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Posts posted by Redneksioux

  1. 3 minutes ago, 1972 said:

    did you even read it, or do you no understand what you read?  with in the first couple paragraphs it pretty much says it.

    I read it. The point of the article was to dig into why some people are asymptomatic while others get sever side effects. It goes on to say that some who were recently infected by another coronavirus (Mers or sars) May have some sort of immunity from T cells rather than antibodies. 

    did you read it? How does this article provide evidence that herd immunity is the answer? Where in the first couple paragraphs did you understand that?

  2. 1 hour ago, TheFlop said:

    More evidence that herd immunity is the answer....and Fauci basically admits it.  The ironic thing is that those that have done best with Covid....are those with an immune system that has grown strong by fighting off similar viruses.  With all of this social distancing/quarantining going on people don't have the chance to catch the more minor viruses......that would help strengthen their immune system.....and have them ready to fight off more severe viruses when they pop up.  


    What evidence In your link suggests herd immunity is the answer? 

  3. 2 hours ago, Goon said:

    I was wondering is @Redneksioux and @hayduke1 are the same person?  They're kind of parroting the same things. Anyone? Personally, I wear a mask everywhere in public (most places require that) but that’s my decision. It’s not my decision or right to lecture anyone about not wearing a mask. It’s called individual freedom to choose. 

    I wonder if you are often wrong. What thugs have I parroted?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    You can hold it against me, everybody else does here when we are arguing about fun things like football and recruiting.

    I read through your studies, the first one has nothing to do with Covid-19, they are using data on Influenza. Call me crazy, but I’ve been told no less than 1k times in the last 5 months that “it’s not the F’ing Flu”. Ok it’s not the flu so how can we use data from the flu?

    Second one, I agree with you in theory, as this link also just tests for respiratory jet reduction which is obvious to me. Clearly wearing a mask holds in a respiratory expulsion during a sneeze or talking. That’s not a question in my mind. What is a question is if masks are effective in reducing the spread of covid 19. Not in theory, in the real world. So far, we haven’t seen masks change the trajectory of the infection rate in a meaningful way. We haven’t seen people be able to get their kids back to school with a mask mandate, we haven’t seen sports be able to move forward with a mask mandate. 

    For me it isn’t about the mask, for me it’s the precedent it sets. Just look at the comments from Hayduke, vaccine mandate or public shaming is right around the corner and the mask mandate set the precedent for it. That’s my problem with masks.

    It's not the flu, but it's a respiratory disease spread by droplets, or is it airborne, I guess that depends what medical expert or hospital system you listen to. 


    The fact of the matter is, masks help. There's a doctor that post here frequently, and I have reason to believe he's not on the left side. Even he has stated that masks help. Real world studies would be nice but I'm not aware of any. It's not too hard to go back and look how mask use in asian countries have assisted in overcoming past epidemics though. these countries have also had a better covid19 outcomes...




    As for precedants, there's shaming going on on both sides....I've been shamed here for supporting mask use, been called a sheep, or even today was told my mother never should have opened her legs. I understand there's whackos on both sides. Not going to try and fix stupid.



  5. 17 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Do you even realize that you posted articles that are all quoting the cdc recommendations? And none of those are actual studies.

    I’m not an “anti-masker”, what I am looking for is some sort of proof they work. Cases around the country simply don’t support that.

    I know you aren't an anti-masker, you're a Bison fan but I won't hold that against you:)


    Here's the NIH study...



    and here's the study that even shows the effectiveness of different types of masks...


  6. 13 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Proven, you keep using this word as if it’s true.

    California has had a mandatory mask mandate since the middle of June. Check their numbers. Masking simply isn’t helping, this isn’t my opinion.

    Insane is telling people they have to put something in their bloodstream to make you feel safe.

    Are masks being worn with 100% compliance? Have you seen any studies show that masks not working are the reason for continued spread in California? 


    Instead of the KNOX drivel, I will listen to this....

    https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/06/417906/still-confused-about-masks-heres-science-behind-how-face-masks-prevent#:~:text=But health experts say the,people wearing masks%2C the better.








  7. 3 hours ago, Bison06 said:

    What is your obsession with masks? Every place they have gone with mandatory mask use in the US we haven’t seen a decrease in spread. This is not my opinion, I wear a mask. 

    Is it just about obedience with this topic or why have you decided that mask use is the lynchpin here?

    As long as the anti-mask rhetoric continues I will fight on. I don’t understand why someone would willfully use their voice to get less people wearing masks, when they are proven to help slow the spread of covid. We have limited options to defend ourselves here, and while we continue to lose the battle we have some that would just rather let things go. 

  8. 2 hours ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

    You're a special kind of dumb.

    You would remove my choice whether to wear a mask and happily replace it with my choice to wear a completely useless mask, and you don't see a problem with that.

