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Posts posted by Redneksioux

  1. 2 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    That wasn’t your argument. Your point is immunocompromised people need the rest of us to look out for them, I say they need to do what they need to to protect themselves. We can’t all shut down our lives to protect them like we have with covid.

    That was my argument maybe you misunderstood me? We do need to look out for others, that's the point of wearing a mask. If we had an unlimited supply of N95's we could wear masks to protect ourselves. Unfortunately that isn't the case, you wear a mask to protect others from what you might be carrying. No one's lives are being shut down by wearing a mask.

  2. 1 hour ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    Mask mandates will have zero to a negative reault.

    I cant stand the hypocrisy in people screaming "Wear masks, its proven science they work"

    Those same people are unwilling to engage in the reality that scientifically THERE ARE SPECIFIC AND NECCESSARY PROCEDURES that MUST be followed for mask to be effective.

    As a scientist itbis impossible to ignor these.   99.9% of the masks ive saw people wearing are worthless, not "helps some" WORTHLESS. 

    Doctorsb ont slap their masks on and off between surgeries, slop it into the cup holder, slap it back on, touch all the stuff is stores, door handles, credit card machines, grap their masks to takenoff, put it on, sit down and toss out a grumpy, touch their mask again, and then think it makes a difference.

    The real study needs to be taking cultures from the inside and outside of the mask.....

    Literally probably better off just licking people's faces as a greeting.

    You realize that you are wrong. As far as I know there's one doctor in this thread, and he recently admitted that masks help.

    If you slap your mask on after its been in your cup holder with unwashed hands and never wash your mask, that's your problem, not mine. Your mask will still prevent some droplets from hitting the air. 

    The anti-mask rhetoric is only continuing to hurt us as a country, but keep it up, I'll do my best to avoid you.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Ok so if someone could snap their fingers and everyone, everywhere would be wearing a mask, would you be in favor of eliminating all restrictions on schools and businesses and letting people fight to get their lives back?

    Sure. I'm in ND where there really are no restrictions that you speak of anyways. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    People at risk should be wearing masks or better yet staying home! If they get infected it’s their own fault! 

    You realize the percentage of our population at risk right? Obese, diabetes, asthma, cancer, age alone, and so on. How do all those at risk get the medical care, food, and needed supplies?


    And you do realize you wear a mask to protect me and I wear a mask to protect you right?

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  5. 20 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    You must realize the insanity of what you are proposing?  So does the peanut butter industry need to close up shop because they are violating a kid's rights who has an airborne peanut allergy?

    Are you insinuating that jars of peanut butter are spewing peanut droplets into the air?

  6. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Again.....what is the end game you are personally looking for?  Is it in deaths? In positive cases?  It's simple questions. If it's a mask mandate than you are even more clueless on this subject than I thought.

    Masks....they help. Not a cure. A vaccine.....it will help. Not a cure. There is not a cure......but most of us would prefer to get on living.

    I've already told you, I'd like to see the anti-ppe rhetoric come to an end. I believe it's dangerous and will cause covid to kill more people than it otherwise would. Unfortunately people are either too selfish or maybe just too stupid, so it will never end as many tie this rhetoric in with their political beliefs. There wouldn't need to be a mandate if people would just do the right thing and wear them.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, bison73 said:

    I agree. Its really not that big of a deal to wear one. But the wingnuts gotta get off their high horses when they see somebody who isnt wearing one.  If somebody isnt wearing one you should get the hell away from them.  Confronting them puts you are risk.  Plus some just forget to wear one like I did yesterday when I went in the local meat market.

    People need to remember it goes both ways. Is an immunocompromised individual’s civil liberties being infringed upon if they or their family members cannot safely go out in public because no one is wearing masks? Or is requiring mask use infringing on your civil liberty to go in public without one?


    There’s a simple solution and we all know it’s coming, I just don’t see the benefit in delaying it. It will fix this argument as a whole. It’s a mask mandate.

