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Everything posted by Stromer

  1. I have been wondering that myself. Hate to see something that would actually cause a suspension.
  2. Seriously....
  3. I thought it was a Tues/Thurs night last year, maybe a week or 2 after the season ended. Don't have any infro on this year though. The players are probably trying to get security protection from the angry siouxsports mob that is gathering.
  4. Great post. This program could really do without the bandwagon fans. You may be dissapointed with the game, but the actions of some on this board are upsetting.
  5. Yup. I am amazed some fans know how to use a can opener.
  6. Yeah it is. In the paper, he said he didn't tear his MCL but he did do something to it. He said it should be around 1 1/2 months to recover I thought but that could change after they look at it more. I hope that he can recover in time for the pros next year.
  7. I thought he said in the paper that it was his MCL.
  8. When would we have changed? After 4? It may have been too late. After 3? Maybe but most coaches hate having to changee goalies mid period. Mich got lucky that the 3rd goal was right before the period break. They could just change at the break. We really didn't have that option. Also, it was only a matter of time before the Mich O woke up. Ours, not so much.
  9. Yes it was. This was a team we needed to get ahead of. We had a chance to tie after they got 1. We still were in it after 2. We really neede to turn it on and we didn't. After 3, we should have prob called a TO. We needed to get out of the period and we couldn't. 4 was the point of no return.
  10. I believe he said that goaltending killed us in the END of each season. No matter how good JPL and JPar were in the reg season and the regionals, and they were great, they didn't show up in the FF.
  11. Classy post. You don't want a rival to win but you don't take pleasure from their loss either. Too bad more from both fanbases aren't like this.
  12. Do you think that we will see a rotation to start between Walski and Eidsness, not unlike CC at the start of this year? I think that would be a good way to get Walski some time while not putting the burden totally on Brad. Then as the season goes on, we adjust as is needed. We haven't had a true rotation (like others have had) for a while.
  13. You mean this wasn't a scrimmage? O crap....
  14. Exactly. This team is not as good as the previous 2 years. That combined with the results of the last 2 years made me think that a loss was likely or at the least very possible. I just didn't expect it to be this bad. Although, when it is this bad, all you can do is laugh.
  15. As much as would like to see it, I also don't want to. It would be great to see this talented class get that title that they deserve. However, we have a ton of talent in recruits that are waiting in the wings. It would be nice to get them playing so that we can recuit more talent. Having recruits sitting because our team is junior/senior heavy is not exactly receptive to gathering more recruits. I wish all of the Juniors/Seniors the best and thank them for playing for us. That being said, I would rather see only about 5 seniors back. I want to see what these kids have in them.
  16. We have had trouble scoring all year. However, I thought we looked very good at the start of the first. We came close to scoring. Then we give up a goal but yet still come really close to scoring. I believe we would have got 1 if we were still down by 1. After giving up the 2nd, the team mailed it in. You are right that the team lost. Each part of the team played roles and had good and bad times during the year. Today was a bad day for the D which led to the O not really getting going. This is 1 team we need to get out in front off. However, the D really got us here this year when the O has not shown up. Thats why the team lost the game, not a certain part.
  17. The Alerus sells alcohol during the season for UND football since it is off campus. During the playoffs, they can't. NCAA policy.
  18. So are we going to see either Michigan or ND make beating BC look so easy on Sat or will they overcome their own hurdles?
  19. Drug induced coma.
  20. I think I am to blame for that. Within 10 seconds of turning on the game, CO put in the OT goal. Bad luck am I.
  21. Love to see the hate for Finley. His only fault is being to slow to cover the *ss of his D partner who makes the mistake, and the goalie who couldn't stop a beach ball today. How bout everyone plays their parts so he doesn't have to chase the BC player into the zone. (I am not throwing JPL or Gen under the bus. I am just pointing out Joe has did the best he can with what he is playing with today.)
  22. Great post. We saw last year that that was a factor. I hope it isn't this year, but I also hope that people realize this before blindly hitting the post button. As for expectations, I truly believe that we have had the best team the past 2 years. We just couldn't finish the job. This year I still think we have the most talent but that we aren't the best team. If we play like we are able to, I don't think we can be beat. However, it is a crapshoot. I actually think that we might have a better chance at getting through without being labeled the favorite. That being said, Go Sioux!!!!!!
  23. I actually thought I read somewhere that you can leave and come back. Not 100% sure though.
  24. Exactly. If someone wanted to apply, they knew when they needed to get an app in by. Heck, this letter could have been sent earlier if the interest was serious. Without knowing details, it would appear to be a case of trying to sidestep the committee while putting in a "cherry picked" candidate. I think the secrecy surrounding the athletic department at UND is getting old and I for one am glad they did not accept this mystery applicant, even though I likely would support him/her in other circumstances
  25. I agree. I am still holding out hope that they change it up but thats what was posted.
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