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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. I would guess some voters (especially UM) "punished" the twins for transferring. They should be "over it " by next year. Very disappointing but not surprising - to me, at least!!
  2. I would think that 1) a losing record with a loss to one (or more) of the lower division teams - unless we finished the season VERY strong or 2) a losing record with the team showing little improvement throughout the season and/or not playing with much energy/motivation due to a real or perceived lack of leadership from the coaching staff.
  3. Men's and Women's recruiting has been added to Wiki. Feel free to let me know who else either program may be looking at. I didn't have too much to insert. I did list Farroh as a potential recruit; however, I do not know if Gene and crew are looking at her.
  4. We lost 11-4 today but had 10 hits so the bats might be coming around a bit.
  5. I will handle this but it may be a day or two before I can get to it.
  6. Is anyone else having trouble getting in Big Sky webcast? I have registered and logged in but get continue to just get the B2 site with no picture!! Any advice?
  7. jandrist@nd.gov; sdberry@nd.gov; bbowman@nd.gov; raburckhard@nd.gov; rchristmann@nd.gov; dcook@nd.gov; ddever@nd.gov; jdotzenrod@nd.gov; rerbele@nd.gov; tfischer@nd.gov; tflakoll@nd.gov; lfreborg@nd.gov; tgrindberg@nd.gov; jheckaman@nd.gov; dhogue@nd.gov; rholmberg@nd.gov; rkilzer@nd.gov; jklein@nd.gov; kkrebsbach@nd.gov; llaffen@nd.gov; olarsen@nd.gov; galee@nd.gov; jlee@nd.gov; lluick@nd.gov; slyson@nd.gov; rmarcellais@nd.gov; tmathern@nd.gov; joetmiller@nd.gov; pmmurphy@nd.gov; cnelson@nd.gov; dnething@nd.gov; glnodland@nd.gov; doconnell@nd.gov; doehlke@nd.gov; colafson@nd.gov; lrobinson@nd.gov; dgschaible@nd.gov; macschneider@nd.gov; msitte@nd.gov; rsorvaag@nd.gov; bstenehjem@nd.gov; rtaylor@nd.gov; ctriplett@nd.gov; guglem@nd.gov; tmwanzek@nd.gov; rwardner@nd.gov; jwarner@nd.gov
  8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It didn't take long to get the response - apparenlty they are not making these decisions in a vaccuum! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I appreciate your concern, and I share the some of those concerns as well. We have had discussions, not only in the committee hearings but in the debate on the floor to that affect. We want to ensure that this doesnt handcuff the University in their interactions with other Universities, and we dont want to do anything that will cause further animosity with the NCAA. In the debate, it seemed clear that the NCAA doesnt have the proper authority to impose further sanctions on UND without them having to take to task the Florida Seminoles, Utah Utes, Illinois Illini or other Universities in a similar circumstance. In terms of the other universities, it didnt seem like their blacklisting us would hold water and so the members of the assembly were willing to take that chance. Im sure that the issue will be further reviewed for those very concerns when it gets to the Senate, and I would encourage you to make those concerns known so that they come from citizens and not just from the other chamber. Thanks again for your words. Have a great day!
  9. The following is an example of one of the responses I received from a House member this afternoon. My response is listed below it. I will let you know what his/her response may be. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excellent news! In response to the many emails that people like you have sent, the House voted today to require that UND retain the Fighting Sioux nickname by a vote of 65-28! I would like to thank everyone for their support on this issue, but I need to remind you that the battle is only half over. We will still have a tough fight in the Senate and will need all of your support to help us get through that hurdle. Please continue to show us your support of the Fighting Sioux name and stay involved in the process. Well need you as we go into the second half of the session and push this bill through the Senate. Thank you again for your support and have a great day! ----- xxxxxx xxxxxxxx ND House of Representatives District xx - xxxxxx ___________________________________________________ Mr. xxxxxxxx - I certainly appreciate your supportive vote and your taking the time to send me this note. However, isn't there much more to this than simply having the Senate approve the bill. Do we have any form of assurance that its enactment will: 1) Appease the NCAA to the extent there will be no further sanctions against us. 2) Be credible enough that other "politically correct" universities will not blacklist us. If U of M, U of WI, etc. continue to refuse to play us, this will not be good! It will hurt us in many ways: revenue, recruiting, regional stature, etc. Are these issues being considered in your discussions? Again, thanks for your vote!
