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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. Ive never seen a st. cloud game other than radio waves, 96.1 fm. Someone said there is a webcast huh? For every game?
  2. Not anymore, the management of the arena is on a steady decline. Do whatever you want now basically.
  3. I guess conserving energy through tomorrow is very important but beyond that I have no idea what will happen. I think it'll be fine by then.. The computer is the only thing I have on right now, unless it starts to flicker
  4. common sight during the west regionals guilty.
  5. I say let SCSU and Minnesota keep gettin the wins...Id be glad to finish in third. Wisconsin wont be sweeping nothing this weekend, but really that doesn't affect us much anyways. We sweep is the key thing, and it better happen! They play 60 mins. like this past friday, we are golden...But we play 20 min. like we did saturday....Im going home early! its a hard thing to watch a team play totally opposite the next night, they must have partied pretty good or something on friday
  6. Wow...nothing was lammys fault this weekend...what are you people smoking? gimme some! Friday was a solid game by all and saturday was a let up of the entire team, except lammy. It was awful to watch them stop skating. They must have had a rough night friday night after the game I guess. And Ill give Toews the benefit of the doubt, he played hard all weekend.
  7. Thou shall not talk in this thread no more, those that shall are muchos retardos
  8. right when this thread was about to disappear! MY GOD DROP IT!
  9. way past unnacceptable....My only thought is PLAY A WHOLE 60 MIN.!
  10. Oh I agree also, yet as a defenseman, your goal is to 'bump''hit' people off the puck. Not that you need to go out and kill people every game but still, no matter who you are, need to throw a hit every once in awhile. Hell, Duncans out there throwing more hits than he is . Hitting is not just to get the puck away from your opponent, but it is also to get into your opponents head. You give them a jolt or two upon entering sioux's zone, the next time they enter all the opponent will be thinking is I need to pass or shoot this puck quick before I get mangled again. Its a huge part of the game, especially on the defensive side! Its obvious that lee isn't that type of player, so he better become the best puck poker in the world if he's going to be good enough to do well in his hockey career
  11. Talent yes, consistancy, not enough. There was a good turnout of mavs fans last night. Ill be pulling for us the rest of the way too But thank you also
  12. Lee isn't hated, nor is he loved, in my book. But he, so far, is overated thats for sure. He supposedly gained 15 pounds over the summer...of what, soft tissue? MAN UP BUDDY!
  13. After the team 'let up', we didn't deserve to win. We blew that kind of lead to a few landcows! Seriously. If this team plans on going further into the season they better plan on giving a whole 60 min.(like toews did) I could tell Toews was really pissed, putting his heart and soul into the game and then coming out less than short at the end. We didnt need to win 8-0 but we did need the win. A tie is a loss after the way we played in the first, so lets hope that they come out next weekend and get a total of 10 or more goals. GO SIOUX!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1dPIfra9DY Ok I guess this will have to do until I get some helpfull information. Enough of this thread already!
  15. Well people before, when trying to figure out what a song was right before the hockey game started, posted links that, when clicked, went right to a song. (not pictures 8o)) Any help would be good. I have a good song to end this thread ...yes its hockey related
  16. Plenty old enough..i cant wait for a coors light at the game! This off topic...how do I get music to a clickable link in here? say I want to have a link to play a certain song when you click on it? any ideas... Yes this is off topic but I figured this is the best place for it I've seen it done in here before but Im not sure the website to get music to do this.
  17. eeew. 24 hours from now Ill be a half an hour away from walkin into the arena
  18. anyone else just catch the news..she's like. the sioux are playing at home this weekend vs mankato....But she said it like..mahnkahtoe..friggin hilarious! Media blows!
  19. In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit ......AMEN!!!
  20. Ahh thats right I love the black and the green together..Its the best jersey around!
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