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Posts posted by Redneksioux

  1. 3 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    Nice topic switch.  Did we take masks and PPE from the WHO's supply intended for 3rd world countries or from private businesses?

    Just admit you were spreading fake news regarding the refusal of WHO tests that were never truly offered to us.  And if you want to argue that Trump is a moron (in this instance:  for saying the WHO tests were garbage), you'll get no argument from me.

    We took PPE from the overall world supply. Also you say these were intended for third world countries but your link shows they were intended for low and middle income countries, but no country would be denied. By claiming these were intended for third world countries could also be considered fake news. The reality is that they were available and we didn't pursue them. Trump called them garbage and here we are 6 months later with garbage tests.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    A better analogue to Covid would be if a business in an area that isn't hit by a hurricane is forced to close and go bankrupt because a different area of the country is hit by a hurricane.

    Closures were up to the states and local governments though. In ND/MN we are practically immune to hurricanes. We are finding out now that we are not immune to Covid.

  3. Just now, Goon said:

    I am sure we can somehow blame the two hurricanes in the gulf on President Trump too. 

    If he tells everyone down there to go business as usual and the hurricanes will magically disappear, yes we can blame him. Maybe he can draw us up a map of where he thinks the hurricanes will go:)

  4. 1 minute ago, Bison06 said:

    It's actually quite impressive the mental gymnastics that can be done to blame something on Trump these days. 

    The same could be said of those defending him.

    Here’s an idea, if we were testing less, we’d have less bad testing happen. I wonder why no one has considered this thought process:whistling:


    • Upvote 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Bison06 said:

    You can’t seriously be blaming this on Trump. Are you? Come on. He’s done some things that aren’t ideal, but how can he be to blame for people developing a test that isn’t accurate?

    Fair enough. I seem to remember him rejecting the WHO’s test this spring, as we could do it better. 6 months later, are our tests better?

  6. 12 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    I’m sure this is the first time, nothing to worry about.

    And who is to blame for these faulty tests? We’ve been at this now for 6 months and still aren’t getting it right?


    I see the hhs is also handing covid counting back to the cdc. What a $hitshow!

    • Downvote 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Goon said:

    I am not missing the point. You’re minimizing the crime because the woman decided to let her kid wear a MAGA hat in front of a DNC rally. The woman that took the hat was wrong. No matter how triggered she was from the hat. She’s still wrong. Where the hat was worn is immaterial. The law sees it that way. I hope the lady sits some time for her stupidity.

    If the child was wearing a BLM hat in front of a RNC rally and some guy wearing a MAGA hat came along took it; would say the same thing? I am betting you’d be upset. 

    We can’t pick and choose. It’s okay for BLM to rally and protest, but the minute a person wearing a red hat protests their speech isn’t as important or they’re using poor judgement. 

    Again, I don’t disagree with anything you are saying here.


    though, I’m curious why you have such a difficult time acknowledging that the mother put her kid in a bad situation.


  8. 6 minutes ago, Goon said:

    That’s not the point, you should be able to take you kid anywhere without being accosted. Personally, I don’t own a MAGA hat. But what if it was a Gopher Hat or a Bison hat? The hat is immaterial. The act is the problem. 

    Again, not disagreeing with you. But you refuse to acknowledge the big picture, still. That’s the point.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Goon said:

    WTF is wrong with you? If that was a kid I a Biden hat I’d say the same thing. So, it’s poor judgment to defend people in the right. This mindset is why we have problems in Seattle and Portland. Crime is crime. 

    Sorry if I hit a nerve. Again I’m not defending the ladies that took the hats and signs. I’m questioning why you are defending the lady putting her kid into harm’s way. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, Goon said:

    Well there have been arrests in this case. 


    Rightfully so I’m not disagreeing with the arrest.


    So you would also drag your bawling child through the parking lot after the suspect and tell him to get his hat back? Doesn’t the situation seem a little unstable to you?

