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Posts posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. I agree that the Summit is likely an intermediate step to something better. The Mo Valley would be a hell of a great place to wind up for all sports. That being said, I also would hate to wind up in a conference where chances are slim that you would win an autobid. I don't think it is in any schools interest to be "over conferenced". The bottom line it is was one hell of a blast going to "The Dance" and I want to see the Bison having a decent shot at making a return visit!

  2. I do not contest that NDSU is the favorite, but every team needs to practice, even the all-powerful Scummit League Bison.

    You shouldn't say that kind of stuff........it just will make the thumping UND is gonna get that much more painful for you....... :lol:

  3. That's fine, you can call it what you like but have you looked at the Sagarin conference rankings? If the Summit is as you say, what does that make the Big Sky and Great West? Actually ranking don't mean much in a game like this, a lot of things can happen and I'm sure WYO was just messing around, no reason to go all message board serious on what he said. Since we are talking Sagarin rankings, quite the difference between NDSU and UND there too, almost 200 spots. But as they say, that's why they play the games, I'm sure it will be a fun one to be at for those who can make it. As for overconfidence, I don't think the game is hanging on what one fan in WY says on a message board, now if Saul had come out and said we don't need to stinkin' practice for the Sioux you might have a point, but since he hasn't might I suggest you calm down a bit. Hey WYO nice seeing you in Frisco, hope you enjoyed the GB Nordeast. :bigsmile:

    The Nordeast is outstanding.......Man I wish we could get it out here! Many thanks again for that!!!!!!!

    As to the BB game.......if the Herd come out shooting decently, this one will probably be ugly from the UND fan perspective. If we are cold from the field, it could be a horse race. The achilles heel for the Bison will be consistency. That seems to be a recurrent issue since we lost the dream team that took us to The Dance. Road games always make that a little tougher. But......If I were in Vegas......gimme a ticket on the Herd!

  4. Its almost that time! I have my ticket. My old buddies and rivals at NDSU ate attending! It is sure to be a good one. I believe UND has better talent on paper! NDSU won't be push over though. Green out?

    Is that serious or an attempt at humor? I found it pretty funny!!!

  5. Wow, win a couple of Scummit league games and all of a sudden, your boys don't need to practice?

    Can you say "Overconfidence"?

    We will see who is laughing on Tuesday night. I don't think some of the UND fans have a grip on what DI basketball is all about. Some do.....

  6. Not a chance.

    WDAZ wont pony up for the hd truck much less a pp clock lol

    Is it that costly to do HD broadcasts? Anymore it is pretty rough watching SD broadcasts of athletic events. Actually, it is hard to imaging that we only used to watch sports in SD!

  7. I was at last years game, and the atmosphere was absolutely flat. I wonder if this year at UND will be better. I am not sure if it was the Fargodome, the fact that we had just lost to Eastern Washington in football, sloppy play in the game...or what.

  8. I am sure your AD is working to get rid of the NAIA game. On the off hand that UND puts it together and was contending for a playoff spot, it would be a major screw up to have a non-DI game keep you out. I can't imagine Faison would take that risk. Also, with the nick name issue somewhat resolved (I think the petition drive will fail), scheduling should be one hell of a lot easier.

  9. And where did you go to law school? I am just wondering how you gleaned this? I would like to know how you came to this conclusion. I am not a lawyer, nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn Express either. The NCAA would fight this tooth and nail and probably not back down without a long and expensive legal battler throwing out lawyers that wear 1000.00 suits with crack legal research teams to counter anything that those who are suing the NCAA.

    He didn't go to UND so how the hell could have he gone to law school...... ;)

  10. What a completely insignificant and irrelevant piece of information. Where a person went to school has nothing to do with what sports teams they cheer for. Thank you for making such an ignorant post. :glare:

    It has to do with whether or not you care about UND as an educational institution, the State of ND, etc. I could care less if you like my post or not. IMHO you not ever being a UND alumnus shows that the depth of your concern is not for the institution as a whole,but rather soley the athletic program.

  11. New nickname = blasphemy

    If we can't have the Fighting Sioux nickname we should go with no nickname at all, and I don't mean for a mere three year cooling off period. I mean FOREVER. Anybody who states a desire for UND to have a new nickname was never a Sioux fan to begin with.

    Says the guy who is an alumnus of NO North Dakota institution..........

    • Upvote 1
  12. Really!!! There is one article that says that the BSC should say no thanks to UND and you think that "buyers remorse?"

    Fullerton has said on several occasions that the nick name is an issue. The nickname is far from resolved. UND administration is wisely trying to get it dumped, but if the people were to vote to keep it, everyones hands would be tied......and that would be very detrimental to UND.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Kelley, the SBoHE and the AG will all come out and say its unconstitutional. There is no way they will sit on the sideline and let anything interupt the transition.

    The problem is that as I understand, one of the measures is a constitutional amendment. If that damn thing passes there could be no such declaration as it would be the constitution.

  14. Care to provide links to your sources? The nickname issue will never go away as long as rival fan bases and beat writers continue to perpetuate the issue. Today is the last day for the Fighting Sioux nickname. Opponents should rejoice.

    No I am not going to go back and put the effort forward to provide sources because I could care less whether you believe me or not. I am just telling you what I recall reading and hearing over the past few months......and I am hearing "Buyers Remorse".....

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