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Posts posted by Redneksioux

  1. 16 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    I know exactly why they did it. Doesn’t matter, in fact that makes it worse, they told a bold faced lie. 

    So they flat out lied to us and you think they have our best interests in mind? Whose to say they aren’t giving us more BS half truths in July that will later be justified by “we know what’s best for you”

    I 100% agree with you. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    This is the tone I can’t get on board with. Name calling and judgement. Four months ago, the “most knowledgeable person on the planet” on this subject told people not to wear masks, not four years ago, not four decades ago, four months. Now that advice has changed, but could change back at any moment it seems given the consistency of the message we get from our medical community.

    If you want to be upset with someone, and call anyone buffoons, be upset with the “experts” for their lack of a consistent message, not at the people who are fed up with a government that consistently lies to them and changes “facts” depending on which way the political winds are blowing.

    I apologize for calling them buffoons:)

    Why do you think the experts advised against masks initially?

    • Upvote 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Not questiining the overall death total but IIRC the CDC has noted a decrease in weekly death totals the past 10 weeks. 

    I think everyone would like to hope that covid is becoming less deadly but we have no solid data to back up that hope yet. 

    If you take a look at the NCHS Mortality Surveillance Data Chart the weekly US death average has dipped below 7,000 deaths per week five weeks ago. But many deaths from the past several weeks have not yet been counted...

    "Data for recent weeks are incomplete, and the PIC percentage may increase as more death certificates representing deaths during these weeks are processed."







  4. 13 hours ago, UND1983 said:

    Not Covid-19.  Not even close.  I realize this thread is now a complete cesspool but lets try and at least get deaths correct.  

    What country do you live in? Covid started killing US citizens in March. It’s now mid July. 140 days and 140k deaths later, here we are. Would you like to look at the past month? Past week? Or would you like to see yesterday’s numbers that haven’t been fully counted yet? Here’s the data but warning it may be too difficult to understand.....



    • Upvote 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Why is that relevant?

    If one life can be saved...isn’t that what we’re being told?

    shut down your business and go bankrupt if it’ll save one life.

    pull your kids out of school and set them back irreversibly if it’ll save one life.

    can’t or won’t do the above? You’re selfish and only think about yourself and money.


    We are a ways beyond one life....140k plus.


    Anyways family time now. Have a safe, socially distant, and masked evening siouxsports!

  6. 4 minutes ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

    F*** Hugo's.  Had a chance to do something special by doing the right thing (i.e., nothing), and took the easy way out.


    This is lunacy, plain and simple.

    I would rather they require customers to wash their damn hands before handling produce.  At least that would have some merit.

    What’s lunacy is your desire to share your germs with everyone around you. Thank god you can’t spread your droplets thru your radio waves. It’s still garbage.

    • Like 1
  7. 43 minutes ago, SiouxForever said:

    Who’s volunteering themselves to get tested? Where are these being done outside of Fargo?

    5K tests is a lot I feel like.... sh^t we have less than a million people in Nodak. Not everyone if healthy needs to get tested. I don’t get it. 

    At thar rate could test everyone in Nodak in 200 days or less. 

    Long term care facilities. They mentioned half of those tested had previously been tested. 

    The mass testing event I was at a couple weeks ago Started turning away people after only a couple hours and they had 1000 tests that day. 


    It sounds like you think we are over-testing but if we want school to safely be held in person this year, we are going to have to ramp up the testing like we have for long term care facilities. Not going to happen if the tests aren’t going to be funded and we are already turning away people that want to be tested.

  8. 16 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    This thread hasn't been around for years.....only seems like it.  Name-calling is a good way to instantly discredit any point you may have....both sides.  In my opinion one side is more prone to defaulting to the practice than the other, but that's probably besides the point.  When I see someone use the word "libtard" I just roll my eyes because it just reinforces the stereotype of the right and /or Trump supporters that the media so desperately wants you to believe applies to everyone in those categories. 

    Much of the use of the word was in this thread but its been used in other threads as well. Until now, it was unchallenged. 

  9. Just now, wxman91 said:


    I believe that Hayduke started with that language in response to the quoted post and others.  Now, SIOUXFAN97 does seem to be about 10 years old in intellect, so it isn’t necessarily a smart move to craft responses to the dregs of society.

    A quick search uncovers a number of posters in this thread using the word "libtard" over the years and unchallenged. Hmm.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    When I say required, I’m using the legal definition of that word.

    You are not legally required to buy food. You can grow your own, you can hunt, you can fish. Obviously not viable for most people, but the point is, nobody from the government is forcing a consenting adult to buy food. 

