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Posts posted by homer

  1. No one gives two shyts about UND football.

    It's a bit different in Fargo in case you haven't noticed.

    Media expectations.

    I'm sitting at Sanford in Fargo right now. I have heard plenty of talk about UND football today. Between demanding the two games in Fargo and the quotes from the press conference today, To the casual fan in Fargo, FU is coming off looking like they did everything they could to avoid UND.

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  2. Might as well play for the Nickel.  This is more or less UND going all in.  Either we win one of these two games or this program is effectively fucking done.  In that case NDSU should have the Nickel anyways. 


    Right, cause there has never been a two game win streak by either team in the rivalry. 


    This series is just part of getting to be a successful program.  UND could lose both games, but if they are winning the Big Sky and making the playoffs, they will be fine.  Same for FU. 


    This series is about bragging rights and reengerizing a fanbase that has not had a reason to be excited the last couple seasons.  This thread is a great example, a lot of posters who have not been in the football thread for a while now thinking about the program.  It helps get a buzz going in the fanbase again.  This will be a big story for local media and on social media. 

  3. Too bad a minority of UND fans seem unable to get by the fascination/obsession with the AC. Win against the premier teams in the Big Sky and UND will have established its credibility without accepting a one-sided deal that is an insult to the institution, its fanbase and its players.

    Don't worry, Winning the big sky is a team goal as well.

    Trying to compare UNDs very recent history to the history and rivalry against FU is laughable. It will take a few years to develop those games into what a 100+ year rivalry was/is.

  4. Fargo could grow north and west if they wanted to. North of the airport to Harwood, and east to the river swallowing up North River, also west from 45th st then north to Reiles Acres. Just like GF could go north to Manvel and west to the Airport or Air Base, but both cities are focusing on moving south. Soon GF will be touching Thompson and Fargo will be touching Wahpeton (ok not that far south)

    They could. Point of my post was that Fargo's current growth is as isolated as the growth in GF.

  5. Recently is better than never I suppose. And since Grand Forks doesn't have the rapid growth Fargo does you'd think it be easier to keep up. Fargo has a lot more areas of growth while grand forks basically had a pretty small area to develop. South of 32nd from the interstate to Washington.


    Fargo's growth is also isoloated south of 32nd.  It is very similar.  Fargo can only grow south, landlocked by West Fargo and the river.  They aren't light years ahead of GF in road development.  Soon they will have to tear up the areas where they are using round abouts.  Those roads will have to be widened and there is no way that a two lane round about will work in this area.  They are reacting to the growth as well.

  6. We should see a depth chart in a couple days. Any guesses?

    I'll say 5 redshirts pulled- Carter (cb), Francis (OL), Walker and Stanley (wr) and one DL, not sure which one.

  7. I know this is off topic but should there be concern for the 2 open dates on next years schedule?

    They can only fill one of those dates. From my understanding, if things don't work out with FU, Brian is close to an agreement elsewhere. I wouldn't be too concerned.

  8. Actually I don't fully agree with that. Fargo has streets with two turning lanes where there is growth but one is blocked off because it isn't needed yet just waiting ready to go. Driving through south fargo they also have roundabouts and roads constructed in the "middle of no where" that are barely used with the connecting lanes already built just waiting to be developed. It almost seems they build the roads sometimes then wait for it to get developed because you know sooner or later it will fill in.


    That is only recent.  There are other areas where Fargo is tearing up recently build roads that are still in great condition to add additional lanes or the roundabouts you mention above.  It may appear that they have built these and than the growth caught up to them but it still is the other way around.


    I live in south Fargo so I am speaking from experience both with the actual construction and the additional specials being added to my property. 

  9. No arguments on either point. The gap will surely widen with the Summit, but there is little NDSU can do about that; UND will be in same boat with the Sky which is a much worse BBall conference thus an even wider gap.

    The fascinating part of this is UND will likely be one of the few schools in a "mixed" situation with potentially hockey players getting more from scholies than football, BBall, etc. It will make for some challenges for Faison and I just hope UND does not put in the increased cost on the backs of their students.....

    Historically the summit is better or just last year? What's that based on?

  10. Come over to Bisonville and read the discussion. I don't think it will be that simple. I think it is likely this will fall to the conferences to decide. I thought the same as you, but then it was pointed out that women's hockey is WCHA....good luck on getting that approved.....

    If its up to the conferences that will cover UND and allow them to offer it for hockey only. I don't see the Big Sky or WCHA passing it. If the conference doesn't allow it, you take it up with the conferences, not the school if there are any issues.

  11. You guys need to help this NDSU fan out:

    Why do you feel entitled to play NDSU; particularly have NDSU come to the potato dome? Drop the requirement of a return, and I am sure NDSU would play ball if two games in Fargo.

    Wonder if that's how he approached Weber?

    What's the going rate for a non home game in Fargo?

    I've always thought the first game will have to be in the playoffs and it's UNDs job to get there.

  12. With all due respect, If UND football is just a hair below the level of a P5, then NDSU must currently be in talks with Jim Delaney about becoming the next member of the Big 10.

    By this logic NDSU should not have moved up to FCS when they did. They were an average DII program and the move to FCS gave them a shot in the arm to gain a recruiting advantage at a time they had none based on field performance and results and injecting some excitement back in the fanbase. Their coaching and players helped build on that the next few years.

    Positioning ourselves to move up is about not repeating history and lowering the perception of our programs by not being ready for change the last time around. Other than additional scholorships, the recruiting footprint or travel budget do not change. It is in classification only and fan perception only. The 2nd one being the biggest deal.

    • Upvote 1
  13. So my question is this, if and this is a big if, the big sky splits and half go fbs, do you really believe NDSU would beg the sky to join, or do you believe the sky would beg NDSU to join??? NDSU is already d1 in everything else. It only makes sense to have Montana and NDSU as front runners for such a move in football.

    I thought North Dakota was outside the conference footprint and travel costs were too high for other teams. Unlikely these teams would want to travel to ND twice.

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