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Everything posted by Irish

  1. This would be a great weekend to regroup and come out and play a full 60 like we can play. We have the potential to be a force this year but the sloppy, lackadaisical play has to stop.
  2. I took this to be a reference to recruiting - so far his recruiting has been underwhelming.
  3. It's like we have entered Bizarro World. Two years ago we won a championship with a line of NHL talent - now we have none. We also won with incredible team character and hard play now we can't get a full 60 minutes out of our team for the life of us. We used to be a place where talent came to grow and hopefully make the pros - now, no one seems to have improved. We used to be a feared opponent, now we are Minnesota Duluth's whipping boy. And no one can figure out what happened. Maybe this is one of those years that just comes along every so often. I hope so. Even so, if we get our act together we could still make some noise, but the clock is ticking.
  4. I agree - adjustments doesn't quite fit. Do a much better job, perhaps. I just can't figure out why after our National Title the Blue Chip pipeline went dry.
  5. My main question is can Berry look at where we are at and make adjustments - mainly to recruiting, but also special teams. We basically have no high end talent up front and given some of our recruiting advantages that should not happen. Does he have what it takes to turn that around or is he more like Bubba in football who stubbornly won't adjust a bit. Based on how we played at the end of last year, especially against BU, I was optimistic about this season. Looking at where we are now, it appears no returner has taken a step forward and none of our recruits are playing at the high end of their expectations. In addition, watching our PK last week made me throw up in my mouth a little. I just don't know what to make of this year's team.
  6. Looking at the statistics so far, we don't have anyone in the top 50 in scoring nationally and in the NCHC have numbers 17 and 18 of the top 25 scorers. Denver has 3 in the NCHC top 10. There are 6 sophomores in the NCHC top 10 - obviously none of them ours. We need to seriously re-think our recruiting. We have many recruiting advantages here including the best facilities, fans, and attendance. We have a recent National Championship and have a reputation of preparing players for the NHL. We need to get it done.
  7. After we won it all less than two years ago and showcased our fans, our program, and our top line who all went to the NHL I thought the number of Blue Chippers wanting to come here would increase - we had a well deserved reputation as the place to go to get NHL ready. Now, less than two years later we get this? What is going on with Berry ? What is his recruiting strategy? What is the special teams strategy other than milling about? One of the worst efforts I have seen. And to think Minnesota Duluth thinks they own us. I am so frustrated I it will take two more whiskeys before I go to bed.
  8. Agreed - also to be honest though, we didn't have much firepower waiting in the wings. We seriously need to reload.
  9. I really hope you're right - I think we would need a big increase in our scoring punch for that to happen.
  10. I find it a little ironic that in the same post that you accuse people of wildly overreacting, you overreact and misstate what is being posted. I have not seen anyone state that we have zero talent or that everyone is a bust. What many are saying is that we are underachieving and at times look lackadaisical on the ice, that many players have not developed like we had hoped, that we hate being Duluth's whipping boy, and that we are concerned about making the tournament. What I am saying is that other than one and done Jost, the last two classes Berry has brought in has not included any Blue Chip scorers. This is the team of Oshie, Toews, Frattin, Boesser, Parise, Schmaltz, and Zajak among others. We won it all two years ago and have the best facilities and fans in college hockey. Quite frankly I am surprised and disappointed in the lack of studs. No first rounders, no one in the World Juniors - have we changed recruiting philosophy or have we just missed? We desperately need some guys who can put the puck in the net.
  11. Recruiting used to be spot on - not as much lately. My theory is that after taking over and winning it all Berry became enamored with the grit of the championship team but forgot that a lot of that grit was on our first line of high-end NHL talent. We are really stuck without a consistent scoring front liner this year. That should not happen at a school like ours.
  12. I'm sure we do - we have some solid players here too - we need the next Schmaltz, Boesser, Toews, Oshie, Frattin, Parise - well you get the idea. Or a couple of them. We seem to have had a couple year drought on top talent. Time to up our recruiting game.
  13. After winning it all two years ago and having the entire first line get national publicity as one of the best ever in college hockey and all going to the NHL you would think some offensive studs would be lined up to come here. No way Duluth should be kicking out butts regularly. This team is seriously short on high-end talent.
  14. Irish

    2018 Season

    The game day experience has improved greatly, thanks to hard work on the part of Bubba and the University. And we expect to be much better this year. The only negative is that regardless of how successful we are, you will come away frustrated many games watching Rudolph plying his trade.
  15. We still need some high end talent - remember - as gritty as our championship team was we still had an NHL caliber first line. Time to get in some studs.
  16. Irish

    2018 Season

    Look - other than using "incorrect terminology" to describe the infamous "first down Hawks - Santiago up the middle for 1. Second and 9." play (a play every fan recognizes instantly) my main points here have been that Rudolph had a very talented group of running backs and used none effectively. He refused to split Santiago out to try get him the ball in space or any other deviation from his "plan". Tight ends were forgotten. He refused to adapt to his talent. In addition, his game calling never leaves anyone off balance - he is very predictable - and that to be a great team this has to change. I would venture to say this is a sentiment shared by a majority of posters on the football thread. How am I wrong?
  17. Irish

    2018 Season

    Thank you, professor, for that lesson in terminology. Would it be more plain to you if I had said "Santiago up the middle"? No need to go into specifics unless you have a pent up lecture you want to get out.
  18. Irish

    2018 Season

    I knew it was bad from watching, but these numbers are stark - At this point I couldn't be more disappointed in Bubba - he's the one who should know better and watched this unfold - and then decided not to make any changes. Rudolph is just a lost cause.
  19. Two tickets for the Saturday hockey game vs the 18 and under team - Sect. 113 row C seats 1 and 2 - directly behind the goal. $30 for the pair - text 701 740 1607 if interested.
  20. Irish

    2018 Season

    "a key for Shurmur has been tailoring the offense to the strengths of the players available" - Almost sacrilege in the Sioux camp. I'd sure like to hear what people think this would have looked like at UND last year. In my mind it wouldn't look like running a dive into 8 or 9 in the box with our 185 lb running back.
  21. Irish

    2018 Season

    I couldn't agree more with your assessment. I watched most of the game too - and what struck me was the absolute misuse of our talented group of running backs (even with our line troubles). Bubba's endorsement of a clueless O coordinator frustrates me to no end. So many things are possible and still have a ball control clock eating offense. Time for this coaching staff to get a clue.
  22. Irish

    2018 UND Recruiting

    Same person who passed the ball to them this year - Mr. Nobody. Too busy running the dive to worry about the TEs.
  23. Irish

    2018 UND Recruiting

    Not for our offense - we counter that with the dive.
  24. You really don't see the difference? Well, great things are on the horizon then because we have the same offense as the best program in the country. How many 1 yard dives on first down did they run - using their 185 pound running back who is an all american when he gets the ball with space? Rudolph backers mystify me.
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