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Everything posted by hrkac

  1. hrkac

    UND vs. UW

    Is there a game tonight? C'mon let's get some Badger hating going! Where's Chuck Schwartz? Badgers suck, Chuck and your team will be traveling home with their striped tails between their legs.
  2. my favorite for each color white- '87 blackhawk logo green- '07 diagonal black- nike swift
  3. Frattin earning Carlyle's trust
  4. So was he mad or joking about message board comment?
  5. Haha saw that on twitter, Proud Sioux. "We don't give credentials to fans."
  6. hrkac

    UND vs. UW

    "And North Dakota has done it again!"
  7. hammy is an idiot that touts himself as an all-knowing entity of the UM program. hell, he insinuates he knows more of what's going on with the UND team than Brad. he says he talks with "advisers and scouts?" more like he follows parents around at high school games kissing their ass for information, then releases it online to make himself look like he's somehow a part of the program. what a stud.
  8. Larimore Polar Bears baby! I believe the 1979 team was even better but didn't win it.
  9. Hope he's in town to work with our defensemen.
  10. On Friday they also double shifted Rocco a few times.
  11. Parise on with Bareiro on KFAN talking about the conversation he had with Sid Hartman on Sunday. Parise was asked by Sid why he chose UND. Parise said that was the best choice for him at the time and if to do it over, "HE WOULD MAKE THE SAME DECISION AGAIN EVERY TIME." He laughed with Bareiro today about it and said "Yes, I would make that decision again every time." If you know anything about Sid, it's that he says when players go play elsewhere it hurts their chances at landing a job in Minnesota when their playing career is over.
  12. i believe this weekend will be the start of the late season run.
  13. Lou Nanne just on KFAN, --says after 3 years UND should player MN every year. --This is the best rivalry for 50 years in college hockey. (in response to host asking if it was big just because this was the last year they would play for a while) --Lou said that's not it, it's huge every year. example, the atmosphere up in GF every year.
  14. Don gives the answers to scheduling one more time. http://www.startribune.com/sports/blogs/187827071.html
  15. hrkac

    NHL is Back

    i've used yahoo before and i thought it was decent. you should organize a ss.com fantasy league. i'd be in.
  16. there will be more like 2000-3000. a lot of UM fans are selling their tickets for a payday.
  17. different guy. you are talking about drunk hockey guy. dogs fan.
  18. yeah, should be really interesting to see what the lines are this weekend. i hope they keep Panzarella in and Gleason on the 4th line.
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