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  8. 36 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    So what are you personally looking for moving forward? No deaths? No positve cases? What would appease you?

    A majority of the population has no intent on getting the vaccine when its available. Do we still limit kids in school? Do we shut off water and utilities for a birthday party of 10 or more? Do we still have lockdowns  in areas where a vast majority didn't get vaccinated? 

    When do we as a country get out of this rabbit hole?



    Personally I’d like to see the anti-ppe rhetoric eliminated. 

    Don’t wear a mask, whatever. But to encourage others not to wear them because it infringes on your civil liberties, no thanks, I think we are better off without that attitude. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:


    What don't you get???

    A vaaccine isn't a cure.

    Eradication won't happen with this virus won't happen.

    1% of all cases/ infections worldwide are classified as critical/serious. At some point even with a vaccine we have to get back to living.......this isn't going away and not everyone is going to die from it.

    I get it. I know a vaccine isn’t a cure. There are people out there that are fine letting it just run its course and just let it be what it is. I don’t agree with that stance when there’s a number of things we can be doing in an attempt to save lives.

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  10. 10 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    But that's the point I've been making. If the antibody response is low with actually organic infection of the wild virus, it's unlikely the response is going to be better than that with a vaccine.

    So what do you suggest is done? Nothing? Just let this thing run its course over and over and over again?

  11. 21 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Why in your mind is a vaccine(untested with the vigor as usual vaccines for safety and efficacy) superior to people acquiring covid naturally. Especially when the vaccine won’t have a high opt in rate.

    Maybe you’ve seen something i haven’t But i haven’t seen any data that shows that once you catch covid that you are immune. I’ve read the antibody levels vary from person to person and are believed to diminish in short time. I know there’s hope that NK cells or T cells may be produced that could ramp up the immune response to better fight off disease of those who become re-infected, but aren’t we just crossing our fingers with this?

    I don’t think we can bank on herd immunity.

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  12. 45 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Words have meanings, Trump needs to choose his more carefully. This is a false statement obviously, maybe he meant to say something about the risk of death being nearly zero, but as it stands his statement was false.

    Anyone else see a pattern here? 

    yet cnn is the root of all fake news.

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  13. 45 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    It’s pretty scary that social media is now the arbiter of truth who relies on fake news to justify censoring conservative viewpoint. Freedom of speech only applies to the crazy left! Hopefully people will stand up before it is too late!

    I'm just relieved that children are deemed immune to Covid!

  14. 13 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    What's the end game in your opinion? Serious question. 

    So far a confirmed 1.5% of the US population has been infected and we’ve lost 159,000 lives. At this rate we could lose another 10 million if everyone ends up catching it. And this doesn’t even consider long term effects for survivors that we have very little knowledge of. I can tell you my end game would not be to let this thing run its course.


    So serious question back at you, what’s your end game?


  15. 1 minute ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Or, don't you mean you'll reserve judgement until you have a chance to see what the right wing interpretation is of those statistics?

    Because the statistics are clear.  If you choose to look at them.  



    They are just as clear as how flu deaths have been counted. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, Bison06 said:


    Influenza also has serious long term complications at times, this is nothing new like the media would have you believe.

    So tell us all again, what's changed? Viruses are deadly and awful with long term complications, they always have been. Why did we respond so differently to this one?

    Because it has killed almost 160,000 Americans in about 4 months?

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  17. 43 minutes ago, nodak651 said:

    This.  Wasn't it science?  We should trust the scientists, right?  If the same amount of people are going to get the virus no matter what, we should open everything up until hospitals are nearly full and get this thing over with.

    Brilliant idea. The faster everyone catches this thing the quicker and less painful all the deaths will be. It’s not like you can get it twice right?

    Also to note, I’ve read that 10-20% of those infected end up with an enlarged heart. Further studies need to be done on this condition and we need to hurry up and get a large sampling of previously infected so we can understand  further. 

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