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Everything posted by Stromer

  1. Stromer

    Sioux at WWU

    If we hold them to a FG, it would be a big help for us.
  2. Stromer

    Sioux at WWU

    Their offense is already exceeding my expectations. Maybe I set the bar a little high.
  3. What else is there to do on a Sat afternoon while watching football?
  4. That score could easily be reversed if South isn't totally focused.
  5. Until Brian Kelly came from GVSU, they sucked just as bad as the other Michigan teams. He made them into a great program. Now that he left, they are going to fall back into the pack. Just watch what he does at Cincinnati this year. And I am not saying your win wasn't good. I in fact congratulate NDSU on the win. But just remember, Central Michigan is not a good team.
  6. Where were we saying we were better than NDSU? We were just happy we beat another IAA team, thus validating our move up to the next level. There might have been some comments about comparison scores, but that is reaching. You were the one who made this about NDSU, not us.
  7. I think you hit the nail on the head. UND played the #4 team in a division above them and won a close game. NDSU played a bottom level teama division above them and blew them out. I would consider it a wash. Central was good last year because of their coach. Now that he has left, they are back to the same old crappy MAC teams that anybody can beat. There is a reason the Directional Michigans are a staple of the Bottom Ten poll on ESPN.com.
  8. Lennon is to much of a class act to run the score up that big even if we could.
  9. The only thing that is amusing is that Kup is somewhere in the ex-Soviet Union when all this is hitting the fan. You couldn't script this if you tried.
  10. Stromer

    TV Games

    The Saint Cloud- South Dakota game is on right now on the Midco channel (23) in GF. Now the question is will it be on satellite?
  11. I think this is the week the team proves the critics wrong. People have said that the D is untested this year and that the team may be overranked. UND 34 WWU 7
  12. For sure. With all of the expertise on this board, I am sure it would be smooth sailing.
  13. How drastic would it be if we just cleaned house in the Athletic department and started fresh. Then we could chery pick the whole staff. It would eliminate the people who obviously can't keep their mouths shut and would leave nobody from the failed regimes of the past. Maybe then we could get somebody who everyone likes and that can do the job in an effective manner. A drastic measure for sure but I would not be opposed to it.
  14. What about people with Emo jersey's (black). Can they not come? Because wearing a black jersey beats a green t shirt anyday.
  15. Ok. Then if he was to be fired on Monday, the administration screwed it up by not waiting until Kup came back. If I am going to fire my AD, I am darn well going to have the President of the University there along with the other major players. I also am not going to fire him the weekend of Potato bowl when there are a lot of alumni in town and all eyes focused on the football program. I would wait for a weekend like this one where the FBall team is out of town and it is pretty quiet in town. Alas, did he need to be removed last weekend or could it have waited a couple more weeks?
  16. Thank you for clearing that up. My next question is when was he to be fired? We heard rumors about him being gone over the weekend but then it comes out as a LOA on Monday. So was he going to be fired on Monday and he asked for a LOA to postpone the firing, or was he thinking he was going to be fired in the future so he took a LOA over the weekend, and that was really the rumor all along? I guess I am just trying to figure out how much time he had left before he got canned.
  17. So do we know for sure that he asked for the LOA? If so, and he is just doing it to avoid getting fired, than yes, it is cheap of him. If he is taking a leave for a legitimate reason or if somebody asked him to take a leave, then we have problems. You just can not make an announcement that the AD is taking a leave and then refuse (bound by legal or other reason) to speak about it. And then to have this survey come out it the middle of everything. It makes us look like fools and rightfully so. At the very least they could have waited until Kup came back from his trip to the Soviet Bloc or wherever he is at to make this major announcement.
  18. So I came across a facebook group dedicated to Bunning today, in case anyone cares. Regardless if it was time for him to leave of not, the way this situation is being handled by the administration is horrendous. Botched executions aren't even as badly performed as this fiasco is.
  19. Stromer

    TV Games

    I don't think it is listed because it is not produced by the FSSN. It will be shown on the same channel (23), but it is produced by a SD station.
  20. I was glad to see them add just upper bowl tickets this year. There is always such a demand for season tickets and most people who want them have to go get single games. This way, 200 extra people won't have to stand in line for tickets next week. What I want to know is how is this system any better than the lottery they used to have. As Diggler said, this is an electronic lottery. It randomly picks from the 100's of people who are all logging on at the specified time. The only thing it does do is discriminate against people without credit cards or debit cards. Might as well go pack to the regular lottery, save the ticketmaster fees, and eliminate the stress that comes from the mad dash as tickets open.
  21. Got my upper bowl tickets! They gave me a scare though. It froze up as it was processing and told me if I hit the refresh button, it would kick me out. So I waited 10 min and then hit refresh and it took me to the confirmation page. Thank God. Haven't heard from the 7th person but 6 of us now have tickets, which is all that really matters.
  22. True that. There is already a person on underground selling a package for 175. Would he still be selling it if he had to wait outside for 2 days? Anyways, my However, I know single game go on sale next weekend but is that for the games not included in the season plan as well? I would like to pick up the tickets over Xmas break even if I do get season tickets.
  23. That would be nice. 2 more of my friends struck out at 2:00. 2 out of 5 and counting with 2 more to go.
  24. I had the same problem. I tried at 1:30 with my 2 friends. They both got them and it showed none for me. I was right at 1:30 too. It sucks.
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