  11. 59 minutes ago, Goon said:

    She can peacefully be there with her kids and they had the right to not be accosted. The first amendment doesn't only apply to left-leaning folks. You might want to re-read the constitution. The minute the women touched his hat and signs they were in the wrong. 

    Sure she can. But she was clearly looking for a fight. I’m not defending the losers that took their stuff. But you are going out of your way to defend the woman sending her elementary aged kids in to fight.  Do you often lack good judgement?

  12. 18 hours ago, Goon said:

    Let's unpack this. If you're wearing a MAGA hat and holding a sign and I come up and take your sign and hat. I've committed a criminal act. I am not allowed to touch you. That's not peaceful. I invaded your space and committed a battery. I don't have to hurt your to commit a criminal act. The women taking the signs and the kid's hat in the video isn't lawful. I can't talk up and acost or punch someone during a rally just because I don't agree with their views. That's not protected. I keep hearing that ANTIFA is justified in assaulting the Proud Boys or some Fascist. No, that's not true. I can't go out and punch some Nazi marching in public. While I find him repulsive, the first amendment protects him. 

    So the woman trying to pick a fight using her kids as bait and encouraging them to go after these girls is innocent. Man I hope your bias doesn’t carry over into your job.

  13. 25 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    you mean going outside or to a restaurant?  good plan bunkerboy

    You just had to disrupt my weekend didn’t you? 

    I take it you would send your elementary school kids to that location holding maga signs and maga hats? If so great, you’re a real winner and more power to you.


    And when a fight with adults starts would you encourage them to get in the mix of it? A true champion you are.


    Carry on!

  14. 5 minutes ago, 1972 said:

    he was trying to retrieve stolen property...how bout i come and do the same to you, im sure you would try to retrieve it, no?  and yes it does...dont let people take advantage of you...simple

    See, you wouldn’t do that to me because I Wouldnt have my kids in those hats with signs outside the dnc or gop for that matter. 

    Just settle down there’s no need for such aggression. 

    and have a great weekend siouxsports!

  15. 14 minutes ago, 1972 said:

    no it hasnt.  at the 1.30 mark she swings at the guy while in front of a black SUV.  believe she connected as well, tough to tell for sure.

    Yeah and he was following her and getting a close to her. They were clearly both in the wrong here. 

    Coming on here claiming you'd knock her out says alot about you.

  16. 1 minute ago, dmksioux said:

    If that’s the case, will you admit the “peaceful protesters” are also looking to fight, not protest?

    We've seen thousands of instances recently of people's signs being taken, called names, and even gassed, peppered, or water cannoned.


    Who's in the wrong and who's in the right? I don't know. I know I'm not putting myself or my kids in those situations. But there's some on here that get all worked up and claim they would respond with violence and it's only coming from one side.





  17. 6 minutes ago, Goon said:

    I think the minute that lady took a 7-year-olds hat, that crossed the line. He’s 7 years old. The woman that took the child’s hat assaulted another person. That’s criminal. Charges should be filed. Let me ask you we see people verbally accosting our men and women in blue and we hear it’s mostly peaceful. Why can’t the other side peacefully protest without being accosted? It’s a fair question. Why can’t they carry a sign outside if DNC HQ. You know next week Democrat’s will do the same thing. 

    You are looking at this from one side. If they were sitting down to eat, why did they have signs and wearing pro-Trump stuff outside the DNC HQ. Not saying they were breaking any laws, but they also were looking for trouble. And the parents were involving their kids as well. After the hat and signs were taken (you're a better expert than I whether or not this was assault) they followed these girls and literally chased them down, egging the kids on to get their stuff back.


    To me it looks like they were looking for a fight and both sides were in the wrong. But I don't work in law enforcement, you do, so you get to decide who goes to jail here.

  18. Just now, 1972 said:

    watch again, she swung at the guy first.  never hit a woman in my life.  pretty much every woman i know wouldnt act this way, either.  get sick of these little girls thinking they can get away with what ever they want, act like a fool, then get mad when you confront them. 

    the video has been taken down. I saw a bunch of jumping around but i didn't see anyone take a swing and hit anyone. 

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