    The only spread I wish I could have prevented was the spread of your mom's legs.

    Are you such a d bag in real life too?


    You can choose what you want, I don't really care. What irks me is your drive to influence others to not wear a mask. 

  9. 23 hours ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

    Can we finally pull the mask off this pointless charade?


    The illusion of safety appears to be a powerful drug.

    An ineffective mask is still safer on the streets than your desire to spread the spread of covid.


    maybe you can provide us the best place to buy a freedom to breathe card. Is KNOX’s marketplace selling these yet?

  10. 37 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    Typical.....dodging the question.  

    Your argument = if there is any chance that something in your breath may harm others than wear a mask for the rest of your life or else.  Whether that's peanut butter or Covid.....it could still spread and cause harm.  There, did I dumb it down enough for you?

    Dodging the question? Yeah I’ve heard of them. Never heard of the allergic needing to avoid the grocery aisle like it’s been suggested here but I also don’t know many with peanut allergies so won’t claim to have more knowledge on the matter. 

    sounds like a pretty dumb comparison to me anyways but I’ve heard a lot worse so no surprises here. 

    have a great weekend and don’t be so upset about having to wear a mask. You could be off much worse.

  11. 7 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    You've never heard of airborne peanut allergies?  You are the one that brought up immuno compromised people being able to demand 100% capitulation from others to accommodate their condition.  

    Having to avoid the peanut butter aisle in a grocery store sounds more like a personal problem. Sorry you have to deal with that.

  12. 35 minutes ago, bison73 said:

    I am not responsible for immunocompromised individuals.  Why should I be required to change my behavior to accommodate them???  Notice the word required?   People with issues are responsible for keeping themselves safe. Just as I am.


    ps I dont know how this meme got attached?????


    Never said you are responsible for the immunocompromised. But if you are spreading a virus, that is quite irresponsible of you.



    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    In the Minnesota Department of Health preeser this afternoon they singled out these activities as the main reasons for community spread this summer...."church events, sporting events, family gatherings, parties, concerts and weddings".  Can any other rational person see where this is headed........again.


    I also noticed the absence of a few other activities.....how convenient.

    I think it’s safe to say protests could also be lumped in with the list of activities. Sturgis is going to cause some issues as well, but South Dakota’s gonna be South Dakota.

    • Upvote 1
  14. 42 minutes ago, Goon said:

    Some one posted this on Twitter. Maybe @Oxbow6 can tell us if this is about right. 


    "Chance of not dying from covid" should read "chance you have not yet died from covid"


    Didn't verify the numbers but if it's from someone you are following on twitter i'd venture to guess it's un-reliable.

    • Upvote 1
  15. 6 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    I chose to not go to any bar or restaurant for the last 4 months. I also choose to pick up my groceries instead of going into the store. You don’t need to go into any of those places to get the supplies you need.

    i chose to play it safe and anyone who hasn’t is rolling the dice on their safety.

    As have many, which has likely helped slow the spread. Of course there are things you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones. But people still need to work and not everyone has the opportunity to work remotely at home. And there will be times you will need to breathe the same air as others, it's unavoidable. This is where masks are important and I count on you to protect me by wearing a mask,  just like you count on me to protect you by me wearing one.


    May I ask, did you previously go to any bars or dine in facilities? How about the gym?


  16. 1 minute ago, Bison06 said:

    I’m fine with handling my masks. I deal with people in my business daily who are forced to wear one and trust me, the masks they wear and how they wear them aren’t helping anyone.

    At least they are trying, if even a little, to do the right thing? I'd like to see better but based on where we are right now, I'll take it.


    At least they aren't going onto facebook spouting that there is no medical evidence to support mask use and claiming masks infringe on their civil liberties.

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  17. 5 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    You’re all over the map. Are you not seeing what life is like for people outside of north dakota? I had four friends file for bankruptcy in June, my son can’t go to school in the fall, my business took a massive hit that it will likely never recover from. Peoples lives are absolutely being shut down. Dying and/or having a loved on die, though awful, isn’t the only awful thing that a person has to endure.

    It sucks I know. You do realize that proper PPE use could go a long ways into lessening the pain on businesses and getting kids back to school in some fashion. It's not just the restrictions limiting businesses. Many people don't want to go dine out, go to the gym, or go back to face to face school because they do not feel safe. The anti-mask rhetoric will only fuel the fire for things to go further downhill.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    You also realize that nearly everyone wearing a mask uses it exactly in the way he described.

    So take some responsibility and learn how to safely handle your mask. If someone ends up with a bacterial infection from their mask, really, that's on them.


    With that said I'll take someone's side  who tries to wear a mask over another's who is spewing anti-mask rhetoric and attempting to get less people wearing masks any day. 

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