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Posts posted by Redneksioux

  1. 29 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Allow me to say it again:

    Here are COVID-19 deaths per 100k of population, by state; the worst state is New Jersey at 180 per 100k. 

    Here is infant mortality (5.7) per 1000 live births. <-- That is 570 deaths per 100k live births. 


    Being born is still 3x more deadly than COVID in New Jersey. (<-- There has to be a great New Jersey joke in there.) 


    Tell me which one is the greater "pandemic". 

    Interesting how one can add multiple causes of death together to compare it to one single virus. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Can you tell me when they weren't?  Definitively.  Tell me how the previous Presidents interacted with their various agencies on a daily basis.  

    You guys are so f'n stupid about this stuff.  It all started 3.75 years ago, right?

    So you are ok with the cdc reports, which have been the cornerstone of our nation’s public health work for decades, becoming politicized.

    That’s not stupid at all is it?

    • Upvote 1
  3. 40 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Do you feel the CDC should be able to release all their information, with opinion, and have no checks on it? 

    They are a one-trick pony that unfortunately can control alot of other factions of America with their "findings".  We have seen that already. 


    Can you point us to the last time pre-pandemic these reports were modified or censored by the White House?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Benny Baker said:

    Right?  Promise #1 was to build a huge wall on our southern border and make Mexico pay for it.

    I’m still waiting for that nasty woman to be locked up. 

    I wonder if Noem is going to pay the $250 billion  covid bill she tallied. I’m sure she’s already paid trump in some form or fashion!

  5. 30 minutes ago, Goon said:

    First. No you don't get it. This isn't the same thing. You're making it sound as if preventing the spread of Coronavirus is the same as driving drunk. It's not.

    It's a virus. What next. Prosecuting people for not wearing a mask? However, I know people that were very careful and still got COVID-19. Like others have said, at what point will this drill be over? Someone I know personally, who;'s a nurse, said it's a virus, eventually, we're probably all going to get it. 


    We all know it’s a virus. If you had HIV would you feel it was your civil liberty to spread that virus? How about TB?

  6. 1 minute ago, Goon said:

    What does that even mean? I am responsible for me and me only. I am also responsible for my 13-year-old child. 

    Personally, I chose to wear a mask when I go into stores and buildings. If others don't want to wear a mask, so be it. It's called FREEDOM. 


    You don’t get it do you? If you get behind the wheel drunk as a skunk with your thirteen your old in the back seat are you endangering only your and your child’s lives?


    And it’s not called freedom, it’s called following the guidelines of whose property you are on. Don’t like it and you will be trespassed. You get that don’t you?


  7. 11 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    #1 It's the personal responsibility of those that will come in contact with those that are vulnerable that can't protect themselves (like those in nursing homes).  For those that aren't locked into a controlled setting, the personal responsibility falls onto the person that is vulnerable (but can make their own decisions to minimize their risk).

    #2 It was triggered by chicken littles like yourself that believe that just because you are too scared to partake in an activity that no one else should be able to either.  

    Here we go with name calling again. Maybe we can get another meltdown?

    1. yes those that come into contact have the responsibility but the more widespread the virus has spread would you agree the less control those have over whether they become infected or not? This is why there is a community responsibility to reduce the spread.


    2. what exactly happened that made them cancel games for two weeks. It definitely wasn’t my doing on siouxsports.

  8. 5 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    Sounds like a personal responsibility issue.  Those with access to old people should be more careful/be tested often and the facility should tighten their procedures.  Shouldn't cause a volleyball team of high school kids to miss two weeks of games.  

    It is a personal responsibility issue that the whole community is responsible for. 

    Tell us what triggered the volleyball team to miss two weeks of games?

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  9. 12 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    I see where you are going with this and I'm not in total disagreement. Massive testing just to test....no. The 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon testing method is chasing a ghost you can't catch. "Priority" testing especially in the vulnerable population absolutely makes sense. I do see this as beneficial.

    Again what you are wanting, testing everyone all the time, isn't even done within the healthcare community.

    I don't think we need to test everyone all the time.  

    But testing those that are going into gatherings such as schools....I can see benefit in what UND is doing over NDSU to prevent further community spread, can't you? It's unfortunate it's not being done widespread in the healthcare community yet. I think we are fortunate enough to be in ND where at least we know the skilled nursing facilities are being regularly tested, but there's still room for improvement.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Absolutely.....and maybe Cass Co. is on the right track of testing "priority" groups. We have know from day 1 who is in that group. 

    Lining up students outside the HPC at UND...….yippee.

    Valley Senior Living held another weekly mass testing event on 8/31. Results started trickling in yesterday(half the results aren't back yet). So far 7 positives, so that's 7 employees who could have brought the virus into the facilities the past couple days while awaiting results, plus an unknown number of staff with no results yet who also could be bringing the virus into the facility.


    Is there not benefit in mass testing? Quarantining positives from these tests should reduce community spread and in turn reduce the number of infections into these skilled nursing facilities, no?

    • Upvote 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Goon said:

    I don't think that's what he's talking about. I heard the hosts talking about this on Fox this morning. They're saying get an absentee ballot and bring it to the polls. That's quite different than vote twice (once in person and by mail-in ballot). 

    Fox News, if you heard it there it must be true!

    • Upvote 3
  12. 4 hours ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    the question is did they take all the fed money in the meanwhile knowing that they were going out of business (like the memory care center on s washington did)

    also....if you owned a business in minnesota why wouldn't you move it to north or south dakota if you could?

    There’s one memory care place on south wash and last i checked they are still in business. You should verify what you post before starting rumors online about local businessses.

  13. 14 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    But keep on keeping on, people like you are doing what seemed to be impossible 6 months ago.  You are handing the election to Trump again.  When it comes to giving up personal freedom, you are in the minority when it comes to people that blindly do so without questioning it.....and a growing number of people are fed up with that mentality 

    Is the tantrum complete?

  14. 2 minutes ago, TheFlop said:

    No, this is your argument.  Don't be scared of giving an answer like you are of living life.  YOU are the one that is trying to dictate to everyone what acceptable risk is so YOU should step up and state what acceptable is.  Your hypocrisy and wishy washy answers are exactly what it wrong with the Covid situation. 

    The level of risk that I find unacceptable is irrelevant to the rest of Grand Forks or society in general.  If I don't feel safe in a situation, I will remove myself from that situation.  I won't whine and cry until everyone else does too. You really don't get it do you?

    Yet here your are whining and crying.

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