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Everything posted by Sioux

  1. i hope you didnt have to type all of that.
  2. Sioux

    Lee Watch

    does ottowa have a farm team? if not, then where would he go? i recall hearing someone say that they dont. i could be wrong.
  3. im just glad that the sioux are not a powerhouse like the gophers, then we would have a short roster. there will be sioux players on the following years' rosters. nothing to worry over.
  4. Sioux

    Lee Watch

    im thinking hes going to sign. if he wasnt, then he would have announced that he was staying. im guessing the formal announcement will be within a few short days. just a hunch
  5. chris at western college blog said he wasnt really impressed with cichy and he looked like the pace was too fast for him. im guessing cichy will do fine though. http://westerncollegehockey2.blogspot.com/...amp-report.html
  6. he is definitely not in this thread.
  7. Sioux

    Lee Watch

    no he shouldnt go anywhere else. he has already signed a LOI. he will be coming here
  8. i wonder who they will cheer for when du three peats?
  9. Sioux


    i dont know if this bothers anybody else, but why doesnt fssn post powerplay times? i hate that
  10. i think ko is gone too. and i hope that goli will leave too. as a note to anyone who doesnt know this already...if you want to read up on gopher players go to Gopher Puck Live. they have a lot of solid info like goon just posted.
  11. well that explains everything i wonder if diggler is a diggler?? jk diggler
  12. so i missed one. here 1wall + 1 wall + 2/3rds of a wall = 8/3rds!! that was pretty embarrassing.
  13. i think he is for sure an 08 and i think it would be incredibly wishful thinking to get him to come if und asked him to play a year of juniors.
  14. i think he committed because DU is an awesome school with an awesome campus(even though i hate du) and du is closer to lincoln than und is. i hope it does become clear to du fans among others(i.e. Donald) that hak and crew didnt do any crap recruiting. kids change their minds, even though i would be mad too. i also hope that gregoire doesnt get any slack from doing this. im sure he feels bad about it already. EDIT: also...does anybody know how gregoire is pronounced?
  15. i was just wondering if anybody knows how "gregoire" is pronounced. and schlossman knows about this rumor too, so hopefully he can shed some light on it soon. the denver fans are going nuts over this situation. but i would be too if i was a du fan.
  16. wouldnt that mean he would have to break it down, build it up again, and then break down 2/3s of it again?
  17. Sioux

    Oshie Watch?

    i think that people need to remember that this is rumor season. i think oshie will stay, but look at what happened last year(and many years) with zajac. and jpar. etc. its not that dumb. if STL offers him a great contract that they may not have before or whatever.
  18. true. dg said only 5 of du's 10 recruits have signed and gregoire is one that only verbaled so far. the guy said that it would be in a few days. time will tell i guess.
  19. this is a rumor, but an anonymous poster at Lets GO DU is saying that gregoire is going to come to und. it is possible since he has signed LOI to them apparently. again RUMOR, so dont shoot the messenger. i am bored and this could be interesting. especially since he may stay with the stars for another year.
  20. im thinking that you just like to get a rise out of people. i dont know if anybody is as stupid as you appear. its not just every once in a while. its all the time.
  21. Sioux

    Oshie Watch?

    thats why i started this topic...half this site is based off of rumors. its something to talk about. i think that oshie will keep his word though.
  22. Sioux

    Lee Watch

    i agree. lee has been very good overall for und and has continued to get better. he could put up some big #s this year. anybody think he could put up 50?
  23. there are some rumblings that oshie's decision to stay was based on toews' decision. i dont know if thats true. does anybody remember this pact?
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