  10. They did not; however, most of them alluded to the fact that not getting a blessing from the NCAA would simply prolong the agony. I don't know how they could be assured of that this law would influence the NCAA - in the proper fashion!
  11. I sent the following e-mail to all House members last Thursday. Surprisingly, I received responses from many of them. They all agreed that it would be a waste of time to pass this bill unless there was some sort of assurance that we would not be punished by the NCAA (either open punishment or their quietly telling other universities not to play us). "I am a strong proponent of retaining the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo. I firmly believe that it honors the Sioux name and its people. I ask that you take the time to fully analyze House Bill 1263 and the ramifications of its passage. If you feel that passage will truly result in the retention of the name in a manner that the NCAA will accept, I strongly urge a "yes" vote. However, if it appears that this would simply "prolong the agony" with the end-result being the same as it is today, let's move on! Thank you for your consideration." I have even gotten a couple of e-mails from House members since the vote. I also have a real concern that this will backfire on us but it would be outstanding if we could retain the name!
  12. Anything interesting in the discussions? This is great news unless it only just prolongs the agony and/or the NCAA finds other ways to get even (suggesting teams not play us)!
  13. Is anyone listening to the House discussing this issue right now? I can't get it. If someone has anything of interest, let us know.
  14. Carey Woods must also be a heck of a BB player - scroing 52 against GF Central and many games in the 20s and 30s. I saw on a Iowa Hawkeye website that UND and NDSU had offered him - for BB. I don't think that is fact. Do we know that UND is interested in him for FB or where you just meaning that he may be a potential recruit?
  15. A couple more OL prospects have been added to Wiki.
  16. In my opinion - we are unnecessarily getting uptight about this issue. Despite what we might think about what has transpired up until now, Kelley and Faison are smart individuals. They know this whole issue has been very controversial. They will not take steps that will further alienate and upset people. That would be totally unproductive - and just plain stupid! Obviously, Kelley, as the president, would be the one who will give the final stamp of approval. The above being said, I am a strong supporter of keeping the name. I am somewhat encouraged by what the legislature is looking at. Yesterday, I sent this e-mail to all house members. I have heard back from many of them - all responses so far have been positive. I would recommend everyone contacting them as well. See "E-mail ND House ........" thread under "Sioux Name" for their e-mail addresses. "I am a strong proponent of retaining the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo. I firmly believe that it honors the Sioux name and its people. I ask that you take the time to fully analyze House Bill 1263 and the ramifications of its passage. If you feel that passage will truly result in the retention of the name in a manner that the NCAA will accept, I strongly urge a "yes" vote. However, if it appears that this would simply "prolong the agony" with the end-result being the same as it is today, let's move on! Thank you for your consideration."
  17. Thanks for the info - I sent the following note to all of them and have heard back from many. All said they agreed with my thoughts. "I am a strong proponent of retaining the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo. I firmly believe that it honors the Sioux name and its people. I ask that you take the time to fully analyze House Bill 1263 and the ramifications of its passage. If you feel that passage will truly result in the retention of the name in a manner that the NCAA will accept, I strongly urge a "yes" vote. However, if it appears that this would simply "prolong the agony" with the end-result being the same as it is today, let's move on! Thank you for your consideration." SiouxFan29 - I would recommend that you post this info in various other threads as I don't think that many people have seen it. I would do so but you started this so you should probably continue it. I am sure the UND fans in the hockey, BB and FB threads would be very interested in communicating with the House members.
  18. UND Fan


    I would think that this should be a very good thing!
  19. Apparently SDSU has now offered Mollberg.
  20. I have added quite a few 2012 prospects to Wiki. There are a couple of big kids from western ND that I am sure we are at least thinking about plus I have added MN players who were invited to UND's Junior Camp.
  21. Do you know if UND is looking at him?
  22. UND beat Chicago State by 10 this afternoon. I listened to it now and then - we were down by 3 at half but came back well in the 2nd half. Lots of 3s but another lousy day on the FT line. Over 50% on 3s, less than 50% on FTs. Huff had 20+.
  23. What does he do for a living?
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