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Everything posted by Irish

  1. So nice to leave the game today and talk to fans who felt their cheering had a hand in the outcome. I'll take going to this game over almost all of the Muss games combined. We weren't perfect, but we cowboyed up and got a W. If Bartles hasn't earned a start I'll be super pissed.
  2. Perfect summary - Hak is so stubborn about his "systems" - Imagine what York could do with Toews, Oshie, and Duncan on a line. Hak does many parts of his coaching job very well, but I really believe that this is why we never get it done.
  3. Still more entertaining than the game though.
  4. Absolutely no excuse for this effort - especially for a home opener. None.
  5. Wow - Boston College Bemidji State is using and abusing the "best defense in the country".
  6. I really hope that the University rethinks its attitude about students and their attendence at sporting events. Students are vital to a loud and exciting game atmosphere in every sport and not only should be made to feel welcome, but also encouraged by making attendence as easy as possible whether it is with tailgating or easy ticket sales. The more of a pain it is the more students will stay away. At some level (not sure where this starts) it seems like all students are viewed as potential problems who need to be watched as carefully as possible. Some lower level officials do their duties with the zeal of Junior High dance monitors and spend every second looking for "rules" violations. Give the kids a little space and make them feel welcome. If they are causing a problem or blatently doing something wrong then take care of that situation. We need to make them part of the Sioux family. I think the attitude towards students turned about the same time as athletics went "corporate" and hockey became a big social event. Fervent fans including students were not as valuable a commodity as people with big bucks to spend on suites and the good seats. How dare the students want to stand and cheer on their team. Those of us who remember the Old Ralph know what an excited student section can mean to a game. Please spend a little time thinking about how to involve students and rethink the attitude that seems designed to drive them away.
  7. From my vantage point it looked like he would have made it if he kept on at his original angle and hadn't cut back inside, but that is certainly not definitive. Not suggesting he dance like a scatback or that the loss was his fault, just pointing out the series of events that led to our disappointing defeat.
  8. It's not only the kicking crew's deal - it a perfect storm of screw-ups to lose this one. Molberg runs for the sticks instead of dancing and cutting up results in probably a first down. We let a receiver get behind our d backs at the worst possible time - I'm still stunned at that lapse. Bottom line is we couldn't close the deal. Like most games we had some good and some bad - definately see improvement in overall intensity and defensive play. Let's not get too high on the 4th quarter offense (unless we change up play calling for the whole game) - We seemed to forget the stretch where we had about 10 yards total in 4 posessions and seemed to start every drive off with a one yard plunge. It will be interesting to see what offense we see for the next game.
  9. I'm not saying to let the students run wild, but the Barney Fife level of student monitoring that goes on at the Alerus is riciculous. Just look over at the student section and you will see 3-5 officials standing at the top of the section ever scanning the students. If they are causing trouble, remove them. Othewise just leave them alone. It seems like the Al is doing everything it can to make them miserable. I have heard many students I know complain about this.
  10. Have you seen the cops roam and scan the student section for anyone having a good time. We never got that treatment. It's like we are trying to keep them away. The Alerus is the worst - I sit close to the student section and see students hassled all of the time. The Ralph is a little better, but not great. If a student is obviously intoxicated or out of line, by all means get them out. But give the kids a little slack.
  11. Couldn't agree more - one of his first passes he looked left, stared down the receiver, and threw into double coverage - probably should have been picked. I think we've seen the type of play calling that helps him be successful and it isn't second and 9, third and 7. On the other hand, he threw some great passes - the physical talent is there.
  12. If this guy can't get it done we need someone else in there. This can't go on. I'm frustrated because we played our butts off - and that is because the coaches got them to this point - but still found a way to piss this one away. The coaches get a lot of praise for getting this team to play at this level, but we should not be giving games away like this - not just the center problems but the whole final two minutes.
  13. If by Montana should have lost you mean we should have won, you are right on. We had to have a whole series of screw-ups to lose this game. Molberg runs to the stakes instead of cutting up = first down. We get a snap and a hold on the field goal = we win. Even then - what's the cardinal rule of playing safety when the opponents have a long field and there is less than 2 minutes left - that's right, don't let anyone behind you. Our snapping alone cost us a safety and a game winning field goal. This is something that should have been squared away in pre-season, not biting us in game 5. The only way we should be having snapping issues is if everyone is hurt and we have to use a guy who hasn't played center since his sophomore year of high school. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love our defense. However, we shouldn't be giving away games we worked our butts off to win because of stupid mistakes. I used up all of my moral victories long ago. We need some smart play in addition to our inspired defense. We saw our team play hard as hell, now let's see them play smart and disciplined too. A tough one to let get away like this.
  14. Second and 18 deep in their territory and we decide to plunge the line for no gain? Are we even trying to score?
  15. We do have a chance, but we need to play to win on offense and not be happy with a string of 3 and outs. For the love of God give Bartles a chance -
  16. I really wish we would ... I don't know.... maybe TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT ON OFFENSE the second half.
  17. This isn't Stoney Brook - we can't try run out the clock with 3 and outs. Last 9 plays have gone for 10 yards total.
  18. Defense with an incredible stand -
  19. Vintage Molberg - locks on to a receiver early and almost throws a pick 6 - then follows it up with a fumble at the 6. Please put someone else in - the guy is a turnover machine
  20. I see we are back to the one yard plunge as being our first down play of choice
  21. We are doing it to ourselves with our snaps and penalties - great effort but not smart play. Get the gd snap count right already.
  22. Nice - lots of possibilities - I agree with the Viking comment too.
  23. I'm partial to "Warriors of the North" possibly with mjolnir or a similar war hammer as part of our logo. I absolutely hate the sundog, spirit crap and would seriously rethink my contribution as well if we come up with this pc crap.
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