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Posts posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. Will Carlson and his cronies in the Legislature push to get student numbers lower? It seems that the pressure from the Legislature is for no growth......which seems to me to be damn backwards. One would think Higher Ed in ND should do well with all the additional Bakken revenue flowing into state coffers. But, the last legislative session was a bust for Higher Ed with some destructive political games being played between Carlson power grabbing from the SBOHE.

  2. They better develop a young QB. I don't really like relying on all these old guys like McNabb and Favre, although Favres first year was sure exciting. The Vikes need a young QB they can build the team around. I am just going to be happy to not see that asshat Chilly on the sidelines too!!

  3. Its so nice to see that Moo U has moved on and is enjoying our nickname issue. Remember what goes around comes around.

    Its the off season and everyone is bored as hell and sick of Al Carlson. But....things are looking up. College football starts this weeked. T-Jack suck as bad as ever, but he is in Seattle instead of Minnesota. Chilly is nowhere to be found. Hey.....soon all energy will switch to football and that is a good thing. ;)

    • Downvote 1
  4. From the Forum:

    House Majority Leader Al Carlson said he wont be the one to make the first move to reverse a state law mandating the University of North Dakota keep its Fighting Sioux nickname.

    When asked this week if he would introduce legislation to undo the law, Carlson said he wouldnt.

    Im principled enough to know that Im not going to do that, said Carlson, who sponsored the controversial law that took effect this month.

    Forum article linky....

    Good god, Al needs to man up and clean up his mess........

  5. This is not a partisan issue at all. It is about damn near the entire legislature and the Governor acting stupid and passing this law that has actually hurt UND and been a huge distraction for an athletic department trying to move to DI. Partisan issues are garbage like the federal debt ceiling.

    As for the SBOHE, I wouldn't think they could go contrary to law and dump the name until this is repealed. I would doubt that there would be anything other than token opposition to repealing the law in November. It has become evident, even to the most thick headed legislators (seemingly most of them) that this law will destroy athletics at UND.

  6. It will be interesting to see how this all shakes out. It is clearly going to impact the number of solid players that will make it in Division I athletics. What does that mean for the talent pool that the FCS schools will have to choose from? I suspect it will be smaller and recruiting will be more competative.

  7. My understanding is that the school must have a new nickname and is allowed only 1 or 2 years to simply use North Dakota. I could be wrong though.

    Does the NCAA require that every team has a nickname? That is outrageous.

  8. Said like a true Bison fan. I hope they come calling for NDSU's name next.

    This whole thing is a complete joke, the NCAA jsut wanted to push around a school from North Dakota to show they still have power. Lord know big schools never get what is coming to them. I wish they would go after Notre Dame, but the NCAA makes to much money from them and money is all the NCAA really cars about.

    Not much chance of that.......but if you like to think so.....have at it. I am not quite sure how you get Bison as hostile and abusive......probably your mind is a little clouded given the current firestorm. ;)

    As for the NCAA forcing UND to have a nick name........I just cannot even imagine that happening. Yes, I can see how one could rationalize about hostile and abusive nicknames......but how on earth could an argument be made that having NO nickname is a problem for anyone. If the NCAA tried to do that I would join the protests myself.

  9. I'll give you two reasons:

    1. It provides "private entity" cover to the North Dakota folks, so they don't have to worry about open meeting laws. Think of it like ORU attending Summit meetings and not having to publish those minutes.

    2. REA is mentioned specifically in the settlement agreement. Seeing how that agreement spells out multi-million dollar changes to their building you'd think they'd at least be able to sit in.

    I can see point #2, but how does #1 make any difference? The meeting is in Indy so it should be beyond the scope of the ND open meeting and open record requirements.

  10. After the crap that had been pulled on Dr. Kelley, I doubt he will stick around for very long. He has done a good job under intollerable conditions. Good luck finding another President after all this political garbage. The bad thing is the legislature, Carlson and now Grant Shaft have all acted so stupid that it will likely harm all schools in ND when they try and recruit a President or other administration that comes from a national search. This nick name garbage is getting to the point it is having impacts on all schools.

  11. I think the issue is....would UND and the SBOHE go against something that is explicitly in violation of ND law (albeit a foolish law). I have a hard time seeing the law being ignored. I just needs to be repealed and have common sense prevail and the right thing done for UND and Higher Ed in ND.

  12. Douple's original story about the nickname preventing UND from gaining admittance to the Summit League was always contrived. The nickname has been unfairly vilified for years, and sooner or later people began to believe it.

    As Carlson stated, a now open dirty little secret is that certain members of the SBoHE always wanted the nickname gone. The SBoHE and Chapman hatched the nickname scheme with Douple, with Kelley complicit in it.

    Since Douple's continued employment relies on NDSU's support at Summit President's meetings, Douple couldn't go out and expose the whole story, only the part about Kelley being involved. The SBoHE would have demanded Douple's scalp if Douple told more. Many of the SBoHE members probably never knew about any fix, including Shaft and Espegaard.

    One of the reasons that the nickname vote was so lopsided in the legislature was that legislators were so outraged by SBoHE nickname fix. That as well as the Chapman situation has totally antagonized the legislature toward the SBoHE.

    The expenses that the Big Sky is concerned about are potential for UND to host a post-season tournament. Since there is often only five days to purchase a airplane ticket, there wouldn't be any cheap fares. For regular conference games, the air expenses are much much less, as those travel arrangements are made months in advance.

    For Fullerton's dream of an FBS/FCS conference to happen, UND has to be part of the conference: nickname or not.

    Good lord.......you have gone completely nuts! Like a little dog......biting at what ever is close....because you are in pain. This is completely irrational.

  13. Robert Kelley's job is to look out for the best interests of the University of North Dakota. To think that he some how had a hand in the NCAA statement released last week is preposterous. My guess is that President Kelley (and Brian Faison for that matter since he is also continually thrown under the bus) has a better handle on how this legislation, and the nickname itself will affect the university going forward whether it be in DI, DII, or DIII athletics than does anyone who has ever posted on this board. The thought of giving up such proud, thoughtful, honorable and unique moniker is a tough pill to swallow and a crappy situation all around, but personally to me, not as crappy a thought as the idea that someone would prefer to be a "Fighting Sioux" fan rather than a fan of the University of North Dakota. Without the University of North Dakota, there is no Fighting Sioux......................not the other way around.

    I am surprised a good guy like Kelley tolerates this BS. He is a solid president and looks out for the best interests of UND, yet an asshole like Carlson makes an incredible outlandish accusation about him. This whole mess is shameful.

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  14. They may enjoy watching UND et al. twist and squirm a bit, but I would suspect most thoughtful 'SU fans see Carlson's bill as nothing but cynical power grab that could set a trend that would imapct 'SU in some way later. He detests the fact the Board is constitutionally insulated from the legislature's politicking and used the name-issue as a way to possibly chip away at that wall.

    Indeed......this is not just about UND. Carlson is an enemy of Higher Ed in North Dakota.

  15. We can still go to games with our Sioux gear. Say "land of the free and home of the Sioux"...You can still be a "Sioux" fan and also a UND fan by cheering the team that is playing its heart out for the University and its fans.

    Freedom of expression. I would doubt they would ever try and prohibit fans from wearing Sioux gear at a game......and if they tried it surely would be unconstitutional.

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