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Everything posted by andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!!

  1. Might interest you... http://www.lavertydesigns.net/
  2. Congratulations to Germany!
  3. Herald article on it: http://www.grandforksherald.com/content/hess-corp-announces-5-million-donation-und
  4. Welp, that was the best feeling loss ever.
  5. Have to pull for Croatia just cause of their awesome jerseys if nothing else.... Looking forward to the Uruguay-Italy game later this week. Should be an awesome one as well.
  6. Bradley with an ill timed give-a-way if I've ever seen one...
  7. Loving this turnament so far. Costa Rica is playing mighty good soccer.
  8. I would recomend the Northside for breakfast or else Darcy's.
  9. AH YEAH!!! That one felt good!!!
  10. How come Taylor is offering 125k instead of 180k then? I don't know of a single UND fan who was happy with the USF situation. I dissed that just as much as I dissed Ferris State.
  11. High profile division 2 game or a high profile instate rivalry game?
  12. FU payed Ferris State $180,000. Just wanted to include that for reference.
  13. This has been badly needed for years. Nice to see maybe they are finally getting going on it.
  14. I am guessing he is referencing current scandals in the VA, not specifically Fargo VA.
  15. Nice to see our AD calling them out on all the none sense.
  16. This will get them all riled up again down South. HERALD
  17. Well, Toews played alright.
  18. Golly, does he have the kind of talent? ----------------- Not sure how that would work with the seasons overlapping.
  19. Gosh I hope they don't put a team in LV.
  20. Maybe he is looking for playing time?
  21. At least there should be plenty of scholarship money for recruiting next year... yikes.
  22. I am in favor of maintaining the cage. The safety factor is enough that I could see the NHL going that direction some day even. Look how many facial injuries they have had lately. Also, NHL has or is likely (not sure on the one) going to mandate half shields, eliminating open face helmets, the next step will be cages (like football).
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