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Posts posted by Redneksioux

  1. 7 minutes ago, JohnboyND7 said:

    Thats not what he said. Did you misread what he wrote or are you lying? Take your pick.

    ok I mis-read, I now see the claim is false positives(with the NFL example) are leading to unnecessary measures being taken including the closure of his son's school district. I can't disagree with the disappointment that comes from this.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    You don’t actually think the nfl finding out all of their positives were false positives were isolated incidents do you? They were only found out because they were able to retest, no everybody has that capability. This thing is far more widespread already and the testing has been shown to be unreliable, so what the hell are we doing making life-changing decisions on faulty information?

    It sounds like this was a mistake by an individual lab handling the NFL's results. I'd like to think these are isolated incidents but unfortunately that probably isn't the case. I agree we need accurate testing and we shouldn't be making life changing decisions off faulty information. We've had alot of time to get  this right and are still failing, it's quite concerning.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Walsh Hall said:

    Temporarily?  How so?  Is anyone not receiving the medical treatment they need?

    Flattening the curve simply spreads out the cases to make sure that anyone who has medical issues with Covid can have the best possible medical care.  In theory that would reduce the deaths, but in no way reduces the total that contract the virus.


    Ok so your curve is hospital capacity. Flu season is right around the corner, at our current rate do you think we have the hospital capacity to care for Covid and the flu?


    Do we not have a reason to be concerned with actual covid deaths? Or is 180,000 deaths and rising acceptable?

  4. 9 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Because at least in ND hospitalizations  and deaths have pretty much stayed flat.


    Are you being argumentative  just because or are you really that stupid?

    Not being argumentative he mentioned that the NFL's false positives led to unnecessary measures being taken, including the closure of his son's school district. If that's stupid to question, so be it. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Information can absolutely be a bad thing if that information isn't correct. Look what recently happened in the NFL. False positives absolutely are happening and that is leading to completely unnecessary measures being taken, which includes the closure of schools in my son's district. Completely unnecessary and is going to have a real cost associated with it in these kid' education. 

    Your son's school district closed based on the NFL's test results?

    • Upvote 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Walsh Hall said:

    Absolutely, which was the entire "flatten the curve" narrative which the nation effectively did.   That doesn't reduce the total impact, it just spreads it out.

    We flattened the curve, temporarily. I'm curious how you think it doesn't reduce the total impact and only spreads it out. 

  7. Just now, JohnboyND7 said:

    How is dispatch going to tell the police he shot people when dispatch likely had no little if any idea of what had happened to begin with.

    With the number of people around I think it’s very likely at least one person was on the phone with dispatch and had given a description. It is sickening the number of police he was able to walk by, visibly armed, after all the shots that were unloaded right there. He may have meant well but he’s definitely not innocent here.

  8. 3 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    One side supports law and order while the other side supports looting and destruction.  Is it really a surprise the police would be more sympathetic to one side?

    They claim to support law and order. Yet they open carry during a protest and clearly don’t realize how bringing a gun into the mix changes everything. It’s idiots like these and those that enable them that will cause our 2nd amendments rights to disappear.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    Why is the obvious not being stated here? In real time, not looking back with all of the knowledge we have now, the police didn’t have any clue that this kid shot two people. Their delay in arresting him isn’t some white privilege mystery. The police knew some young men were carrying guns, so just seeing a kid carrying a gun wouldn’t have alarmed them. All they had to go on was some dude yelling “that guy just shot two people”, which they might not even been able to hear with helmets on inside their cars. He walked up to them with his hands up and didn’t look like a threat. Had they known what we know now, they likely would’ve arrested him. When they gained that knowledge they arrested him. No mystery to me here.

    This isn’t a white privilege mystery. The police clearly had picked the militia’s side before the shootings occurred. This whole thing looks very bad for them.

  10. 2 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    Did the police know he'd just shot 3 people?  I'd say no, judging by how they told him to get the F out of the road as they were approaching the scene.

    Should the police have listened to him as he was trying to confess and turn himself in?  Yes.  They let their emotions and the stress of the situation cloud their vision and hearing.

    They should have known, with the number of people that witnessed and were yelling he shot people. Dispatch also should have had a description that would have gotten to the police almost immediately.

    Sides were clearly picked by law enforcement ahead of time based on video that’s been posted with officers thanking the militia and handing out waters to them.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    The governor failed to have enough protection for the city and it subsequently got looted and burned. When citizens feel the government isn’t going to protect them they will take up arms and protect themselves! When you leave a void like that this is what is going to happen. You act like fleeing back to Illinois is a big deal! He probably went home 15 min away from Kenosha! 

