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Everything posted by Irish

  1. So how did the Gophers and Denver do it back to back and BC ..... well you know.
  2. I didn't cherry pick the coaches - this represents UND's record from 1978 to Hak. Not unrealistic at all - just the records of his two immediate predecessors. By the way - Gino = 3 - count em 3 Nattys
  3. Oh, I forgot - it's almost impossible to win a Natty in this day and age.
  4. In my mind this is a much more pertinent comparison: Gino Gasparini - 392-248-25 - 16 years 3 National Championships Dean Blais - 262-115-34 - 10 years 2 National Championships Hak took over a team that went 30-8-3 the previous year
  5. Agreed - If we added in a respectible power play we might be hard to beat.
  6. In my opinion the first thing we need is for a goalie to cowboy up and have a shut-down tournament. We have entered the tourney with some good goalies with great stats, but none has been "the guy" in the tournament. The ratio of a goalie stealing one from us in the tournament vs UND's goalie stealing one from someone else is pathetic. Next, I beleive we have to have a flexible game plan. It's well and good to have the "we'll only play our tradtional way" philosophly when we play Mankato, but when it's BC, a little flexibility would be nice. A couple of our losses appeared to be because the other team anticipated what we would do and frustrated us. Finally, a little luck, although we would still need to capitolize on it. I thought we had all the luck we needed last year when Yale beat Minnesota, but it was Yale and not us that took advantage of it.
  7. Hmmm - several possibilities - those of us who hate the dump and chase as a constant philosophy are wrong, or - in some years (Toews, Oshie, Duncan, Boshinski, Parise) we had so much talent we would have scored under any system - who knows, maybe we would have scored a lot more goals then with a more open system, or the dump and chase isn't suited for every team and skill set we have - works great with some, not as great with others, or the dump and chase system is becoming more rigid as time goes by - how long did it take us to carry in the puck during power plays - the first time we did it against Miami we scored. Since we don't have two sets of data - one where we dump and chase and one where we don't, its hard to know what this means.
  8. So our lack of success is due to the 16 team regional? BS again. It didn't seem to be too hard for Minnesota twice, Denver twice, Wisconsin, Minnesota Duluth, or BC. Roughly the same amount of teams and one wins the championship. Tired of excuses as to why we didn't get it done. I'm not blaming the tourney format when we had Oshie, Toews, and Ducnan and still couldn't win. I might add that the 16 team tournament could be our friend this year.
  9. Are you saying that those years that BC handed us our asses in the Frozen Four is because they didn't have to travel as far for their regionals? I call BS on this. BC may have had an easier time getting to the FF, but once there they kicked our butts. I recall a regional here in the Ralph where we flamed out at the FF.
  10. I call Bull**** - most don't want him fired, they just want him to loosen up the "system" and win one finally
  11. Blah Blah Blah Blah Red - The two took over completely different programs with completely different expectations. Remember when we were winning championships and we felt superior to those who coulden't get it done? - I'm looking at you, Woog.
  12. Couldn't agree more about letting them play. Hopefully this is a sign that Hak will unleash the forewards a bit more. That could be just what we need down the stretch. I also liked the fact we didn't back off like we sometimes do with a lead. I think we'll know after this weekend if the changes are perminent.
  13. You raise some valid points - However, I think if you had your way Muss would still be in charge of the football program.
  14. Be interesting to see what changes if any to the power play. I'm hoping it is much more than personnel.
  15. Revenge of the Nerds - glad you took it with a grain of salt - my attempt to interject a little humor in a thread that has gotten pretty intense. I respect your hockey knowledge and usually read your posts with great interest. My concern is that other than the carping on this thread about Hak's performance there is not much excitement about Sioux Hockey this year - no "this could be the year" feeling, no "wow, these freshmen are great" discussion, no "anyone for Hoby Baker" excitement. Team performance has been uneven, no one has stood out this season, and our best player (Grimaldi) hasn't developed into the scoring machine we thought he might (see Johnny Hockey). It seems easy to criticize our style of play. In my opinion, this the most down collective mood since the last days of Gino. We really need something to rally around and I hope this weekend is the start of it.
  16. Airtight assertions are always difficult to make, Poindexter. However what is fairly obvious to everyone who is watching Sioux hockey is that Hak will stubbornly stick with the same dump chase and cycle. Many who are complaining here don't want him fired immediately, but really wish he would loosen up a bit. Lucia had a rough 4 years but shook up his staff and was willing to change. We want Hak to make some changes too. After watching the power play this weekend, I think some changes should be in order.
  17. At the first interview, Swanson brought a high-lited handbook that shows clearly that policy. Show me where he even got a chance to sit down with the parents and address the complaint. Listening to a parent bitch and then immediately firing the coach is some gutless ADing in my book. At least give Swanson a chance to meet with the whiners before ruining his coaching career. In my opinion this behavior shows a lack of spine at the very least.
  18. Agreed - I don't think most people are calling for his head - but we want to see a Natty or two. I don't think there's any question that we are down a notch in achievement since he took over. It appears Hak has a stubborn streak that fans jump on when things aren't great (I'm looking at you, dump and chase) We need to get this done and this year doesn't look like it. Next year the excuse will be that we are too young. Bottom line is that we aren't far away from the longest title drought in Sioux history.
  19. I'm not saying fire Hak either - just expressing my frustration for the lack of a Natty, the dump chase and cycle, and the excuse making.
  20. Exactly - for not winning My point is that this is Fighting Sioux Hockey and the expectations are championships here - not some other "pretty good" program. Pointing to a good coach who has not had a lot of championship success does not, in my opinion, make it ok here. Might as well include Woog in your comparison.
  21. If I hear the blah blah blah Red Berenson excuse one more time I think I'm going to puke. From when Gino took over in 1979 until Blais left North Dakota won 5 National Champuionships - an average of about one every 5 years. Next closest was Lake Superior State with 3. We didn't want to be Michigan then. We were the best program in the country and knew it. Now, we are not. We used to measure success by Nattys. Now we are giving ourselves participation medals. Time to step it up a notch and get it done.
  22. Not saying Hak should be fired, but I hope to God he wakes up a little and becomes somewhat flexible on the dump and chase and cycle. I'm looking at you, power play.
  23. This is a prime example of Haks stubborness costing the team. Skating towards the blue line, ringing the puck around the boards only to have it send out and then repeating 4 more times is not a power play. With 14 draft choices and an assistant with NHL experience this approach is pathetic to put it kindly. No excuse. Time for Hak to step up his game. This is getting real old.
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