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Posts posted by dagies

  1. he's coming to UND.

    All this concern about Schmaltz (really, any really top recruit these days) reminds me of the old days and Dr. Hook:

    When you're in love with a beautiful woman it's hard

    When you're in love with a beautiful woman you know it's hard

    Everybody wants her, everybody loves her

    Everybody wants to take your baby home

    When you're in love with a beautiful woman you watch your friends

    When you're in love with a beautiful woman it never ends

    You know that it's crazy, you want to trust her

    And then somebody hangs up when you answer the phone

    When you're in love with a beautiful woman you go it alone

    Maybe it's just an ego problem

    Problem is, I've been fooled before

    By fair weathered friends and faint hearted lovers

    And everytime it happens

    It just convinces me more

    When you're in love with a beautiful woman you watch her eyes

    When you're in love with a beautiful woman you look for lies

    Everybody tempts her, everybody tells her

    That she's the most beautiful woman they know

    When you're in love with a beautiful woman you go it alone


    Everybody tempts her, everybody tells her

    That she's the most beautiful woman they know

    When you're in love with a beautiful woman you watch your friends

    When you're in love with a beautiful woman it never ends

  2. Ok, silly me. New to this whole smart phone/app thing. I've got an Android phone, and have the UND Insider app. I see icons that say I can watch old press conferences, games, etc. When I click on them it says I need to upgrade to the premium version. I say "ok". When I do, it says "no results found for ........." So....is there no "premium" version of the Android app? Or am I just missing something?

  3. I actually do think shoot-outs are fun, but I don't like significant points/standings be controlled by shoot-outs. I've not even thought through this so don't know if it's workable but would prefer if it just ended up being a tie-breaking factor. As in teams tied in points and 1 team had 4 shoot-out wins to 3 for the other, therefore the former team wins the tie-breaker.

  4. yikes, I guess you never know. I suppose the difference here is that, while unanticipated, a certain segment of the population was called by that name, apparently. Seeing a mascot, which I'm sure would not be a flattering one, and hearing that name associated with it might drive home the associating that that's what people thought of "me". While I think that's overly sensitive, I guess I can kind of see that perspective.

    "Veterans" on the other hand, seems to me to be fairly innocuous due to the changing images of veterans (fortunately much improved since the Vietnam War, no fault of the veterans) in society. Even ultra liberal anti-war zealots would be hard pressed to find much support for a public stance denouncing the respect given to the nation's defenders of freedom.

    I get the point of view. I just think this one is in the safe zone. :-)

  5. Seriously, I think any concern over a protest of "veterans" is being way to sensitive. I realize MafiaMan may have been joking, so I don't want to make too much of it, but at some point you have to draw the line and go for it. I think Veterans would be plenty safe

  6. Herald preview out today. I'm sure its fantastic as always and in 2013 not making available online or online/purchase is a major fail! Thousands of sioux fans would have bought it first thing this AM. Props to brad and co. for putting the hard work in to this. Just a bummer for those not local. Go sioux!!

    I definitely encourage everyone who is not local to order this special edition (I did yesterday). In a very tangible way, this will tell the Herald how important big time coverage is to Sioux fans. Sure, they know it. But they'll really know it if we "vote" with our pocketbooks.

  7. "Cakebread is stirring it up in the corner." "Cakebread's goal will put the icing on the cake for the win" "Cakebread absolutely toasted that defenseman as he goes in for the goal. "

    Hopefully he'll rise to the occasion.

    Let's just hope he doesn't "kneed" anyone.

  8. I heard this from someone 'in the know' a long time ago...supposedly after it was announced that ZP was heading to Grand Forks, Lou Nanne and and very ticked-off Glen Sonmoor immediately made a short drive to Faribault under the old 'family visit' schtick to try to talk ZP out of his decision. A day later, a certain coach whose name I won't divulge here (but it rhymes with Lean Phrase) called Don Lucia and told him to call off the dogs.

    Sorry, I've been out of the loop for a few days and just saw this. This was reported on KFAN when it happened. I remember very clearly. I don't know about the Dean Blais part, because that part wasn't reported. But the first part of it was reported by the media and I don't think it was ever refuted, so I think we can accept that part as fact.

  9. Yikes.... Nothing like calling the team out in the media.

    To be honest, he’s got to play with some passion, some vigour,” said Ward. “This isn’t college — you’re not going to have the puck all the time. You’re going to have to go get it back. When Corban has the puck, I’m fine with that. But when he doesn’t have it, he’s going to have to play like Ferland . . . and get his nose dirty.”

    2 things:

    1. Knights a good player. Nice guy, maybe but he'll adjust.

    2. I think this is just a symptom of some hockey people's bias against college hockey. If this guy watched some Sioux games I don't think he'd think college hockey is the ice capades. I submit this guy comes in with a bias, and Knight may have played a little tentatively or soft as he's trying to adjust.

    Confirmation bias.

  10. very much bored with outdoor hockey games. Ok for TV, but I can't imagine attending in person. I know that UND fans had an excellent experience in Omaha last year, and I'm glad they were dedicated enough to support the team like they did. But the experience of watching an outdoor hockey game just seems like it would be lacking. Too far from the ice.

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  11. Maybe this is where you just give up, huh, Jim? Glad I'm not trying to figure this out. :-)

    From a fan perspective I really enjoy watching a shoot-out. I'm not so sure I like points being on the line, though. Haven't thought this through, but couldn't it just be used as a tie-breaking lever instead?

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