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NDSU grad

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Everything posted by NDSU grad

  1. You guys are thinking of Sportsworld, which no longer exists. Chad Yale started it, but sold out. The building is now occupied by Up the Creek and Space Aliens.
  2. I moved the family to Minot after swearing I would never move back home. I have to say I like it about 100X better than I ever thought I would. Lots of places to golf, three pretty decent-sized lakes within a couple of hours. Just close your eyes through certain parts of town and you'll be set.
  3. I guess a rule to live by is if you're going to schedule a home/home do it with a Southland team. Although with their expansion in recent years they'll be looking for fewer out-of-conference games.
  4. Get used to it. And if you do get a home/home, make sure they come to your place first. Off the top of my head, I can think of only Mississippi Valley State who we've completed a home/home with. I can't remember if Stephen F. Austin, Sam Houston, Nicholls State, and Northwestern St. were home/homes or guarantee games. From the standpoint of getting good teams to come to your place, it's not much different than DII. This year's NDSU schedule looked a lot like the DII days (with the exception of Wyo of course); two easy guarantee games with a tough non-conference schedule.
  5. I think you're right. I was thinking about the actual commercial, which started out "Where will you be...when the struggle begins..." Anyway, as to your second question, never ever question the USD sports marketing department. They obviously know their fan base and are concerned tens of thousands of Coyote fans will be showing up to the Dakotadome Dangerdome at 4:30 a.m. Tuesday mornings for the big game against (insert name of DIII college nobody has ever heard of).
  6. This is way different. NDSU's was "Where will you be". USD"s is "Where will you be on Gameday". Apparently their marketing department wants to be very specific that their fan base only show up to games on the actual days of the games.
  7. Jeff Sheppard red-shirted in between their national championships in the 90's because of their ridiculous depth at guard. It was either after his sophomore or junior year.
  8. I'm not really touchy, but I just really have no idea how the U.S. could enact such a policy. Our federal government, for the most part, does not undertake in the commerce of goods and services among countries. This is done by individual companies with the aid of import/export brokers. As I stated earlier, I suppose our government could levy high export tariffs on selective goods and services to companies representing certain nations. This would make no sense for two reasons: 1) Read up on the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act of 1930. It really is an interesting piece of history. While there is some disagreement whether it is largely to blame for plunging the U.S. into the Great Depression, it certainly didn't help. 2) Let's say our government somehow puts into place a policy where we set an effective price of $50/bushel to wheat for sale to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis could simply set up a dummy company in another nation, buy that wheat from U.S. brokers, then sell to Saudi Arabia. Less government intervention and the application of free market principles is the only effective way to ration finite goods. It's that simple.
  9. When faced with a complicated problem, it's often hard to point to one underlying culprit. In this instance, however, the ridiculous monetary system of our federal government is largely to blame.
  10. Please do. I'm not aware of any company called "United States". Are they in manufacturing, service industry, apparel and textiles, perhaps? I'd really be interested in how your little scenario would play out.
  11. Who is "we". Unless I missed something and the U.S. economy has been nationalized, I'm not sure what you're suggesting.
  12. declined up What do I win?
  13. No worries. There's very few things I take seriously on an internet message board.
  14. You're wrong. The Saudis (and other importers) buy wheat and other grains primarily from Canada and Australia. Even if you could set the price like you suggest (I suppose you could, just impose ridiculously high export tariffs) they would simply buy from other countries. See how the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act worked out and get back to me.
  15. DangerDome? That's a bit too much, don't ya think?
  16. Let's see, there were a little over 11,000 nearby sweet crude contracts traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange yesterday. So I guess that conspiracy must include a couple of thousand people.
  17. You guys will take your lumps next year but I like Jones' plan. The key is retention; SDSU had a problem in retaining their key players, NDSU did not. That, IMO, is the main reason for the discrepancy in the two programs right now.
  18. I thought I remember UND guys at the Bison pro day last year as well. Don't know why UND doesn't have their own. Maybe pro scouts suggested the two universities get together to have one.
  19. Kolpack had this on his blog. Sounds like Dressler was really impressive, and you've got to like Alexander's athleticism.
  20. If Mertens was a 4, we would definitely offer him, but since he's a 3 he would see very little playing time. We've got Winkleman, Tvedt, Coleman, and Carlson who can all play that position, and Mertens would most likely be behind all of them. I think Travis would make a nice dII player though.
  21. Does DIII sponsor skiing. If not, they could play up in both skiing and hockey.
  22. I'd love to have Poly on our schedule.
  23. Did Mike Mcatee (sp) from Rolla sign anywhere? He had been rumored to be an NDSU commit a while back but that was unsubstantiated and I'm pretty confident we never offered him. But I would think he would be a good enough prospect to go DII or walk on at UND or NDSU.
  24. You guys will have a tough time being worse than the 04-05 Bison. After that season I was convinced Miles was a coaching genius. I can't believe we won a game. The good news for you guys is there's no more 5-8 rule and you should have about 6-8 scholarships available, so you could potentially have a solid freshmen class plus a couple jucos to help immediately. Good luck.
  25. Thanks. I was obviously referring to Marlin's post.
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