    I’ll admit, this is the first time I’ve ever witnessed (on video) someone shoot multiple people and be allowed to walk right by police still carrying the AR.


    I don’t care how far from Illinois he is. Point is he was allowed to walk away openly carrying his weapon, right by the police, no questions asked.

    If he was black you really think he’d still be alive?

  12. 4 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    And the liberals blame white nationalists for sparking this looting........ I couldn’t see any of them in the videos though........

    thank you liberals for letting Trump back in the election! This anarchy will help Trump win 4 more years!

    You realize that all of this is happening under Trump's watch right?

  13. 6 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    The police have their hands full. This should be blamed on the Governor as he hasn’t called up enough state police or national guardsmen to quell this destruction. The only reason these vigilantes are on the streets protecting businesses is because the government failed to protect them! This is a failure of government that has ruined the lives of 3 people so far!

    So the governor ordered the police to thank the armed vigilantes and get them refreshments? I bet he also instructed them to let this kid walk right by them toting his AR after he shot multiple people. How did he get back to Illinois?

  14. 5 minutes ago, homer said:


    Most of this started the night the police precinct was offered up as a symbol for “protestors” to burn down.  You don’t put those actions back in the bag and suddenly make them wrong

    Most reasonable folks, even democrats, don't agree with allowing protesters to burn any buildings, including police precincts. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, homer said:

    The Democratic Convention didn’t try to help this.  Their platform was “we hate Trump.”   The group rioting wants everyone to think it stops if Biden is elected   It’s a fear tactic to drum up votes for Biden   Unfortunately for them it may drive for votes for Trump in places like Minneapolis, which will completely flip that state   


    The democrats are not rallying or supporting the rioters. Yet the republicans continue to fan the fire. So much to the point that there's people just waiting for their opportunity to riot and loot - a suicide triggered looting in Minneapolis last night. 

  16. 1 minute ago, TheFlop said:

    People need to wait for more information to come out, something BLM and their supporters don't like to do because it is often detrimental to their case and they want to get their disruption/destruction in.  

    Absolutely the kid didn't have to be there after curfew.....but he had just as much right as all of the protestors there that were also breaking curfew.  It is ironic that bringing a gun both helped create a bigger potential issue while also most likely saved his life.  

    I'll wait for more information to trickle out but the three people that were shot all have sh*tty records so don't rule out the fact that their actions that night helped contribute to a self defense situation.  All of this could have been avoided if the Milwaukee mayor and Wisconsin governor had learned from the mistakes of Frey and Walz and immediately called in reinforcements/plenty of national guard.  Instead they were too busy immediately throwing their officers under the bus (trendy these days) and blabbering apologies out.

    So you disagree the reason he was targeted was the fact he was open carrying an AR through a protest? You think he still would have been attacked if he wasn't open carrying?

    The police have every reason to be thrown under the bus after enabling these losers.

  17. 2 hours ago, TheFlop said:

    It will depend on whether any of the leaked videos are actually true or not, because if they are accurate good luck finding any jury that will nail him on 1st degree murder.  Lesser charges are possible.  

    The immediate overreaction by the DA is 100% to pander to the rioters in the hopes it will stop them from rioting any more than they already are.  Going down the same road as the Atlanta cop that was immediately fired and charged (that is going to be in line for a huge payday because of the complete overreaction there).  

    There's a strong chance the DA knows that a self defense argument is gonna keep this kid from getting in any real trouble anyways so at least by charging him out right away (instead of delaying it and using the appropriate charge) they are appeasing the BLM rioters.

    Self defense. I can see that on one of his shots possibly. Still he had no right to be there past curfew and carrying an AR at a protest. Peppering bullets into the crowd is also not self defense. The video I saw showed no Molotov cocktail and there was also mention of a shot fired by him prior to the video, likely what caused the protestors to go after him. 

    it’s odd how he was able to walk up to and past a number of police carrying the AR, with his hands sometimes in the air. Jacob Blake wasn’t given an opportunity anywhere near this kid.

  18. 37 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    Just another example of why no trust exists towards cops in inner cities.

    EDIT: Apparently more than one militia group was at the protest.  One of which (there to just protect property) became furious at police when told to 'help handle the protesters'. (2nd video clip)  



    Another perfect example of people not qualified to be handling firearms. Concerning to see the police picking a side here.

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