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Posts posted by BigGreyAnt41

  1. What it comes down to is the fact that all games are equal. If they would have lost 2 games earlier in the season, but one these last two game, they'd be in the same place.

    The pairwise rankings don't put into account the current situation of the team, just the teams they played, and the wins and loses. And that's how it should be. A game is a game. Just because two of their loses came in the tournament doesn't mean they should get punished that much more for losing them.

    uh oh....did I just defend the Gophers? No, I guess not, just the PWR.

  2. I also remember that game. One of the only times I've sat right next to the glass. He was about 10 feet away from me arguing with the refs (right next to the penalty boxes) with the blood on his jersey. We were fuming about the missed call, as well.

    When will things change? Maybe it will take getting rid of Daddy Shepard before something will change. I don't know why this seems to stop at him? He's not in charge of the WCHA, why don't the people above him see the problem? Do they not know hockey?

  3. I hate to jump into a conversation I'm not really a part of, but isn't this the exact same discussion/argument that is had every year?

    Is it really worth having again?

  4. The Sioux would play DU in the evening game on Friday... correct?  I believe I heard Tim say that the "Minnesota" rule no longer exists and the #1 seed plays the winner of the play-in game.  Is this right?


    Well, the #1 seed always plays the winner of the play-in game. But that has nothing to do with who plays when.

    Minnesota always has, and likely always will, get to play the evening game for no other reason than for the WCHA to make money off higher attendance.

  5. From what I understand, originally the games would have been at 2, 4, 6, and 8....leaving the UND game to completely overlap with the hockey game. This way, the basketball game will be nearly completed before hockey even begins. I think it's really smart how they scheduled them like that. BB at 6, and go a bit late to hockey at 7:35.


    Well if that's the case, then this is a better option.

    Although I'm still not thrilled about missing the beginning of the hockey game in order to catch the end of the basketball game.

    Then again, unless the game is really close, score-wise, maybe I can jump over to the hockey game.

    Fortunatly, if the hockey team goes to 3 games, I can be at that game in its entirety.

  6. They just reported Tech 3 to Duluth 1.

    Anybody think Tech is creating some great how-to's when it comes to beating Minnesota and Duluth?

    Anybody that plays these two teams should probably figure out what Tech is doing.

  7. You have got to be kidding me. Fargo and Grand Forks are almost like night and day. One is almost three times as big as the other.

    Would you say that Sioux Falls and Mankato are very similar???


    Is that the argument? Population? Does that really make you feel superior because you live in an area with a higher population? That simple fact doesn't make two different cities as different as night and day.

    And as for Sioux Falls and Mankato, I can't exactly comment on that, because I haven't lived in either of those town, much less both of them.

    So I really encourage all of you who have not lived in both to stop arguing, for you have no basis for argument.

  8. GF and Fargo arent really anything alike.  Fargo is far more urban and will really make that apparent in the next decade.  They just seem to have reached the critical mass that makes it a boom town.

    You have got to be kidding me?

    Have you lived in both cities? To be honest, if you haven't you really can't say. Going to Fargo to visit and do whatever you do doesn't give you a good perspective on the city and the area. Fargo and Grand Forks are so similiar it's not even funny.

    Besides the obvious thing that have already been pointed out there are really no differences between the two cities.

  9. I've lived in Bismarck, Fargo, and Grand Forks.  All of them have their positives and negatives.  When I retire, I wouldn't mind moving to Bismarck, but I would miss a lot of things in Fargo and Grand Forks, especially the sports scene.  The Bobcats and the Wizards in Bismarck just wouldn't cut it.


    So you're the first one that's actually lived in both Fargo and Grand Forks.

    How many other people in here arguing have also done that? I lived in Moorhead for 11 years, and now in Grand Forks for over 4.

    I'm just getting a good laugh out of these arguments from people who have only lived in one of the two cites and have a very skewed perspective of what the other city is like.

  10. If you were at the games the past couple weeks you'd see that we were probably lucky to have been in the ralph. As far as I could tell, it seemed that the Betty would have been packed beyond capacity.

    Of course it would be great to be in a full house instead of a half-house, but I'm sure the fans in the stands were glad to not be standing.

    It actually kinda got loud near the end of the Mankato game.

  11. I actually thought it got louder in there tonight than last weekend, even though the crowd was smaller.

    It was an exciting game tonight, although the ref's were simply terrible. Definatly a great win.

  12. Great game. CC is a real force. Can't wait to road trip to the Springs next week for what will be the premier college hockey series of the week, as this one is this week.  You still have our tickets, 7>4?  You're supplying them for all comers, ain't chu?


    You really think a Sioux/Makato series was the "Premier college hockey series of the week" when the top 2 teams in the nation are facing off? I don't think so.

    In the same manner, I don't think any games involving the Sioux are the premier games of the week at this point in the season the way our team is playing.

  13. Seeing them play as hard as they did in the final minutes was a great thing to see and to see the goal was great as well. It shows that they kept playing hard the whole 60 minutes, for possibly the first game of the tournament.

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