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Everything posted by Irish

  1. I see, so punting 8 times was just part of our overall strategy.
  2. Oh - I guess I had a different definition of running the clock - one that involved getting a few first downs. In what world is going 3 and out many times in a row "running the clock"?
  3. It doesn't have to be one or the other - however, if Muss could have developed this defense his record and offense would be pretty good. This idea that in order to have a great defense your offense needs to be boring and predictable is nonsense.
  4. You don't build squat practicing failure and predictibility. And this idea that we have to have an offense that looks like this in order to have a great defense is just nonsense. The Lennon way isn't the only way as fans of Southern Illinois would gladly tell you. What we saw on the offensive side of the ball was awful and the fact we repeated it the whole game doesn't speak well of the coaches.
  5. The only way we could have gotten "lower risk" is if we started quick kicking on 3rd down.
  6. Maybe use the whole playbook with an eye towards the game situation, what is working, and keeping the defense guessing. Don't get stuck on one page over and over again when the result is 5 first downs in a game. Expand if necessary.
  7. If we didn't execute a certain type of play the first 10 times, what makes us think that calling it another time will end up with a different result?
  8. Agree with most of your assesment (especially the part about Muss) - I'm not convinced that the road to that type of offense needs to run through the place where we have 5 first downs and 70 yards passing - let alone make a stop there for who knows how long. I think we know what type of offense Bubba wants, but how does yesterday's game plan get us any closer. We all want more fan support - the offensive half of the game was almost painful to watch. You don't teach success by practicing failure over and over.
  9. Molberg's stats for the last two games 11 for 31 with 3 picks and a fumble in the end zone. 149 yards passing total. 5/30 on third downs. Admittedly working under the least creative offensive coordinator I have ever seen - ever. Everyone was happy when we heard we would pound the rock. - Has a catchy sound. However, we are getting pounded with the rock - not the same. I never thought I would wish for another bubble screen, but here I am. I know we have some talent deficits - but are you telling me that this was the best game plan we could come up with. Run for 2 yards a carry and if that doesn't work run some more for 2 yards a carry. Bubba has done a great job getting the defense to play with intensity and pride. Not impressed with the OC, however.
  10. You are right, we can't just put in another entire O line - we can, however, put in a different quarterback. We are showing serious signs of being foolishly stubborn on the offensive side of the ball.
  11. 5 first downs 2-`12 on 3rd down 145 total yards 2 completions Two turnovers - Tell me why we don't need a new philosophy and why we won't give Bartles a chance - certainly not much to lose
  12. It's really nice to see a Sioux team with some guys who really came to play - they were all on one side of the ball, but hey.
  13. Agree with your analysis - however - how, under your player development theory, will we be ready for the Bison next year? And how will getting our butts handed to us by our most hated rival help recruit these players? If we suck next year this game is a huge mistake.
  14. In my opinion, Bubba put a lot of his credibility on the line insisting on these two games on the road. He needs to be competative. Getting our butts handed to us will not help our football team at all.
  15. Question - If the GOBC have been active since before the new Ralph and they are looking out for us, how did they let UND football sink to its lowest level ever?
  16. I recognize many of the people here, but am not sure what they are bringing to the table. I am very worried about the input from the University - Looking at you, Sandra. There are two things that can make this a more bearable process - First, pick a decent replacement name. My worry is that they will come out with some awful pc crap like the Sundogs (chosen only after consulting with the Sundogs to make sure they are not insulted). We need a name we can rally behind. Second, we could use some immediate athletic success on a high level with the new name so people can rally around it (pressure is on you, hockey team). Without these things it is going to be a suckfest.
  17. Irish


    How hard can this be? Very disappointed with this board.
  18. Agree it won't be decided by fans - fans will, however, continue to express their opinions. In my opinion, Bartles body of work last year was a notch above Molbergs, although neither particulairly distinguished themselves. It is hard to imagine a quarterback having a worse first three games than Molberg. In addition to ineffective passing, the guy is a turnover machine. My point was that it doesn't appear that Bartles has the chance to earn the job back based on what I have seen so far. At some point he needs to ask "what has to happen for me to get a chance?" In all of the games he played last year and this year I have not seen anything from Molberg that indicates he is the guy. If this was any other position he would have been benched already.
  19. Irish

    2015 Recruiting

    Couldn't agree more - successful programs at our level ususally have some kids that are playing FCS because of some issues (Crockett for example). I think what really makes a difference is the culture of the team they come to - and I think this was Muss's biggest weakness. If you come into a structured program with leaders it can help some kids tremendously. They can be part of a team that helps and takes care of them, but has some standards. Some kids can be very successful on and off the field with this. If you come to a program where the talented kids think little of the program and there is a culture where you can dick around on the sidelines or quit the team several times and be allowed back (looking at you , Muss), then you get what we had the last several years. Some great talents but no team. With Bubba's new culture, I think we are in position to get some Florida and California kids and have them be stars. I think that in the past when they have not been successful here it said as much or more about our FB culture than the kids.
  20. Or more likely - pass for 0 yards - punt
  21. I don't believe this because I saw him outplay Molberg on the field last year.
  22. Agree - but last week we saw some of the stupidest penalties and poor punt decisions I have seen in a long time. I'm sure the staff is working hard to correct this as penatlies have been a problem so far this year. We can't teach big, but we can teach discipline. I expect to see some improvent.
  23. I don't think anything is more demoralizing than getting pounded on the ground and am all in favor of it. However, at some point you have to adjust to the talent you have. So far we have tried pounding with a line that gets no push and for the first 2 games a 170 pound running back. Second and 9, third and 7 gets pretty old, especially with our QB play. Time to mix things up a bit.
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