    And they also aren’t currently requiring you to have health insurance. 

    But they are by law requiring hospitals to treat anyone regardless of their ability to pay. 

    I know it’s not what you want to hear but there’s only one solution to this problem. 

  11. 24 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Not sure what you’re asking. You seem to be arguing the opposite point and making my point. Things that you don’t have a choice about shouldn’t be mandated and have people forced to pay for them. If you are forced by law to pay for a product Or service, it’s a tax and should be treated that way when it’s being discussed by our representatives.

    If having a body is inherent to life and this makes any product you are required to purchase a tax, wouldn't this apply to food just as it applies to health insurance?


    I guess we could always choose to just go without food, like one could choose to go without healthcare. 


    Makes perfect sense.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Car insurance is a false equivalency and you aren’t forced to drive and can opt out of owning a car.

    Having a body is inherent to life. You can’t opt out of it.

    Mandating people to buy any product is akin to a tax and has been treated as such by those opposed to it.

    Having a body is inherent to life, sure. So should the cost of buying food also be considered a tax? 

  13. 28 minutes ago, homer said:

    Prices for plans went up at my workplace the year following ACA.  Work stubs can prove it.  The costs of prescriptions, namely insulin have gone up consistently with the exception of the last year since ACA.  This is the first year I have not drove to Canada to buy it since ACA.  I wasn’t able to keep my same plan after that bill was rushed through. 

    Prices have gone up for every plan, but this started well before the ACA was introduced. The individual mandate was supposed to help push everyone to get insured, after all you can’t legally drive without car insurance so why should you be able to access healthcare without health insurance. Yet the mandate was found unconstitutional by the right wingers. What would happen to your car insurance rates of responsible drivers no longer were required to be insured?

    Thankfully Obama was able to rush the ACA through quicker than trump’s health plan. 
    It’s four years later, where are these more affordable and better options?

    • Upvote 1
  14. 6 hours ago, SiouxBoys said:

    Neither. You can go on and keep being hateful and spiteful towards people you disagree with, but by doing this you're no better than what you accuse Trump of being. Maybe, just maybe, you can try to be better. I'll hang up and listen, have a good night!

    Trump ran stating he would replace the ACA with something better. Since then he has tried to kill the ACA multiple times with no replacement. If trying to make 20 million plus become uninsured during a worldwide pandemic, in which we are losing more than any other country, isn’t fueled by hate, I’m not sure what is.


    If someone was trying to eliminate your insurance plan, how exactly would you feel?

  15. 10 minutes ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    The value is the data that AGAIN shows that the more testing they do, the more we find this this is much more extensively widespread.... NOT nearly as dangerous as far as hospitalizations and deaths.

    It’s only on par to be our third highest leading cause of death. No biggie.

  16. 1 hour ago, Bison06 said:

    I don't see anyone as a sheep. I wear a mask in public and at work, that's my choice.

    I have the ability to defend someone's rights without having to subscribe to that behavior personally. I found that's unfortunately an incredibly rare thing in the US these days.

    I defend their rights on things that I don't do in the hopes that as a society we can respect each other's freedoms without having a personally stake in the outcomes.

    Thanks for the honest and up front talk today. And thank you for wearing a mask!

    • Upvote 1
  17. 1 hour ago, TheFlop said:

    So now you don't just want government but you want me to take care of you because you can't?  Do you want me to balance your checkbook for you?  Do you want me to show up at your house when it starts raining and remind you that you should roll up your car windows?  When you crack a beer should I have to come over and tell you to not consume more than 3 or else it's considered binge?  Geez listen to yourself!

    I'm not overly worried...most people aren't.  I am at minimal risk as are many others.  I've made the decision to enjoy life instead of living scared.  You don't have to agree with me....you can take more precautions than me...that's your right.  But don't try impose your fear on me.  It's not that hard.

    Huh? I'll quote mikejm here, "Don't impose your droplets on me". It doesn't mean I'm asking you to take care of me. I'm asking for some common courtesy. Are you so reckless with your other decisions? Do you speed often? Drink and drive? Please just make the right decisions, they do affect others.

    • Upvote 2
  18. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Correct I do but because one has Covid19 that doesn’t change the definition of asymptomatic, you know that.

    Yeah I know that. That's why I stay monogamous and and don't go sharing drinks with others. Unfortunately we can't say the same about Covid risks. A disease that continues to kill about 1,000 Americans per day. How many are we losing to herpes?

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