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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. UND Foundation to announce major gift Tomorrow at 1 p.m.
  2. Posted here, here, and here. Oh well... definitly still a funny video! Was it recently posted somewhere else, or how did we happen to have two threads started about this today?
  3. Pretty sure that this is the third thread on this.... at least it's still funny the third time around!
  4. From the Dakota Student last week: Duncan Talks About Hobey Baker Award He also talks a little bit about his decision to return to UND next year:
  5. I had mentioned this in another thread, but was too lazy to dig through and find this thread so now that it appears on the main page, I'll add it here as well. Regarding poor attendance at the women's games... have they ever considered doing a double header with a men's game? Something along the lines of the semi-finals at the regional. Have the women play at 4 and the men play at 7. I know that there are some Saturdays in which both teams play, and I've attended those games, but then you are required to leave the arena and return later for the mens game... why can't we just stay there and watch another game? Seems like it would be something that the athletic department could at least try and see if it works at all...
  6. Going to a second overtime....
  7. Detroit and Calgary going to overtime tied at 1
  8. I wasn't intending to say that no one other than the students cheer, because that simply isn't the case. I know how hardcore and dedicated the majority of the people on this forum are... I have very little doubt in my mind that you guys and gals cheer. In fact, I have a feeling that if everyone in this board sat in the same section, not only would it be a party, but it would be the loudest section in the entire building. As a student, at hockey games the only food I get is between warmups and the start of the game... and then generally between the first and second periods I'll get a powerade or something because my throat hurts from cheering/yelling at the ref. I'm aware that for a lot of students, as well as a lot of fans, the Ralph is a place to be social or have a meeting, and there just so happens to be a hockey game going on as well. I wish that everyone could be as hardcore and dedicated as we are... but unfortunately this isn't Canada Give it time... it'll get there... Another random, off topic question, but I know another thread was talking about women's games... have they ever considered doing a double header? A women's game around 4:00 and a men's game at 7:00? I know that there are some Saturday's like that... but I mean something where they don't make all the fans leave in between games... something more along the lines of a regional.
  9. While I didn't come here to comment on driving, I'll do that quick Illinois drivers don't mind speeding.... and in general don't use their blinkers... I'm not a big fan. Wisconsin drivers suck at driving in weather North Dakota drivers (and I've only really experienced GF and Fargo) don't have a clue how to park... those yellow lines are in fact there for a reason... but I guess since you can't see the yellow lines half the year, you never truely learn that they are there I just had a quick question, I've only been to two Frozen Fours, St. Louis which I greatly enjoyed and Milwaukee which was alright... I'm not a Badger fan at all even though I lived in Madison for 16 years, so they were definitly getting on my nerves. But on to my question. In Milwaukee they had the goalie cameras and big screens... right above the nets, where the only thing that was on it was the goalie's crease and any activity that was taking place there. I didn't see that in St Louis and there were definitly times that I wish they did have it. Was that just a Milwaukee thing or have other places had that and St Louis was missing out?
  10. That's one of the best things that I have read in a long time. Complaining here about the lack of cheering doesn't help (unless you are also devising a way to pass out the words to the school song -- it was a great idea -- or trying to coordinate a new cheer). We all go to the games... being there, and being as loud as you can, no matter what the other people in your section say is one of the best things we can do. With time, the atmosphere will get better in the new arena, but we can give it a little jump start. Perhaps those of us that aren't students could talk to the people that sit around them (before the game, between periods) and see if they are interested in starting a cheer... I know that the students would be greatly impressed. The one for sure time that a cheer needs to be done is when the other team's fans are the loudest in the building.... that should NEVER happen in our house! I just wish that we had some more organized cheers... or band songs that had words... or something along those lines. Any ideas? Is this a summer project?
  11. Haha... I'm actually aviation.... I've got four critiques to write for Managerial Concepts, the final section of a group project and a speaker review for General Aviation Operations, then two papers for Contemporary Moral Issues.... not a lot of fun... perhaps I should have done something yesterday other than making smores and playing football But back to hockey.... Let's go Devils!
  12. haha... I have five more papers to write that are due tomorrow... plus an additional two for Tuesday...
  13. I know! I was really excited!!! haha... next period, I have faith
  14. Zajac with a fantastic breakaway chance after coming out of the box but he can't put it in
  15. Zajac gets called for a dive... and the other guy gets a trip... the announcers think both were crap calls... "you can't emblish it when your body is at a 45 degree angle" I'd really like to see Zajac get a goal... *fingers crossed* EDIT: It's funny how quickly we all reply when it involves one of our former players
  16. Tampa scores on a Brad Richards goal while Parise is in the box. The goalie steered the rebound, unfortunately, he steered it the wrong way. Devils still up 3-2 8:45 left in the second
  17. Tampa scores on a power play (too many men) Devils up 2-1 Devils respond quickly (39 seconds apart), 3-1 Gionta with his second of the day
  18. Gionta with a goal... 1-0 Devils
  19. Both teams seem to be playing well and getting a fair number of chances. Devils are currently on the power play.... the announcers said that the first five games have all by won by the team that scores first.... wonder if that'll continue tonight. Nice to see Zajac and Parise on the power play
  20. The Redwings player had nudges him a few times with his stick, and then while trying to get his stick free from the defender he hit the goalie in the mask (wasn't a hard hit) and I guess the goalie didn't like that
  21. While I haven't been paying enough attention to see if all the calls have been legit, but I feel like the refs are trying really hard to control this game. I can't even count the penalties because it seems that someone is always on the power play (it's four on three right now)... but I guess with all the "extras" after the whistles that's what the refs need to do.... seems they've already lost control though.... Like that one sucker punch to the face... although the guy chop blocked him (at least that is what it would be called in football) aiming for his knees/lower legs into the wall. Oh look... another penalty on the play.... Calgary now has three guys in the box I believe... EDIT: By the way, did you see earlier, right off the faceoff when a Redwing player skated to the wall and kinda got his leg stuck, crashed into it, and was down for awhile... that was weird.... By the way another fight with 9.8 seconds left
  22. They did mention that the coach might have to get on the phone to get another goalie before the next game....
  23. It certainly has.... the starting Calgary goalie certainly had a tough night.... but overall Calgary has not looked very good... now the backup goalie looks to be getting a penalty EDIT: Calgary tried to replace their starting goalie so they won't risk an injury, the backup goalie immediately takes a guy out (stick to the stomach) and the starting goalie is back in....
  24. HUGE save by the Sabre's goalie and defenseman with nine seconds left!!!
  25. Sabres seem to be taking this period off... although I guess I can't fully comment as I am switching back and forth between this game and the Devils game
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