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Posts posted by BigGreyAnt41

  1. I just can't understand why Sconny vs OSU?

    Why not the Gophers, or the Sioux? With either of those two teams, it would have been a sell out already.

    I would have gone to the game for either one of those matchups...

    Because those are the two teams in closest proximity to Lambeau. Makes perfect sense, really.

  2. Question for someone who's seen them and counted: How big are the end unit seating systems at The Betty? I'm guessing about 9 or 10 rows and about 38 seats wide for about 750 "end seats" total.

    I'm not sure how wide, but I think they're only about 8 rows high. Maybe they are 9 or 10, but I can only think of 8 in my head.

    Remember also, they have to be able to be stored on the north and south walls when folded up, so they can't be too tall, but it would probably be possible to go a few rows higher and still fit.

  3. Secondly, for all the resources we're throwing into it we better start to expect more bang for our buck. Their needs to be some accountability at the coaching level, if any other program that was getting the budget women's hockey gets consistently underperforms like they do their coach would be searching the want ads.

    The program is only in it's third year. You have to cut them a bit of slack. If it's still happening in another 2-3 years, then maybe it's time to start thinking....

  4. I've never been a fan of the Italian Moon (then again I don't like the Red Pepper either.....don't kill me), but I've always thought there needs to be some more high class restaurants.

    Sanders is really nice, but something like Olive Garden (already suggested) would be nice. Some place you could go dress up and go out to and not feel out of place.

  5. Fine...the BESC staff mismanaged their first sellout. They will do better at the second sellout.

    Despite their failure...I disagree with comments like "We are not "lucky" to have this arena."

    I agree with you on that. My big problem isn't that people are being turned away when they're calling it a sellout, because if there aren't any tickets, there aren't any tickets, but rather how many empty seats there still were.

    I'm just going to believe it's the fact that it was a Thursday night with inclement weather.

  6. The first sellout in BESC history and some fans went home disappointed...boo hoo.

    Some things to think about...

    1) Someone always goes/stays home disappointed during a sell-out.

    That's not the argument, though.

    The point is that they called it a sellout with just over 3,000 as announced attendance, and there were PLENTY of open seats.

    Question: Do season ticket holders have assigned seats or general admission? If they're assigned, then it's going to be hard for you to get me to believe that some people have season tickets in the top few rows of the arena, where there definitely were some open seats yesterday.

  7. That is a JOKE had to be 3-400 empty seats....POOR GAME MANAGEMENT...

    I have to agree. If that's what the place is going to look like when they stop selling tickets, then there's a problem somewhere that has to be fixed ASAP.

  8. Based on that description, the game DQ to Spirko was warranted.

    That was my thought in the first place. After most of the commotion direction around him settled down, it seemed he totally snapped, tackled the the guy who was hanging on him and just started throwing haymakers. A side of Spirko nobody had seen before.

  9. Look for SCSU to pressure hard in the early going, and to put a body on our top 4 D. I wouldn't be surprised to see Smaby drawing shifts with Marvin AND with Jones.

    Who will be the 6th D - Alexander? (Spirko!?)

    Friday will be a true test. We MUST be ready from the first drop of the puck.

    I would love to Alexander playing on Friday. At least give him a chance and see how it goes. If things don't go well, or Hak doesn't like something he sees, he can always fall back on a 5-man rotation.

  10. Another thing they made not have made it to the TV, because of all the other goings-on....

    Finley was in a shove match with somebody (I didn't catch which player) in the bottom right corner (trying to think how it would be viewed on TV). It almost got out of hand when Oshie went streaking over to the corner, shoved the Mav player away, then turned to Finley and shoved him away just as hard.

    This was before Finley headed over to the top corner to join in with that little fiasco, and clearly before Oshie got tied up.

    It was pretty funny to watch Oshie shove his own teammate away from a fight, though. Which is why I was all that much more surprised when he snapped.

  11. OK Dirty, I left the box at the Ralph. There wasn't anyone in the security office. A Green Sports Coat guy,Gordon (tall, 70s gentleman), took the box. He will be at the employee entrance, to the left of the student entrance, where the white fence is. I wrote on the box's cover, 'For Dirty, From Sioux-cia.

    KINKOs ran out of green paper, so there are only about 2100 sheets.



    Don't forget to get some of them to student section in the upper deck.

  12. I'm a current student and I really like Buning. I just think that he was put in a bad position. He inherited some really tough problems when he was hired. The student section was alright tonight. Behavior wise they were fine... Buning actually came by and thanked us. Lower bowl sat when they were supposed to sit, there was little swearing and no cheers with the f word. However, I did notice a few times when I turned to the person next to me and said "this place is deathly quiet" and when we scored someone would comment "wow... there are other people in here... and they're alive... they moved!"

    Buning is a GREAT guy. We all know the problems he came into this job with, and there's no question he knew what he was going to be getting himself into when he took the job.

    He easily could have taken this job and just rolled through it and not given all the effort he has. He really is working very hard to do all he can to please everybody. He's trying to make this university a better place, which is what we need from all administration.

    Every time I talk to him he is always thankful and always willing to chat for a minute. I honestly don't think we could have found a better man for the job.

  13. Your comment about immature classroom behavior is also quite offbase. I've attended many classes here at UND the last few years and I can't really say I've ever seen anything I'd call immature classroom behavior.

    I have also attended many classes here at UND the last few years, and it seems no matter what level of class I am in (short of some 400 level classes) there are always immature students who complain about everything. Whether it's taking notes, doing homework, or just coming to class, they constantly complain as if they are being asked to do something unreasonable.

    When you are in college, you should realize before hand that you will be needing to attend class and have to do homework for your classes.

    As for immature classroom behavior, I don't think it matters what level class you are in, there will always be people fooling around in class, not paying attention, talking to friends, and whatever else they can do to not pay attention, including playing games on their laptops.

    I sometimes think everybody should get thrown into "the real world" before coming to college so they mature a bit.

  14. North Dakota Pride...I have some problems with a statement that several non-students have made here on this board. You say that North Dakota taxpayers keep UND in business and not the students. Well in the last legislative session, $309,158,467 was earmarked towards our university. That may seem like a lot, but if it was spread out over 2/3 of North Dakota's population, it comes out to exactly $772.90 per tax payer (assuming only 2/3 of ND's citizens pay taxes). That is a whole lot less than the $20,000 a UND student pays for two years of tuition (ND is on a biennial budget cycle). I agree that students should not have a total free reign on what goes on at games, but I believe that students should have the biggest say in these matters. Alumni might give a lot to the University now, but who is going to be giving large sums of money in the future. The answer to that is current and future students.

    You're getting and education out of the deal, the other taxpayers aren't. The argument of "students are paying tuition along with the $75 for tickets so they should get more say in things" is really getting old. It's a horrible argument that people need to stop using.

    Sure, you will be an alumni someday and you will be donating money. But these alumni also were students at one point who had to pay tuition.

  15. It was something as simple as the F-M Bees paying for a hotel room for him for one night or something small like that.

    Most people thought the NCAA would overlook it and say "alright, he can play," because if they had, that team, along with Jerome Beasley would have had a shot at going all the way.

    He was a HUGE showboat, though. One time he was on a breakaway and tossed the ball up and was going to do a mid-air spin then dunk. He missed the catch and landed funny and hurt his ankle.

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