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Posts posted by dagies

  1. Did anybody see this article that Goon wrote? http://thehockeywrit...eting-strategy/

    I'm sorta flabbergasted by this move by the WCHA. It seems like somewhat of an eff you to the NCHC schools, or it just doesn't make any sense at all. I don't know what to think really.

    I agree with the concern as I thought of the same thing myself. On the other hand, if you are the Xcel, do you want people to be buying tickets to the tournament across town, or to the tournament at your facility. I would guess all 3 parties got together and said "this is a good marketing idea, in order to compete with the other tournament". And from a strictly business perspective I can see it makes some sense.
  2. Ah, NDH. You are a treat. And I mean that with the greatest respect. :)

    MafiaMan, while I'd like to agree with you on 2001 I've watched that replay a couple of times since then and have been forced to accept the decision by the refs. Roche pushes the SCSU player into our goalie. The crux is whether it was hard enough to cause the interference and while that's debatable I'm fine with the call even though it cost the game.

    I had similar emotions as MafiaMan this weekend. No time to get into detail now...maybe later, but will be sorry to not see many familiar faces of people whose names I didn't even know, but for 2-3 days in March we were essentially friends.

    And this, people, is the benefit of getting a ticket package with the same seats every year. You fall into a little community of sorts....

  3. I don't think Hak loosened "the system" on Sunday. I think he told the guys to shoot the damn puck. Stop with the pretty plays and put rubber on net. Get to the greasy areas and clean up if the rebound is there. They just fired away. Hammer and Kober often commented about shots taken where on previous nights that would have been a pass.

    I think the team really wanted to win, and I think the coaches told them to quit trying to make SportCenter (i.e. quit trying to dunk the puck).

  4. I think Gwoz and Lucia have both said it is tougher to win the Mac Cup than it is to win a nat title.

    I've heard the same from a former Sioux player who won both. He even said it's harder to win the Broadmoor as well. The Final Five tournament, he said, was tougher than the National Championship because the teams you had to go through for the Final Five were tougher than the teams faced for the National Championship.

    This was prior to the new tournament process, so I think the Sioux had a 1st round regional bye at that time. And, it seems these days there is more parity near the top than there used to be (see #4 seeds knocking off #1 seeds which never used to happen).

    • Upvote 1
  5. For everyone criticizing the dump and chase, you should read the piece Russo wrote in the Star Tribune this morning with quotes from Zach Parise and Mikko Koivu addressing this exact thing.


    All four conference finalists last year -- Los Angeles, Phoenix, New Jersey and the New York Rangers -- dumped and chased.

    "We went to the Finals dumping and chasing," said the Wild's Zach Parise, referring to last year's Devils. "We did it more than anybody. And we scored a lot."

    "We would all love a game where you can skate it in, curl up and make a play every time. That's not the way the game is played. When we do have the opportunity to skate it in, we all have the green light to do it, but not at the risk of having a D gap up in your face, trying to make a cute play at the blue line, turning it over and having them come right back down on us.

    "You learn that as a kid. It's simple, stupid math," captain Mikko Koivu said. "Red line to blue line, you don't want to lose the puck."

    The point of dumping the puck is to wear down the opposing defense.

    "The best football teams have good running games," Yeo said. "They pound the ball and pound the ball and eventually soften up the defense. Same in hockey. It's easier to defend than to create offense, so you dump the puck to find ways to break them. Early in games, you should actually be doing it a lot because it's not about that shift or that period. It's about investing in the whole game.

    "You put a couple pucks in behind the defensemen and let [Cal Clutterbuck] run loose on them, as the game wears on, they'll start to get tired, their gaps will get worse and suddenly everything about their defensive coverage gets softer. They don't want to get hit anymore."

    • Upvote 1
  6. I was at the game last night and I though O'Donnell played very well and I just don't get why so many people are adamant that he sit. Not like any option for that spot is lighting up the score sheet.

    I agree. I thought O'Donnell looked pretty good last night. Too bad last night was a specialty team fest and the 4th line didn't get as many minutes as it could have.
  7. Pattyn seems spoiling for a fight the last few games. He may be willing to go with Turgeon but that's one big guy. I also am not big on pre-arranged fights so like the Sicatoka I hope the refs nip it in the bud. However, if they wanted to let Mersch and Pattyn go last week that would have been fine with me.

  8. I saw the initial contact between AndyMac and the stinkin' badger and figured "penalty" (because it was AndyMac).

    But then I realized:

    (a) AndyMac's stick rebounded above his shoulder from the contact with the stinkin' badger, and

    (b) there were no orange arm bands going into the air.

    That's when I realized (as the officials must have also) that to hook someone down it's pretty tough to have the stick that applied the hook recoil that far away from the impact.

    The stick thing was one of the big reasons I questioned if that was really hooking
  9. I wouldn't mind a committee put together put in charge of handing out penalties for alleged diving/other unsportsmanlike activities.

    If illegal hits are reviewed there is no reason that diving incidents can't be reviewed. I agree, definitely not as serious as a CFB major, but the hockey purists out there all agree its ruining the integrity of the game.

    I agree with this. Sometimes the dive is easy to see (the correct non-call on MacWilliam Saturday night) but sometimes it's got to be tough for the officials to pick out at game speed. I'd have no issues if the league reviewed every penalty and picked out the obvious dives.

    Then send a warning to that player and coach that the player was ruled to have taken a dive, and the on ice officials for the next week have been warned. If the on-ice officials deem the player to embellish, he'll receive a minor penalty for embellishment as well as a bench penalty will be called for unsportsmanlike conduct. 5x3 PP right there.

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