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Everything posted by Ray77

  1. So...what you're saying is that the UofM won't play us in any sport (except hockey - how convenient and un-hippocritical - way to really stand up for what you believe!) and yet they have a native word/phrase/saying in their lame fight song? That makes sense, although I find that to be hostile and abusive.
  2. Thanks...I just got on and it does look really good. There was 1 or 2 times that it seem to be "catching up" so it kind of looked like it was fast forwarding frame by frame. Has that happened to you?
  3. I just got online and am watching the webcast...anyone else watching online? Has the video been spotty or has it been good? Also, during commercials, apparently online they don't go to the actual commercial and you hear the two announcers talking???
  4. Jim...just a random question that I had and not even sure why/how it crossed my mind. I'm sure it's been addressed elsewhere (possibly in the Sioux Name forum?), but I haven't come across it. I figured I'd put this in the SiouxSports.com forum because it has to do with SiouxSports.com along with the Sioux name. If (and I hate to say it but it's looking more and more like when) UND changes it's name, would SiouxSports.com be able to keep the name or would it have to change as well? My guess is that you would be able to continue to use the name if you wanted to, which brings up the next question. If you were able to (legally or whatever) keep the name, would you keep it, or would you change it to the NewSchoolNicknameSports.com? Thanks.
  5. Are you sure that practices are closed to the public or are you asking if they are? I know they used to not be (way back when) because my dad and I would go watch them. Maybe they are now though, I'm not sure.
  6. I had the same thoughts as you did regarding this...I thought that sounded wrong, so I looked it up. Check out sec 3:23 of the 2006-08 NCAA Men's and Women's Ice Hockey Rules and Interpretations, which says: A substitute goalkeeper must be on the bench at the start of the game and shall at all times be fully dressed and equipped and ready to play. Upon entering the game, the substitute goalkeeper shall take his position without delay. A team shall not start a game with less than two goalkeepers. PENALTY
  7. This means even less time for Radke, which I also see as a positive thing.
  8. Kyle Radke is a loose cannon. He continually takes STUPID penalties and hurts the team. He has no idea when to play physical and when not to...he just plays dumb and reckless all the time. He's going to end up hurting someone on the opposing team because of his recklessness - then we'll see who defends his play. It's funny to see how some on here condemn players in the NHL like Boogard who "bring nothing to the team" and are just fighters, however they'll defend Radke saying the Sioux need his physical presence and he would have stepped up and answered the bell in Wisconsin. Good stuff!
  9. I agree with that to an extent. Don't get me wrong, I'm not second-guessing Hakstol and as a team you have to be versatile enough to play different styles, but I hate seeing teams get away from what got them there and then play "not to lose" rather than keep on with what's working and playing to win.
  10. Classic! I'll bet Bucky thought he was being funny stealing the Michigan State flag until he got railroaded! Did Wisconsin cry to the NCAA and "tell" on that guy that hit him so he would get in twubble?
  11. Just to play devil's advocate...1 game does not make a goaltender. This site shows that after 3 games played, Greico is 1-2 with 12 goals against, a 3.92 GAA, and a .890 save percentage. I'm neither "pro-Greico" or "anti-Greico" but just because he made 40 saves in his first game and was named first star doesn't mean that UND's season went to heck when he left.
  12. This may be a dumb question, but I've seen this in many threads and have never figured out what "bump" means or refers to. Anyone care to explain this?
  13. NHL.com has a good article on Hak and UND. You can find it here: 'Sioux'weet success for North Dakota's Hakstol
  14. Remodel the Pepsi Center? The place is brand new...what remodelling is needed?!
  15. The Toews interview can be read here.
  16. Let's keep this in mind...Hakstol put Radke on the ice in that situation. Why?...I have no idea. However, Hak knows what kind of kid Radke is and he still puts him out there with 8 seconds to go when he knows that Radke is a headcase. Hak should have just left him in Grand Forks instead.
  17. Don't get me wrong...I'm not blaming Radke for tonight's loss or anything. Heck, I only got to listen to a part of the game on the radio and saw none of it on the webcast. But I've been saying the same thing every year that he has been here...that kid is a loose cannon and does nothing but take penalties and plays cheap. He's going to hurt someone if he keeps up his stupid shennanagins, and then we'll (Sioux fans) be on the other end of the "Paukovich" incident. How would you defend him if he hurts someone like that?
  18. Intensity is one thing...stupidity is another. Radke is a loose cannon and ends up hurting the Sioux more than anything.
  19. I still wonder why Radke gets to dress for games that matter.
  20. John Buccigross from ESPN has a weekly column. Typically each week he interviews a player, coach, etc., however this year he is having fans interview the players. This week was Shjon Podein...next week is Jonathan Toews...you can email in your questions for JT to john.buccigross@espn.com. Buccigross's NHL Column
  21. Yup...for "those kinds" of practices he would leave all of the lights off in the arena...no need for lights when you don't have pucks on the ice!
  22. I don't know details...and this could be wrong...but if I remember correctly I believe that either Gino or one of his assistants was on a recruiting trip and because of bad weather they got snowed in either in Winkler where Belfour was playing or else in another town where Winkler was playing that night. Because they were snowed in and had nothing better to do, they caught the local hockey game and stumbled across Belfour. That may or may be how it happened, but that's how I remember it anyways!
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