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Posts posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. I'd venture the guess that Big Sky teams are more on the minds of the average western fan than MVFC teams are on the minds of the average eastern fan.

    Big Sky teams are competing for "brain time" in their footprint with the Pac-12, MWC, and WAC.

    MVFC teams are competing for "brain time" in their footprint with the SEC, Big Ten, Big XII, ACC, Big East, Conf USA ...

    I think that is exactly the issue.

  2. Dom Izzo kept saying stuff like "What's it like to finally get a win against the Bison", and it's the first win over the Bison since 2004. They only played once since 2004, so it was very deceptive and kind of odd he would even bring that up when he knows last year was the first time they've met since then.

    LOL.....and on Bisonville most are pissed that Izzo sounded like a UND tool. Is no one happy tonight?

  3. I Wonder if there was any chanting of "Sioux S***" in their locker room? Oh that's right - we're not a rival to ndsu anymore so their players and fans would have no reason for that chant.

    I said a while ago I am done saying there is no rivalry. From my perspective is is just another OOC game, obviously judging by the Bisonville Meltdown, I may not be in the majority. Now excuse me while I go moderate the melee over on our board..... ;)

  4. Wow this game has lit the fire squad at BVille they are asking for Saul's head for losses to UND and MSUM. Damn.

    I don't think anyone is asking for his head......but with losses to Moorhead and you guys, it does make one wonder what Saul does to get these guys ready to play and what he does to adjust at the half. Also......why is there not more consistent play on the road.

  5. I think Wyo has been pretty consistent in claiming both teams looked pretty bad. Being a pretty results-oriented guy myself, I'm pretty happy with UND's performance, though obviously saw plenty of ways each team could have played better... but UND played better than NDSU, which was the primary goal for tonight.

    Hey Jim.......we have football....... ;) LOL! Seriously, both these teams need to get better on the road also. That seems to be a big hurdle for some reason for the Bison. Also, remember the Bison go beat by Moorhead State......maybe Saul has some pretty serious issues that he isn't getting figured out. I would suspect SDSU whips up on the Herd pretty well.

  6. So they lost cause they looked like !@#$? UND didnt look better? Any credit?

    Both teams looked lousy......and if either UND or NDSU want to Dance they better get a helluva lot better shooting from the field, getting those offensive rebound....and Brekke needs to work on free throws. Both were ugly......UND less so in the final 6 minutes.

  7. My guess is that Gene Taylor is getting a cut of the parking revenue...............

    It is the only way that that tool would have allowed Saul Phillips to schedule this game.........................

    Dammit.......they are on to us....................

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