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Everything posted by tnt

  1. I'm of the opinion that if you're going to take the time to review it, at least go in with an open mind as to what you see on the review.
  2. But the rule changed this year, so it stays inside the zone. They don't want to punish teams for attacking.
  3. Exact hit except Seguin had the puck and a split second got rid of it before the hit. Caggiula wasn't close to having the puck.
  4. Since it is against CC and not one of the leading pack, I agree!?. But since that would basically admit they screwed up big time, it won't happen.
  5. Somebody should request from the league office how Don Adam graded his officials this weekend. I personally would like to know.
  6. I will add another. Mark Mac got cross checked across then neck early in the 3rd when it was still 3-1, but since they officiate by the scoreboard there was no call. Again, player safety my...
  7. Assuming this person knew what was going on and his attention wasn't focused elsewhere, I agree. I am certain he has already been embarrassed to the point he won't want to show his face because of all the negative attention. I don't want to become pitchfork nation as Dan Barreiro would describe it, because if we want to take classless even further, we can boot a lot of the student section on any given night for chants. The students even booed when they announced Jim Montgomery as coach, but it is o.k. because they didn't know his dad died. If he was drunk does he get a pass like many people do when they are obnoxious beyond belief and some think it is hilarious. Classless behavior obviously has different levels, but who is going to be the judge of that. Hope nobody decides wearing the Sioux logo meets that standard. Not trying to excuse this jerk, because frankly there isn't any excuse, but that can be said of a lot of behavior and how people are treated.
  8. Maybe if he wasn't so cocky about his belief that Boeser would choose Minnesota, people wouldn't take such glee in him being wrong. That said, we have lost many high end guys to Minnesota, and we seem to always do well. Perhaps Minnesota could use a few more guys that have to work hard in order to crack the lineup. Sometimes when you think you can rely on talent alone, you think things are going to be handed to you. Hakstol said that when the guys came to the realization that is how they had to play night in and night out to win, that is when they started having success. Sometimes it takes a while to learn that lesson, like our Senior class this year did a while ago. Hopefully the guys that remain can impart that to the rookies next year, because if you have a bad start to a season, the catching up can really wear on you.
  9. Did he ever make that visit to UMD?
  10. ... And we get the same old refrain from GPL, "Grand Forks sucks". What does it say when someone from the Cities doesn't want to stay and play there? Guess he wants to play in a hockey city.
  11. True, as we've seen, top end talent doesn't guarantee you anything, but I think anybody would be excited to get a possible first round pick that will most likely be here a couple years.
  12. Schlossman also tweeted that Gersich, Boeser and Wilkie are 1, 2, and 5 in goals per game in the USHL. We will need them all to chip in to make up for the experience we lose.
  13. He was trying to accelerate his schooling from what I heard. Schlossman isn't sure if he'll get that done or not. If he isn't doing that then he will go Major Junior.
  14. Nice. Now they can let Yon develop more if they so choose. Wouldn't mind letting another player develop too if we could land Matthews. Saw Wilkie had a tweet that just said yyess!
  15. Mollberg couldn't hit a wide open receiver early in the year either. Just look at the threads on people wondering why Bartels wasn't put in. And both those guys had the expectation that they would be playing. Studsrud was thrown into a situation and basically fed to the wolves, so I am with the philosophy to see how he does in spring ball.
  16. I see former UND recruit Brendan Lemieux is also part of the trade.
  17. Yeah, people don't deserve second chances. You should have been off this board a long time ago. Why the administrators saw fit to give you a second chance is beyond me. Given the second chance, you still rehash the same tired refrain.
  18. ... and you have the job of translator. It doesn't pay well, but it will indeed make you laugh.
  19. Yet, you never reveal your sources for information you supposedly have ahead of time. For that matter, you never reveal the information until after the fact. Hmmm, either you don't want to jeopardize your GOBC network, or you are just full of crap. I'm pretty sure I know which one it is.
  20. Agree, does he post on anything else? I guess the theory is that if you throw enough things at the wall, something will eventually stick, and then I guess we would get the "I told you so" refrain.
  21. Kind of like the St. Cloud A.D. saying they wouldn't want to be in the league, then after some closed door negotiations, they jumped at the offer.
  22. I'm sure it could be a selling point for some, but those that want to be on the fast track to the NHL might not care about nice weather for a year or two. Besides, it might be a little harder to turn the pages when you have that kind of weather to distract you. Better keep an eye on a big time program like ASU playing loose with NCAA regulations. You also have to ask if games will have the kind of atmosphere they do here when there is so much more to do for the students there. Hockey is the thing that makes winters more bearable here, and it shows by attendance. After all, Grand Forks is Hockey City USA for a reason.
  23. That's what my point is. Even with his numbers in the USHL, I think he could still put up the numbers here that many freshmen do, including Chyzyk's 3 points his first year. I am confident the coaches will do the right thing for him and the team, and it won't be based on numbers, it will be on actually watching his performance at that level. I'm sure they would love to have him stay another year like Wilkie and Gersich, but that doesn't always work out. If Boeser comes it may be a no brainer, but who knows if they will get one of the higher end guys they would love to add to that class.
  24. If they go the NCAA route, why would they be out? Doesn't Fabbro have a tie to Wisconsin? Saw on GPL that they said the same thing about us.
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