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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. If you can actually get Montana to show up to Grand Forks, my hat's off to you. We're still waiting on the game in Fargo the Cats owe us.
  2. I didn't think of that when creating the sn? Wouldn't bother me a bit to change.
  3. Ah ha...now I see why this is dragging out so long. If the power were given to Kelley, as it should have been all along, then the nickname would've already been dropped. Kelley is by far the best man to make the decision on dropping the nickname. He is an outsider, so he doesn't have this BS emotional connection to the nickname and he is the president of UND, so it is his job to know what is best for the school after weighing all factors.
  4. Right after the SBoHE decided that there needed to be a 30 year agreement with SR and SL, UND admin should have decided to drop the nickname. Kelley should've come out firm on the stance and just cut the cord. Hard and fast with sharp scissors. But nope...gotta wait until the last little tiny-weeny ray of sunshine goes dark before we can finally stick a knife in it.
  5. As much as I agree with every letter of your post, the time to drop the nickname "early" has come and gone. Summit has publicly commented they won't touch UND until nickname is resolved, MN gave UND time and UND would not drop, so they scheduled New Hampshire instead, etc. Not too much longer now until the Oct deadline, might as well ride it out. Summit won't take anyone before UND is sorted out one way or another. But most certainly, in principle UND should have dropped the nickname the moment that it was decided that 30 year agreements had to be in place for both the SR and SL. That should've been the catalyst. But the school is controlled by hockey alumns who probably threatened torture to the UND admin if they "quit fighting" for the nickname.
  6. Maturi is on record saying he wants to play one FCS game against a regional FCS team every year. Take a look at their schedule: 2009: SDSU, 2010: USD, 2011: NDSU, 2013: Western Ill, 2015: SDSU. They also played Montana State in 2008 and of course NDSU in 2006 and 2007. Guaranteed UND would've gotten the 2012 slot. They've tried to get UNI too, but they won't play any FBS team except Iowa or Iowa State. All you would've had to do is drop the nickname back when the 30 year agreement verdict came out. yeah it would've hurt, just like pulling off a band-aid. But by now it would've subsided and you would be over it. You're just delaying the inevitable...you're pulling the band-aid off slowly.
  7. TT has arguable a better football program than UM now (certainly not in history), but how many UND alumni live in Lubbock? You already did fight the NCAA, remember the lawsuit? The verdict is that you must get a 30 year agreement with the SR and SL, which won't happen no matter how gets elected, IMO. That said, as soon as it was decided that was the verdict...UND leadership should have dropped the nickname so that they wouldn't miss out on scheduling opportunities just like this one. If the verdict had been more lenient, IE just get both tribes to agree without signing any type of long term agreement, then yeah it would be worth it to wait. But I guess you all will get your hopes up until October and then it will just get dropped anyway, minus having UM on the schedule for 2012. Win some lose some, I guess?
  8. LOL are you that scared? I honestly don't see the big deal. School teams should just be called the school name, IMO. IE, just call them UND football, NDSU football, UM football, etc. Nicknames are pointless. Probably just so they can sell more merchandise. Anyway, tangent over. No need to turn this into another nickname thread.
  9. I was talking about opportunities in football...hence posting in the football forum. Nice try though.
  10. They(Faison and Kelley) aren't going to drop the name before October. But come Oct...if there aren't SR and SL tribes beating down UND's door with 30 year contracts...nickname's done.
  11. It won't be the same scale, I agree. But it will still be a fantastic opportunity for UND alumni living in the TC to buy those tickets to watch the game and organize festivities in the cities to celebrate UND athletics, etc. BTW, I know you guys are trying to make it look like it's no big deal on purpose because you're desperate to save the nickname...so there's no need to act sincere.
  12. UND football players UM football 3 out of every 4 years? Didn't think so. Apples to oranges.
  13. No need for you to pretend that playing MN wouldn't be an awesome opportunity for all the TC UND alums to come watch a great game and be part of a great experience. I don't remember the number, but the dome was not empty for the NDSU/UM games. And the UM has a new on campus stadium, which I'm sure you'll pretend that you don't care about.
  14. You can't blame them for being outsiders who aren't emotionally biased toward keeping the nickname at any cost, can you? They will do what is best for the university long term.
  15. I guess you'll have to decide if keeping the name is more important than those opportunities, but I think that Kelley and Faison being business men, who make decisions with their brains and not their hearts, already have a strong feeling which way they want to go with this.
  16. Whoops! I had UAH on the brain from the thread about them not getting into the CCHA.
  17. The really sad thing is, if by some miracle you get a 30 year agreement out of both SR and SL to keep the nickname, you're still going to be missing these opportunities because the big universities will have their own policies about not scheduling UND. Hopefully this is the kick in the pants that the UND president and AD need to say "ok...enough is enough...nickname is done".
  18. My opinion: had the nickname been dropped already, this would've been UND rather than UNH. http://www.nhfootballreport.com/2009/08/un..._minnesota.html
  19. http://www.vpaf.uni.edu/fs/webcam/dometurf...rf_webcam.shtml Looks pretty nice. How long before the Alerus will consider that stuff? I know you have the magic carpet now, which is the easiest to set up but not very good for the players.
  20. UNI is getting that this season as well. I'm kinda interested to know how they can roll it up without the in-fill falling out? Or do they have to spread new in-fill out every time? Boy that would suck.
  21. Always great to see federal research dollars go to the two research institutions in the NDUS.
  22. It's really a moot point -- DaveK has already made arrangements to have the school burned down when the Sioux nickname is dropped.
  23. I wonder if there is some law saying that if you are taken in an ambulance they must deliver you to a hospital?
  24. There is no single flagship university in North Dakota, both NDSU and UND are flagships. Nice try though.
  25. Dave is a guy who would rather burn the school to the ground than give up his traditions. Sometimes people will fight change to a fault. You just have leave those people by the wayside and move on without them.
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