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Everything posted by Irish

  1. Exactly - but we know that the coach's job is never on the line when you can get renewed at 5-6. Absolutely no demand for excellence - just shucky darn we have to play better. Every time the Bison get closer to the playoff finals I get real irritated that Bubba took a classic victory and turned it into crap in one game while the Bison took a humiliating defeat and upped their game. Absolutely no excuse for this (and no consequences).
  2. In my opinion the biggest problem at the GF airport is the absolutely brutal schedule Delta has in order to make any connection in Minneapolis. It seems like you must take the 5:00 AM flight which means getting up at 3-3:30 AM - a hell of a way to start a business trip or vacation. People who live outside of the GF area must get up earlier. For some of us that means only 3-4 hours of fitful sleep. And by far the most common return time is around midnight. A western hub would also be useful.
  3. After watching Danny's offensive strategy this year if he is the best candidate we are in trouble.
  4. It's good that Bubba is taking a hard look at talent - agree with the wait and see though. However, will he take the same hard look at coaching? Game preparation, ability to motivate (the drop after the Bison game is stunning), game management, clock management, offensive play calling and philosophy, defensive scheme, 3rd down play, the chart he uses for 2 point conversions, I could go on. Because unless these are evaluated we will get more of the same. His 10 year history shows change is glacial.
  5. How many Bees did it cost to view the game?
  6. A little bit chicken/egg argument as to if it's coaching or talent - a bit of both with the understanding that coaches recruit talent. But we sure aren't getting the best out of the talent we have. After the SU game I thought wow - Bubba finally turned the corner. Wrong. The regression from that game was stunning. What kind of staff can't build off of that victory? Looking back the Dancing Bubba video almost seems like a cruel joke.
  7. The Catwalk issue shows how out of touch the Alerus and Athletic Department are with the average fan - they just don't seem to care at all. If no one will listen to that issue imagine how much they care about our opinion of the Football Program.
  8. Does anyone know if Chaves understands our frustration? He is silent on this and almost every other issue but his past actions speak loudly. Bubba is hard-wired to be Bubba and Danny is regressing by the year. Neither seem to be able to adapt at all. I have zero confidence that anything will change next year.
  9. Don't know what's gotten into Danny lately - when he started he showed so much promise
  10. Irish

    The Ralph

    Interesting about lighting - for the first couple of hockey games this year I was almost blinded by the spotlights on the bottom of the scoreboard - not sure that they are a new addition but the sequencing was new - when they flashed into the crowd they hit me right in the eyes - after cataract surgery they sure had a bad effect. Last couple of games were much better.
  11. He didn't hire him but he did give him an extension before his contract was due after a 5-6 season. That's probably a good indication.
  12. I know a buy out is a problem but is there any indication that Chaves "gets it" at all concerning the FB program? He clearly didn't in 2021. Our game planning and in-game adjustments are the worst I have ever seen. What will it take for the light to go on in his head? We can complain or alternately support the program with more money all we want but until the AD sees winning as a priority welcome to our future - rinse, repeat.
  13. Honestly, when Chaves extended Bubba, then HE should have gotten a pink slip.- There, I fixed it.
  14. This is UND where nothing changes but the weather
  15. It's been 10 years - the learning curve must be pretty steep
  16. One of the most salifying and yet frustrating game I have ever seen. Now let's make a playoff run.
  17. My prediction - our offensive play calling and defense will straighten out today and we will play a great game. Good mix of calls to keep the opponent guessing. But true to form these changes won't last and very soon - probably early in the playoffs - we will revert to the game management that drives us all nuts.
  18. Agreed that that ship has sailed. But continuing with the seafaring analogy we have the exact same Admiral making the decision about the same Captain as in 2001. I'm not sure that either has learned anything in the interim.
  19. You are 100% correct that this is the process every team (and organization) needs to do. The main issue with us is that we have the same group doing the review that did it in 2021 (after a 5-6 season and the Bison game debacle) and concluded that even though Bubba's contract wasn't up that the best thing to do was give him an extension.
  20. A perfect pairing - Malort is said to taste like "pencil shavings and heartbreak".
  21. It was the style at the time - but we didn't have white onions because of the war.
  22. I like to say a prayer and drink to world peace.
  23. He didn't care that much about the fan base when he renewed a 5-6 Bubba before his contract was up and after he called perhaps the worst game I have seen in many many years against NDSU. Now it doesn't matter what the fan base sentiment is because we are stuck with Bubba and can't afford a buy out.
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