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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. Not so fast. With the expansion of the playoffs to beyond 16, there will to be 5 rounds. Therefore, I don't believe that such 12 games in 13 week seasons are going to exist anymore.
  2. Why didn't UND do this like 20 years ago? Giving the tribes a piece of the action might have been the one thing that could've saved the nickname. Now, basically you're asking them to let UND use their name without getting anything in return. I can see why they're miffed.
  3. Yep, since it's obvious that the nickname has a snowball's chance in hell to survive.
  4. Tu-Uyen Tran more or less just wrote an article (appearing today in the Forum: http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/269480/) that outlines the end of the nickname: So there it is, from the horse's mouth: it has to be now or very soon. UND can not afford to wait until November! This is to what you were pinning your hopes?! You just assumed that the SR tribe was going to get the signatures it need to move this along? I guess we know what happens when you assume... And as I predicted, SR won't even have a vote scheduled by the time the ND Supreme Court rules against the SL group. Yeah..you can just feel the support for the nickname radiating off the SR tribe. The top nickname supports don't even show up to the board meeting. And there goes your other trump card. The SL vote is now in jeopardy of being challenged and possibly overturned. Guys...this just proves that as long as the nickname is still around, this will never end! And you thought the Summit was being unreasonable in demanding a resolution first! And now we see that the ND Supreme Court may well just dismiss the case if the SBoHE retires the nickname today. Unbelievable. Any reasonable person who reads that knows the cold hard fact of this situation: the nickname is dead. No, that's not correct. It's deader than dead. What's an appropriate word? Annihilated? Obliterated? I hate to sound like I'm rubbing it in, or something, but there is a 0% chance that the nickname is going to survive. The only possible outcome of waiting until Nov is going to be UND missing its chance to join the Summit and setting the athletic department back by 5-10 years. Guys...come on.
  5. Can't wait for the ND Supreme Court to throw out this lawsuit. The ruling can't come fast enough. Meanwhile, the SR still will not have even scheduled a vote on the issue.
  6. Why does that mean the SR deserves to be given until Nov? I don't really care if they didn't have their s**t together before the new leadership came to power, that's not UND student athletes' fault!
  7. Your doomsday scenario is wishful thinking. I know you're desperate to de-value Summit membership in anyway you can, but you're really reaching. At most, Horizon would lose one member, probably Butler. In that case, adding IUPUI might be considered, but I think they could do better. Conseco would not host every IUPUI home game, more wishful thinking. Glad they have plans for an on-campus arena. UND has plans for an on-campus, retractable roof stadium. Plans are nice.
  8. There is no need to wait until UND is playoff eligible, that's irrelevant. Just ask Montana about the 2010 season. One argument against scheduling the game every year is that NDSU wants to have 6 home games and traveling to both an FBS away game and to Grand Forks in the same season prevents that. So then why play at South Dakota in 2013? Perhaps there will be no FBS away game that season.
  9. The SR has had since the settlement to start negotiating with UND on a long term deal to let the school use the nickname for whatever price they could agree upon. That's more than enough time.
  10. IUPUI has a horrendous basketball facility. My high school gym is better. I have a very hard time seeing the Horizon asking them to join, just to get back into Indy. Evansville probably gets more support in Indy than IUPUI does. The Horizon could try to lure them away from the MVC, in which they are not competitive. There's no reason the Horizon couldn't host NCAA tournament games at Conseco or Lucas with Evansville as the host.
  11. Wikipedia says 15003 for hockey.
  12. Like I said, I want the game every year too. I'm just being realistic. And I don't think there is anything wrong with a game here and there until the every year thing can happen. Would you turn down a raise once every three years because you wanted to wait until you could get one every year?
  13. UNO and UMKC go better together, the I-29 division. Then I don't know who for ORU...maybe Denver maybe someone closer to Tulsa.
  14. I've asked repeatedly for scenarios explaining why the Horizon would take a Summit school. The article you linked to merely says that the A10 would might approach Butler or Detroit to leave the Horizon league if the Big East takes an A10 school because of Notre Dame going to the Big Ten. First of all, how likely is it that Notre Dame goes to the Big Ten? Come on... Second of all, assuming that Butler or Detroit would entertain leaving for the A10, the yet to be answered question remains: why would the Horizon approach any current Summit member?!
  15. That's not unreasonable. See, this is the type of adult things that happen in business meetings. Compromises are made. Not childish all-or-nothing bickering.
  16. Montana doesn't have any problem with UND's eligibility status for the 2010 season.
  17. The only way the people of ND lose is if the game isn't played at all. Even a single game is a win. I am all for playing UND every year, even if they aren't in the same football conference. I think they'll get there eventually, but surely you have a mature enough viewpoint on reality to know that things just don't step change. Only way we go from nothing to every year at once is if UND is invited into the same football conference as NDSU. I think there will be one or two-off game contracts before that happens.
  18. 15k seems a touch light for an NHL arena?
  19. It all depends on if UND is a viable candidate for expansion or not. It also depends on Denver, another possibility (though I think a longshot). But if UND is not going to be in the race due to the nickname, they'll have to consider alternatives. Southern Utah may want out of the conference, but they're still in for now and will still have a crappy travel partner in UMKC. UVS solves that. So would Denver. Chicago State has very nice, relatively new bball arena. Check it out: http://www.gocsucougars.com/sports/2008/4/...0224.aspx?id=15 They're also in a huge market. If they can prove that their "problems" are being taken care of, I see no reason why the Summit wouldn't consider them. In fact, I think the Summit's ideal expansion candidates are UND and Chicago St (assuming Denver is not on the table).
  20. I didn't say they were the best ND sports team ever. I said they gained the most national attention of any ND sports team ever.
  21. I didn't say they were the best ND sports team ever. I said they gained the most national attention of any ND sports team ever.
  22. It's pretty clear what would happen if the nickname is saved at the expense of Summit membership. That's the dream scenario of UND hockey fans, kill two birds with one stone: save the nickname for hockey and kill off any hopes of basketball gaining resources and attention.
  23. You admire it because you have something to gain. I'm sure you'd be in here preaching about "patience" and "justice" if the outcome were likely that they would vote against supporting the nickname.
  24. Mostly just for fun, a lot of speculation by message boards and bloggers.
  25. Just curious, would there be a new arena in 'Peg?
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