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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. You should be given due credit for thinking outside the box, but if UND or any school attempted to increase attendance by having people pay to watch a football game on the monitors at a basketball or hockey arena (even if it was on campus) I have to imagine that the NCAA would amend the manual to disallow this so fast it would make your head spin.
  2. Yeah I was being a smart ass, but you're going to have to give them some reason to join over what they have now (and didn't apply).
  3. I see. So, in other words, the WCHA is going to have to guarantee that the WCHA tournament is in Omaha every year and that UNO gets to keep all gate? Something like that?
  4. I guess my line of thinking on this is that Huntsville wouldn't get accepted into the CCHA until someone leaves, either Northern Mich or Omaha. But if neither of those schools apply to the WCHA...then what?
  5. You sold me. But why didn't they apply, then?
  6. Why is Omaha being targeted? If they had interest in the WCHA, wouldn't they have applied by now?
  7. Thank you for clarifying your position that it is acceptable for UND to not gain membership into the only auto-bid conference it has access to for the rest of the sports, so long as the Sioux nickname is maintained. While this must be disheartening to UND coaches, players and fans of those sports, obviously their needs are secondary to your own. The reason I think it's pointless to wait is that even if an agreement is reached now, the NCAA's settlement allows the tribes to pull their support in the future, and you're right back to where you started. There is no possibility for this thing to ever be over and done with. There can always be the next Ron HHT who decides that the tribes no longer support the nickname.
  8. It's not binding in that the Spirit Lake tribal council is free to not support the nickname, even though the vote was in favor of it. It's up to the coucil, as it's always been. I'd be interested to know if a Standing Rock vote could be binding or not. If so, RHHT will not allow a vote IMO.
  9. Thank you. Best post I've read on this issue so far. This should be highlighted as required reading for posting on this thread. Another thing to highlight:
  10. I see what your saying...but in my specific case you're still wrong. I personally don't care one way or the other about nicknames. If every school was just called by the school's initials, that would be fine with me. That's what I do anyway. I say "NDSU" or "UND". I don't say "Bison" or "Sioux". I care because for the Summit to survive and prosper, it needs to have a stable membership of flagship academic institutions. The Dakota 4 bring that foundation. There is just no sense in having 3 of the 4 schools and leaving UND out of the picture.
  11. I'm just making sure everyone is explicit. You either want to try to save the nickname at the potential cost of Summit membership or you want to drop the nickname and guarantee Summit membership.
  12. Even if it means that UND doesn't get into the Summit?
  13. I'm telling you right now, if NDSU was in UND's exact position, I would be in favor of dropping the Bison nickname in order to secure Summit membership. It's that simple.
  14. Same two key points remain: 1) Tribal leaders are not bound by the vote to do anything differently than if there had been no vote at all 2) No matter what happens, there will be tribal people who fight the nickname continually. Esp., now that they can see the end, they will never give up.
  15. Like I said, if it was a choice between the Bison nickname and membership in the only auto-bid conference that we could get in for many years, I pick the conference every time.
  16. But is it worth costing your school membership in an auto-bid conference? The only auto-bid conference you have a shot at getting into for a long time? No.
  17. I know I will be alone on this, but anyway: it's just a damn nickname. Conference membership is what's good for the school, big picture. Anything that threatens that ain't worth it, IMO. And furthermore, this is the kind of stuff that makes me lose faith in humanity. When people get spitting mad over stupid little, crap like this that is absolutely a speck of dust in regards to the big picture...well...we ain't gunna make it. Humans, that is. Heck, I know if goon or damstraight had a gun and me unarmed in a room, they'd blow me away no questions asked. Just over an opinion. Yep...humans ain't gunna make it. But that's neither here nor there.
  18. MplsBison

    UNO DI?

    250 mi. between UMKC and UMSL. Plus UNO has football.
  19. Your situation is not apples to apples to FSU or CMU, as has been pointed out.
  20. THat would have to be a minimum of required language in any such agreement. And just more proof that such agreement will never happen. The leaders of the tribes will want to have that point to yank away nickname support at the drop of a hat.
  21. MplsBison

    UNO DI?

    I didn't find any links in there. It wouldn't have to be tomorrow. Maybe in 10 years or something. Just seems like a natural pairing of UNO and UMKC, both urban universities in large cities on I-29.
  22. Standing Rock leadership will either: A) not allow a vote B) thumb their noses at a majority vote supporting the nickname and refuse any agreement Either way, the only result is dropping the nickname But I guess if you want to drag it out for another year+, the Summit will be there.
  23. The mud-slinging/lying that's being used by the anti-nickname side is morally wrong. UND could put itself clearly head and shoulders above that by dropping the nickname now, after a tribal vote shows that the majority population of tribe supports the nickname.
  24. MplsBison

    UNO DI?

    I believe you. It would just be nice to read a newspaper article or something, rather than your 3 words.
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