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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Probably. Me too.... But do we keep him then?
  2. Even if they shock the world and win out in Reno?
  3. I disagree. He's just misunderstood. a winning coach does the exact same stuff and gets a pass. Just trying to stay consistent Winning is a wonderful elixer for all that ails one. Even for teams with awkward and embarrassing coaches.
  4. Well, I wouldn't go that far. Still a lot of season leaft before id be ready to make that kind of decision. Lets just see how it all plays out.
  5. He'll get there. He's still young. ( ;
  6. Ouch. You're right. But I was fully expecting that one.
  7. I think wre getting there --- dribble by dribble or is it bucket by bucket. I don't know. We're head and shoulders above last year and set up nicely for at least the next couple years.
  8. Watching the Jacks choke it up to the Bozos on Midco right now. I think our developing rivalry with the Griz is much more entertaining.
  9. You gonna be ok? I mean tough weekend for you and all with hockey last night and now this debacle at the Betty.
  10. And then whine to the media about it. go figure.
  11. That was a gutty win in Missoula! First win by UND in Montana!
  12. Every game. Jones is passionate , that is for sure
  13. About time someone stood up to them. Whiney cry babies!
  14. What an ass. Guess they thought they were back in Missoula. He sounds like a Gwoz/Lucia type. They think they own the BSC. Good for UND!
  15. Jones was appropriate today given the scenario.
  16. First time a UND team has ever won in the state of Montana!
  17. UND knocks OFF LADY GRIZ!!!!! Win it with .3 on the shot clock!
  18. Lady Hawks win!!!! Loyd with a lob put back with . 3 to play!!!!
  19. Incidentally, women are up by 3,wth mere seconds to go in Missoula. Edit: lady Griz tie it up with a 3 pointer. .3 left.
  20. You guys are harsh today. Hawks played well against a team that is flying, and who was getting the majority of the calls and noncalls. I mean when have you ever not seen a call when an opposing player jumps up and hangs on the rim and then releases only to cause the goal to shake after the shot is in the air? i will call a spade a spade when it's merited. Today is not a day to crap on the team or coaching effort.
  21. You start to wonder sometimes, when you actually witness games, if there isn't a certain "Montana Rule" amongst BSC officials. Wow! Just Wow.
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