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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. Its one thing if your a doctor or something where money is growing on trees but anything other than that the local charity is my bank account.
  2. We will play better against tougher teams, no worries!
  4. And lammy saved his arse twice this weekend on lee turnovers, thank god, because who knows what momentum could have done to the bulldogs if those went in the net.
  5. You must not be there live, or your glasses are foggy
  6. He will get the bike in a couple weeks after some work is done and a couple last minute tuneups to make sure the bike is running properly. And the taxes will be around 8K. As far as donating money for a cause, and if i was in his shoes, that good cause would be my student loans. If your a bike person, cool! But if your not, like im betting 1/4 of the tickets sold, were to win it and probably auction it off/sell it at some point and time. Id want to hold onto it for a little while if I could, but heck, 8K isnt just chump change(but maybe for him it is ) Id probably be looking for bidders right away!
  7. Well that link above gives you the option of watching it on your computer, for at least saturday. It takes 2 seconds to register. As for direct tv, I dont have it myself but some friends do. Can purchase an individual program on direct tv? Like a movie for example(buy just one movie and not actually a movie package) , but instead it would be for hockey!
  8. Talked with Andy last night, it might be available for bidders in the near future
  9. I just registerd for it, and it looks like, as of now, that you can watch only saturdays game? Fridays game says listen as an option and also game tracker as an option. But on saturday it says watch, listen and game clicker options? Otherwise I just call direct tv and pay to watch the game both nights on tv if thats an option
  10. And yet again lee had another great night !!!
  11. umm yeah on a point system the goofs looked great! They can win 5-0 and still not look great my friend. Yeah yeah they got the win and thats what counts but you'll see what I mean when it comes down to the end, and knowing the team didn't play strong enough and the season is over The freezhole had a nice miss that turned around for a CC goal, I will watch that highlight over and over just like the Bina goal, how awesome! USA goalie my arse! And for the last part, Ill find this post in about 2-3 weeks, and give you the answer. Enjoy your long offseason
  12. The goofs were once again, not impressive on the ice this weekend and Frazee showed his talent once again in net! (last night). Let them have the WCHA, but will be ran out of their own city during the final five, and will, without a doubt, fall more than short come NCAA's.
  13. Well I sure hope somewhere around here is televising it! Its on the dish? If thats the case someplace in town has to have it ... Siouxeeep!
  14. http://siouxsports.com/forums/index.php?showforum=14
  15. I think we show pure domination tonight, just a gut feeling.... By the way, who was listening to that idiot on the radio last night after the game? Anyone? The WDAZ sports guy. Wow! He was like " well it sure looks like Sioux will be playing Wisconsin, but will it be here or on the road? He must have thought this was the last series or something?! Man, how did he get that job. Hey buddy, we win tonight we are tied for fourth! And theres still 2 more series yet to go! Heck, the cards get played right and we keep playing 60 min hockey, we could easily get third(or better )
  16. BITTER BEER FACE!!! Sioux play the full 60 mins. we get the win! GO SIOUX
  17. It almost dissapears then someone posts in it again! I think instead of what he said she said/ he did she did....Just see what they get charged with. Its over and done with! But ok..im done with it too!
  18. I would think they'll be close games but Im definitely rooting for St. Cloud, this week that is.
  20. Still the fact is, you pick the coaches club as an option when the REA opens, the first couple years go well then all of a sudden your benefits are ripped out from under you. And there is no price change whatsoever. I agree with paying for sioux athletics, to an extent, but common now keep your side of the deal! I think for what the benefits that are available now, Id still fork over about $700. But who really knows where that money is going!?
  21. isnt it great...pay $1100 to park!
  22. Umm huh? which side are you going in(theres two entrances at each lounge)? One side is to get to the club seating and the other side is just to get into the bar. Normally the 'organ bar' use to be private before the first period for pregame socials...but that no longer exists..ripoff! So now you can walk into each bar whenever you want at any point and time. I go in before every game and in between periods(sometimes) and the only thing I show is my arm band for being 21. You do not need any tickets to get into either lounge, just an arm band as long as you are under 35( must be if you look under 35, dont ask me )
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