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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. It also looks like Sam Houston will not be coming up to Grand Forks, they're looking at a sub-DI school per: http://www.anygivensaturday.com/forum/show...mp;postcount=39 And the Wagner guy is: http://www.anygivensaturday.com/forum/show...mp;postcount=12
  2. Looks like Wagner no longer has the Sept 12th date open. They've aparantly moved the Bryant game to that slot. Sam Houston is still open on Sept 12th AFAIK, dumped by Prairie View for New Mexico State. You're going to have to pay them a pretty penny AND make a return trip to Huntsville at your own expense to get them up to Grand Forks this year, much like NDSU did in 07. Portland State is also open on the 12th, again AFAIK. Probably who NDSU is trying to get though I doubt that either school really wants to play that good of a non-conference FCS program when they both already have tough conference schedules and a BCS program.
  3. Anything can happen long term, esp. with the Big East split looming.
  4. What are the chances that the Valley wants to add NDSU, SDSU and WIU for bball vs. the chances that the Summit wants to add UND and USD for bball?
  5. Why are so many on this thread trying to have their cake and eat it too? They're desperate not to be labeled as non-supporters of the state of ND, yet they're quick to rule out any support for a team from North Dakota that is representing the state on the national stage. Hypocrisy.
  6. Yes, correct, CCSU is a low scholarship program. And the correct grammar is to capitalize a proper abbreviation, such as NDSU, UND, etc.
  7. I said it was acceptable to cheer for UND when they were playing against NDSU, for example. Or any other in-state team, obviously. You will not support a team from North Dakota that is representing the state on the national stage, regardless of what sport it is. That's what you admit. So be it.
  8. NDSU may be trying for them as well. They're technically DI, but not much higher than non scholarship.
  9. I didn't realize the weather was a team representing ND in a national tournament?
  10. Goon, you not caring about teams that represent the state will not stop me from cheering on NDSCS and UND in their national tournaments! I cheer for all teams that represent ND!
  11. Any time any team from ND is playing on a national stage, representing the state of North Dakota, then you are either supporting them because you support ND or you aren't. That's FINE if you don't support ND. You already admitted you're Wisconsin red and white, through and through.
  12. And then when UND and USD are added on a 7-3 vote? I honestly can see this happening. NDSU, SDSU and WIU have no where else to go for bball. They're stuck with the Summit for now and if the Summit says, you WILL play football in the Summit, that's just the way it is.
  13. If you actually cared about ND as a state, then you would root for a fellow North Dakota school when they're on a national stage, representing North Dakota. I know I will be rooting for NDSCS at their national JC tournament and rooting for UND during the WCHA tournament and NCAA tournament. Clearly you do not care for ND as a state, which you already admitted.
  14. That's fine if you don't support the other schools from NC. That just means you don't support NC as a state.
  15. I can understand not rooting for NDSU when they play UND. That's completely understandable. But to not root for a fellow North Dakota school when they're on a national stage, representing North Dakota? That's like Rush saying he wants Obama to fail. Will you root for the NDSCS men's bball team at the national JC tournament? I know I will.
  16. When are UND and USD planning to restart or make a new traveling trophy?
  17. True, but that might excess travel. And Davis/Poly way still want to make a go of it in the Great West (try to add San Diego, Pacific restart, Bakersfield restart, etc.). Not that traveling to SUU is a picnic, but they're in for all sports (at least for now).
  18. I just want to make it loud and crystal clear that you don't support the state of ND.
  19. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it. I guess we'll see when UND and USD are added to the SL.
  20. Assuming UND and USD are added, the Summit League would have the required 6 football members to get an auto-bid to the FCS tournament: NDSU UND SDSU USD Western Ill Southern Utah I wonder if the Summit League would be able to force NDSU/SDSU to play in the league instead of the MVFC, though?
  21. It's pretty simple folks: you either support the state of North Dakota and therefore want those who represent the state to do well in front of a national audience....or you don't care. A couple here have made up their mind that they don't care about the state of ND. Fine, thanks for your honesty.
  22. I cheer for UND athletics except when they play NDSU, because I support the state of ND and I want those who represent the state to do well.
  23. Then you also don't support the state of North Dakota.
  24. George Mason + Davidson
  25. Not much of a bball fan myself, but obviously I will be watching NDSU take on whoever the 4 seed is in their region.
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