. That would seem to me to have serious free speech and free expression issues. While I do think for the good of the entire state this issue needs to be put to rest, stopping people from wearing these items to a University event makes my liberal blood boil.

  11. After what has happened the last few weeks in NCAA football really expose the BCS for the sham that it is. Unfortunately.....too much money will prevent any playoff or rational system for determining the national champion.

  12. 2011 Grand Forks metropolitan population = 96,931

    2007 Fargo metropolitan population = 192,417

    NDSU attendance through transition years 2004-2007

    2004 - 79,614 - 6 home games

    2005 - 84,962 - 6 home games

    2006 - 81,886 - 5 home games

    2007 - 90,707 - 5 home games

    Total = 337,169 - 22 home games = 15,236/game

    Average percentage of Fargo metropolitan population attending (Based on 2007 metro pop.) = 15,236/192,417 = 7.96%

    UND attendance through transition years 2008-2011

    2008 - 50,837 - 5 home games

    2009 - 42,696 - 5 home games

    2010 - 40,771 - 5 home games

    2011 - 47,045 - 6 home games

    Total = 181,349 - 21 home games = 8,636/game

    Average percentage of Grand Forks metropolitan population attending (Based on 2011 metro pop.) = 8,636/96,931 = 8.91%

    So you come up with BS like this to try and justify the fact that UND has attendance that is terrible? Bottom line.....you are stupid if you attempt to show that UND has a stronger football following than NDSU. Further.....why be an ass and derail this thread from the discussion of the playoffs. That is what we are talking about. Good god.....this is not about UND attendance. If UND starts winning.....looking at a playoff spot.....attendance will rise. But......this is NOT the thread for this discussion.

  13. Do you think tv hurts a playoff team, I blame the FSSN for our poor attendance in playoff games with Winona State...5000??

    I really don't think TV hursts games. It gets the team exposure, aids recruiting and builds the fan base. Winning is what puts arses in the seats. Fans will go to games regardless of TV coverage......they like the game.....they like the tailgate.....they just like being a part of it.

  14. I think NDSU will be tough to beat at home. And they'll end up with a pretty easy draw in their first game.

    I think there are some serious injury issues. It seems like Jensen's turf toe is a real mobility limiter and could play a big role in the playoffs. I have never experienced turf toe (closest for me is gout which was horrible) so I am not sure of the pain level, but it must be significant and it seems to not go away very fast. To have success against the better teams NDSU will need a mobile Jensen.

  15. Is there any TV on this? This will be a very good measuring stick to see how UND currently stacks up against the top of the Sky in Basketball. I think Weber is probably tougher than Montana this year from what I have heard, but as of yet I have not seen either team play.

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