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Posts posted by homer

  1. You have to give the coaching staff credit. They have brought in more DBs in one year than our prior staff did in 3. Bubba and company has really evaluated our current team and conference and understads where we need to improve. I get more excited about next season everyday.

    • Upvote 2
  2. I don't think there's a need to feel superior - it's more of all the BS we went through when we went DI. UND administrators, Herald Sports writers, fans (posters) all very publicly ridiculed the move and all said what a failure it would be. The failure has mostly been on your side as your transition wasn't the best, no big wins, FB and MBB very average or poor. Most of all the games with UND next year will be home games for us. In looking at your teams next year maybe VB will standout but I'd look for a very tough year. Oh there's always hockey.

    Just wanted to make sure that bold part doesn't go anywhere in the coming year.

  3. Well here's one thing for certain no Fargo sports writer would have written an article about NDSU on beating UND if the outcomes was different.

    Dom Izzo did mention it on the news right after the baseball highlights the other night. His exact quote was that NDSU has not beaten UND in any head to head matchups this year. So you can't say for certain that it wouldn't have been brought up.

  4. Why don't you worry about all the FB players jumping ship over in Bubba Land? I thought they were solid commits? Did you see the 6-9 kid Richman signed the other day?

    Your new staff didn't even give him a chance to step on campus before removing his scholarship.

  5. I wasn't happy with the. recruiting early on because of the lack of commits, however I had been posting since Bubba took over that I thought were capable of 6-6. That was until 9 more players left the program for what ever reason. Like I said, I'm just not sold on transfers, some work, some don't.

    Which of the players left do you feel was going to see the field this year? It will affect our depth with a guy like Rich leaving. He seemed like an effort guy on special teams last year and I was hoping he'd log minutes. I really don't see any starters on that list and who knows why they left.

  6. He looked promising early but he didn't progress as hoped. Better chance for him to play at Concordia St Paul, especially early.

    Paul Miller looks to be the big steal.

    So your staff offered him a full ride. Led him on for a year that he was a welcome addition and then dumped him when they felt he wasn't a good fit.

    Classy program

  7. Disappointing to lose a few more but not surprising. Best of luck to those who decide to continue playing elsewhere.

    The coaching staff has been pretty open that they are still recruiting so we'll see if a couple transfers are on campus next year.

  8. As I said, I wouldn't be surprised we would get them in baseball too. And of course we did. We just seem to beat them in everything. Even though their football team is better than ours, I am convinced we would beat them in football if they were wiling to play us. I guess we will probably never know. We did at least beat them in football the last time we played. My memories of UND/Bison football games are great . I didn't move here till the early 90's, but all I remember is UND dominating NDSU. I don't blame NDSU for not wanting to schedule UND. They are afraid of what might happen. I have this feeling NDSU is probably not going to want to schedule UND in any sport anymore. They will find an excuse why they can't make the games work into their schedule. . The continual losses have got to be tough to swallow.

    I don't think we would have beat them

    In football the last three years. They were natl champs for a reason. They were/are darn good.

  9. There will be a minimum of 30 additional players joining the team next year. That probably makes up nearly 1/3 of our available scholorships. The players have had 14 practices to adjust to new schemes and coaching. The coaches have had 14 practices to evaluate the current talent and find the offense/defense that will best work with the talent we have. Yesterday was about what I expected and trying to judge the outcome of next season based on what was on the field yesterday would be very difficult to do.

    • Upvote 3
  10. Because that is the market.

    What has he done at UND to deserve to be paid according to the market?

    He's probably a fantastic guy, I've never met him. Possibly a great coach. However, I haven't seen results on the court to warrant a raise to anyone on our men's basketball staff that tells me we should just start handing out raises because "that's the market".

    • Upvote 1
  11. Mo St's President says he hasn't been in contact with the Sun Belt. JMU turned the Sun Belt down. Guess bisonville has to drop about fantasies about leaving the Slummit. Liberty may get a call from the Sun Belt.

    When someone says they haven't been in contact, usually they have been in contact.

  12. Businesses (colleges) always pay for good talent. Face it, Faison is trying to do coaches on the cheap. A asst. coach goes from 38k at UND to 60K at USD. (the arm pit of the region) Look at the results he got from the VB coach (past one) He was only one of the few well paid at UND.

    As has been stated/proven multiple times Faison has spent money on coaches who prove they deserve a raise or coaches that he is hiring. I don't feel there is a coach on our men's basketball staff who has proven they deserve a raise. Faison would be foolish to shell out money to coaches who have not proven anything. Additional money does not equal wins.

    What I am curious to see is how the hiring of the new coach at FU affects the raise Brewster should be getting. Brewster has proven he can coach and recruit and needs to be paid accordingly.

  13. So Bubba gets 150k for a program with a whopping 2500 for their last game? Taylor is the boss, period. If he doesn't agree it doesn't happen. Face it hockey takes all the money so the rest of the athletic dept. gets the crumbs, as seen by the salaries that Faison pays.


    That didn't take long.

  14. How is UND playing at a neutral site going to help them? If you only get 6,000 fans to travel 5 miles to see a game, how are you going to get more at a larger stadium 350 miles away? Any FBS school that plays you will be at their stadium (an away game). There isn't a big draw for a UND/Southern Illinois game at TCF Bank Stadium or Soldier Field. Can you give us an example of a neutral site game you have in mind?

    In the recent past Wyoming has played home games at Tennessee vs the Vols. Other schools have done the same vs FBS.

    I'm not getting in the UND argument cause I don't see a FBS move but the neutral site game isn't as uncommon as you think for small FBS schools

  15. I agree Weber represented the Big Sky well. But most of the rest of the schools need to start winning more non-conference games. The Big Sky's non-conference winning percentage was among the lowest of all division I conferences this year, and obviously we know first-hand how much UND has struggled in that regard.

    This ^^^^. The difference between being a 16 seed in the tournament between being a 13 or 14 is big. I know this year was a little bit different than years past for the Big Sky but with going to fewer conference games next season, we have to get some out of conference wins. It was pretty bad this year.

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