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Everything posted by Siouxmama

  1. Hey Gopherz, We all know you love it over here on Siouxsports.com. Why don't ya just show your true colors and put on the kelly green and white and join us with a name like....former gopherz. Come on...........you know you want to.
  2. Not to worry. Tickets are in section 115 and because of the ify (word?) weather, we are all on the bus!
  3. That really seems to be the problem at hand here, doesn't it.
  4. Gathering before and after the game. Did I read somewhere that there is no readmittance to the 6pm game if you leave after the 2pm game?
  5. Not sure what end. Our friend got the tickets and just said row J behind the goalie. I'm good with that. Behind the goalie is my favorite place to sit.
  6. Some friends and us have 4 seats behind the goalie in row J. Hopefully the weather cooperates and we will fly down in his plane. Much better than driving from GF. Will have to leave the 5th grade girls basketball jamboree on saturday up to Grandma! She's a lifesaver.
  7. OK jayden we get it. You're a Finley hater. Go join the rest of your Gopher buddies and figure out how to beat BC instead of worrying about the Sioux. If there was a way to make another 1st impression, you might want to get your facts straight first. Now go back to GPL.
  8. Shouldn't Goldy have to write a letter of apology to Adam, ala Joe Finley/Bucky?
  9. There are about 40 pictures there and I think I saw a couple pics with someone in a plaid shirt. I guess that might qualify as "cowboy". Although Mr. Siouxmama's clothes in his closet don't look anything like that.
  10. Here are a couple more sign ideas for those making the trip to Madison. I had these on some t-shirts that I used to wear to tournaments..........a long time ago. 1st place, all the marbles. 2nd place, a set of steak knives. OR Grab a straw, cuz you suck.
  11. That was a classic. Don't forget about the girls straight from the Bon Jovi concert. They had no idea what they were talking about...after their team got 2nd place. After all, 2nd place is just the 1st loser.
  12. I heard that game on the radio and remember TH talking about it when it happened. I remember thinking TH was giving us more information about it than we really needed to know.
  13. You have to buy it throught the X to be on the regular list though, correct?
  14. Why couldn't they just have had a Dr/Nurse party? Nope. Med school would have been mad. How about a pilot/flight attendant party. Wait. Avaition school. Judge/Lawyer? Darn it. School of law. Accountants? ..............Forget it, business dept. Maybe they should just stick to having their formals.
  15. I agree about the Kangas prediction. He has been awesome in net for the Gophers, but I just don't see the streak lasting for him. However, he is a freshman, and I see him as a seasoned goalie next yea. He'll have that first year under his belt and have that much more confidence to go with it. OK...he maybe won't crumple into a ball next weekend, but he will get rattled.
  16. You must not have seen the back of his jersey, since it does say "FIRE HELMET GUY". That's how I figured out who he was.
  17. I'll never look at the Dynamo the same again........ever. It was a fun time, and was so happy to have Sioux fans next to me this year. We are thinking about the Madison trip too. Would be fun, that's for sure.
  18. Did you mean his backside? I thought he was sitting a little taller in his chair at breakfast on saturday.
  19. Yup! That's them! I recognize a few mugs in that picture.
  20. I sat next to yzerman19 this weekend. Was really nice to meet him, and he and his cousin were fun to sit with. I hope they are there in the same seats again next year. I give him credit for this sign idea. Picture in your mind Jack Nicholson. You want THE OSH? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE OSH!! He didn't have it for this weekend, but it looks like a good one for next weekend.
  21. When we talked to him he was wearing a boot on his foot, but did say he was going to start skating on Monday. He is ready to get back to the game. And, I think we are all ready to have him back.
  22. Thanks againg for arranging this MafiaMan. Breakfast was good and it was fun to meet new people and see the familiar faces again. Sharing stories is always fun too.
  23. Wasn't there a rumor about mohawks this year? Must be something to say about that.
  24. I'm pretty sure Sioux-cia and I will be attending. I think a sporting goods store may lure Mr. Siouxmama and the kid away from breakfast.
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