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Everything posted by Sioux

  1. that actually wouldnt be a bad idea...i would not want to see any player going out like hagemo again.
  2. i disagree with top5...top10? yes EDIT: i think DU will be tough again...i would put them in top 10, but i would not be surprised if they miss playoffs again.
  3. wow, old people sure are sensitive these days!
  4. he could have been a practice goalie??
  5. it depends how old he is, because my grandpa was on one of the first teams, and hes not listed in there either.
  6. im pretty sure he said he was a gopher fan on one of his posts
  7. why do you always have to say stupid things? you sound like a complete moron with your comments on the players. all those players were wanted. Im not going to touch on all of them, but your wrong on each.
  8. Sioux

    Toews Watch

    share it. this whole site is that kind of stuff. heresay is entertaining, and when it starts to come from more than just a few people, we have something started. if i wanted credible news, i would read the paper(which i do not)
  9. Sioux

    Toews Watch

    i wonder how many hockey players go on to hairdressing?
  10. that wont happen...i would bet money that und will have multiple players higher than 3rd round. david toews? cichy? gleason (i dont know where he would be projected)? i will bet that blood will go higher because of his size. and then kozek will be here probably. im sure im missing a couple, but draft status doesnt matter(otherwise minny would have more championships!).
  11. derek lee of ?salmon arm?...bchl, and hes a young rookie.
  12. nice round up! and is it just me?? or is this team going to be awesome the next couple years?? THANKS OSHIE, DUNCAN, CHORNEY AND FINLEY. they all could have left, but are giving the sioux team a huge break. sweet!
  13. i think dunc will be a 4 year player. Im optomistic that forney will come on strong next year. Does anybody know if forney got surgery yet?? and how did it go?
  14. Sioux

    Toews Watch

    schlossman reporting that toews made team canada... http://www.areavoices.com/undhockey/
  15. http://westerncollegehockey.blogspot.com/ this is easiest, but if you want to see them whenever you can go to the css site and become a member(i am)...it looks really top secret, but its not hard to become a member there.
  16. minny has so many recruits up because its only NA skaters listed on there. europeans will certainly bump probably 3 of the minny recruits out. the overall final rankings come out soon...i think?? also, obrien will lose even more ground. i would not be surprised if they dont have a first rounder this year.
  17. that list doesnt include international players, so the actual final ranking will be a bit different. they have domestics and int. on two lists right now.
  18. was this part of the quote, or have you worked with a lot of pro athletes?
  19. Sioux

    Toews Watch

    my guess is that they would give him a max deal. I cant imagine why not. i think that toews might feel like he could develop another year. if it is over the contract, it might be an issue of incentives or nhl playing time...i dont know. its a lot easier to leave too early than too late. my predictions on the dman that is supposedly gone: lee. that is only because of the rumor mill on SS though. the only real advantage with that departure would be taking off some the pressure of the 2008 class because of the size it will be.
  20. Sioux

    Toews Watch

    thats not that hard to believe, he just turned 19. it also would not hurt him to develop another year. Basically there are a lot of good reasons for leaving and going. that would be so awesome if he stayed though...i guess it depends on how "serious" he is and how inside the source is.
  21. good point. i forgot about eades coaching them...seems like so long ago.
  22. why dont you just tell me what you think . i dont like to lose my hearing because i sit in the lower bowl, and the cowbell was funny the first 5 times i heard it. and i dont "hate" the cheerleaders, but all i hear when i go to games about them is heckling. does this clarify?? in the future dont pounce on people right away. EDIT: in your defense, i guess i could have been less harsh in my original, but i was trying to come off as joking in my extreme wording when i added the smiley face.
  23. hopefully he moves the band to the upperdeck in addition to getting rid of the cheerleaders. nobody seems to give a crap about the cheerleaders, and students just make fun of them. i hate the band too, they are obnoxious in the lower bowl...just take up seats. I think the "cowbell guy" sucks too. there im done.
  24. does anybody know where he is leaning?? i think i read that his dad played football at UM, so they might be in front.
  25. wow. i must have missed something...anyways, thats good that EJ is gone from the gophers. good luck to him in STL.
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