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Posts posted by Redneksioux

  1. 14 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    A couple ways, if the person reporting on it has a specific way of viewing it.

    First way would be by reporting absolute numbers, which is what most papers are doing. 100 tests were done, we found one positive. Media reports we found one positive. 1000 tests were done we found 10 positives. Media reports we have 10x as many positive cases now than we did before. Percentage wise, it’s the same.

    If, as has been suggested, we are testing people multiple times and they come back positive multiple times and each time they are counted as positive. Then that’s obvious how that inflates the data. 

    Hospitalizations and deaths are really the only stat I care to see and even deaths are under major scrutiny in my book as they’ve admitted to not distinguishing between people who died with or people who died because of covid. 


    Sure but we are now mass testing. Early on the only people being tested were the symptomatic people and those that had confirmed close contact plus travel. Now almost anyone can get tested if you have half a day to waste. Which also brings the infection rate down. 


    It's been said above, we could go off of hospitalizations and or deaths, but then we are making decisions weeks late. We've also been making decisions without considering the unknown.....noone knows what the true long term side effects are but we are still making decisions without considering what they could be.


    For me, I'd rather play it safe. Of course masking isn't going to be perfect. But it can help slow the spread and allow us to be somewhat back to normal. This is why I have a tough time understanding the anti-mask folk.



  2. 40 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Even if it isn’t the sole reason, what percentage of inflation are you ok with making significant decisions off of?

    We are making massively impactful decisions off of this data and they have basically admitted the data is inflated. 

    How is that ok?

    How exactly is increasing testing inflating the data?


  3. 14 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    So given that, do you understand why people are frustrated with representatives and the media touting increased cases as a problem and a reason to keep restrictions in place?

    I don't buy into the idea that increased testing is the sole reason for increased positives. Is it a factor, sure. But to claim increased testing is the sole reason for higher infection counts is ridiculous.

  4. 1 hour ago, TheFlop said:

    It's the one place where mask wearing has been 100% compliant, or at least closest to it.  

    Shouldn't have been any deaths or at least a very low number of masks work.  

    Obviously masks alone aren't the answer.


    You realize there are some long term care facilities that are doing very well right? The one I know of doing exceptionally well has implemented PPE guidelines(including masks obviously), social distancing, limiting visitors, weekly testing, and the employees are taking an oath to be responsible. I don't think it would be possible to be an anti-masker and take this oath honestly.

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  5. 14 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    With those numbers and one death in MN under 20 plus the effectivenes  of masks which are "proven to work" there should be no reason Walz won't reopen all school in MN face to face.......right?

    Walz lost me when he ordered the third precinct to be abandoned. What do do with schools, I don’t have the answer.

  6. 31 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    Approximately 77% of MN Covid deaths have been in nursing/long term care homes.  Places where even for "milder" outbreaks like flu outbreaks masks are worn by staff and visitors are restricted.  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.twincities.com/2020/07/21/mn-gov-walz-battle-plan-coronavirus-deaths-in-long-term-care/amp/


    Since 77% of MN Covid deaths have been in long term care facilities, you've deemed masks ineffective?


  7. 5 minutes ago, Cratter said:

    You somehow ignore Fauci saying dont wear a mask during the first peak of the virus.

    A guy that has been a expert in the field for over a 100 years. 

    When he "changed his mind" he claimed "ppe".

    He could have simply said "if you cant socially distant and everyone pulled up their shirt above their nose and we all do this for two to four weeks, we can have this coronavirus under control."

    One side definitely made their stance on masks and social distancing political and it wasn’t from fauci.


    it was only a few weeks ago the right wingers were touting their rallies where they were intentionally not social distancing or wearing masks.

  8. 8 minutes ago, homer said:

    If the experts opinions on masks can change and it’s acceptable, so can the presidents.  

    The experts changed their mind on masks when they saw it wouldn’t cause a shortage of ppe to the hospitals.


    trump changed his mind when he was finally able to swallow his pride and admit it was the only way to save himself from political suicide.

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  9. 37 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Went to a local grocery store early this morning (with a mask on).......half the employees not wearing masks. Store policy doesn't mandate masks at this point. In the future what should be my verbal and/or physical response to those "buffoons"? 

    At this point, I'd shop at a different grocery store.

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