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Everything posted by sultan

  1. The Sioux would definitely give the Bison all they could handle. SDSU gave the Bison all they could handle. In fact they had more yards offense than NDSU. They almost had 500 yards of offense. SDSU lost to a DIII team this year and they lost to Northern Iowa too. I believe the Sioux beat Northern Iowa. The Bison have a good team but it would be a heck of a game if they played the Sioux.
  2. The bottom line is we sure have had fun at the Fargodome. There is no doubt we own the place. It is just like a home field advantage when we play there.
  3. The fact that the vote at the national level was 8 to 0 speaks volumes. They were definitely making a statement.
  4. For people to even think that the NCAA didn't lower our seeding because of the lawsuit is laughable. To even think that you must of been born yesterday. Take off your rose colored glasses and buy some swamp land in Florida. The whole situation is extremely obvious and will continue to happen in the future. Unfortunately it might continue to happen in the future no matter how the lawsuit comes out. The NCAA will proably hold it against us for quite some time. I am for keeping the nickname but there will definitely be a price to pay.
  5. After watching the Gopher basketball game tonight, I decided that it was one of the ugliest games I have ever watched. Both teams looked awful. Over half way through the first half the score was 6 to 5. Watching that game was like pulling teeth. How in the world did the Gopher basketball program ever get reduced to that level of play. It is really sad.
  6. Also, first round playoff games don't draw very good unless your playing someone that excites the fans . Since we just stuck it to Winona this year there is no excitement. Also in the post season everyone has to buy their own ticket. They don't get tickets from their boss and students have to buy their tickets too. A combination of all the above mentioned reasons makes for a lousy attended game. I hope I'm wrong. What does everyone else think?
  7. The fact that we drubbed them 49 to 2 not long ago is going to kill attendance. Throw in deer hunting and the Ohio State football game and attendance is probably around 5000. Sad but true. If the home game was Omaha like it should of been the attendance would of been 12,000. Why does politics have to be involved with sports? You have to love the NCAA. What a dignified organization.
  8. I just heard about the fiasco. My chin dropped. Aren't the people on this committee adults. Aren't adults on these panels supposed to have ethics. So there penalizing our players who did nothing wrong and who worked so hard to earn the number 2 seed. It is very sad. The INTEGRITY of the NCAA apparently left the stadium on the horse at Florida State. You know the horse that carries the white person with the war paint, with the bonnet on his head, and carrying the flaming spear or something like that. You know what I mean. I hope they have a hard time looking in the mirror. They should be ASHAMED. This panel is very hostile and abusive towards student athletes. Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Cal Poly lost to SDSU too. SDSU did lose to a DIII team too. And that's right, SDSU did lose to Northern Iowa too. I beleive UND did beat Northern Iowa too. Apparently that invalidates Cal Poly. Go back to your bison site and spout your B.S. By the way if UND's womens basketball team played NDSU the score would be UND 92 NDSU 50. How do you like that? Your womens team is a joke.
  10. At least NDSU and the Fargodome would finally get to host a playoff game.
  11. No kidding. Can you imagine how disgusted the Indiana fans are? Indiana must really be awful right now or at least last Saturday they were. There is an example of a couple of football programs really on the downslide.
  12. I see where Winona St. beat the Gopher Mens basketball team tonight. What the heck is going on with the basketball program at Minnesota. The womens team had a bunch of players quit. The football team is awful. The Minnesota fans must be really getting disgusted.
  13. The Bison fans are being totally hippicritical on this issue. At the time they did nothing but talk down any other potential conference as being anything even comparable to the Big Sky. So for them to now talk down the Big Sky is total "BULL". That's just like coach Bohl talking on the radio last Saturday the fact that NDSU is trying to get the NCAA to allow NDSU into to the playoffs this year since they have such a good record. He said hopefully the NCAA would make an exception for NDSU. Talk about arrogance. When Dr. Kupchella mentioned that he hopes that the NCAA would some day drop their policy of having to take all our sports to DI and enable a school to just move up in say just football, he suggested the change would be possible for all schools..not just UND. Ndsu is hoping the NCAA would change their rules for just NDSU. Now that is arrogance.
  14. The Sioux had five players score in double figures. That is a real positive situation. Five players all scored between 11 and 13 points. Kimbrough, Ledger, Maffin, Langen, Guinn, Bergan, Bagasson, Beck, and Seay all made important contributions at various points in the game. A real good season opener.
  15. Everybody needs to relax. It took NDSU into the fifth year of the six year process to find homes for all their teams. A lot of things can happen in the next 4 or 5 years. We will end up just fine. This is no time to get all excited. It took NDSU a long time too. Go Sioux.
  16. I see the Fargo Forum has an article today about the men's team where they mention were playing a Big Ten team. It's really sad when the Forum beats us to the punch.
  17. Looks like the women's game with Moorhead at the end of the month should be interesting. Moorhead stuck it to NDSU pretty good last night at NDSU. The women's team is sure going to be fun to watch this year.
  18. I just read todays Herald and I didn't say any mention again about tomorrows mens game with a Big Ten team. Is the game still on? Maybe there really isn't a game. If the game is played I hope they put a box score in after the game. I know the Herald has sure done a good job of getting the fans fired up for the start of the season. I know that it is not the Herald's job but an article or two might have been of interest to a few readers in the area.
  19. Maybe we'll finally hear a little inside information about the teams on the coachs show tonight.
  20. Here we are two days away from playing two of the most tradition rich basketball programs in the country and the media is silent. Does anybody know were playing Indiana and Purdue this weekend. Where is the media on this. Television, radio and especially the newspaper should be ashamed. You would think there would be a little hype leading up to this. I do realize they are exhibition games but what the heck. In fact both teams start there seasons this week and you almost would never know it. It's sad.
  21. It's hard to believe that MSV could of beaten anybody . I talked to people at the game and they said Mississippi Valley was awful. They were clearly one of the worst teams the Bison played this year. They weren't a winning team when the Bison played them though. I guess for the time being NDSU can hang there hat on Mississippi Valley. MSV might be back to a sub 500 team when the dust settles on this season.
  22. I see the Bison play another team this upcoming week that doesn't have a winning record. That is incredible that this late in the year that a team hasn't played anybody with a winning record. That definitely has to be some kind of a record on it's own. NDSU isn't advertising that record though.
  23. Apparently no one has had any luck finding a team. NDSU must be the only one. NDSU can hang there hat on that.
  24. I think you would be hard pressed to find one team that hasn't played somebody with a winning record.
  25. sultan

    NDSU Football

    First of all I would like to congratulate the Bison on there showing against the Gophers on Saturday. They were clearly the better team. The Gophers were better earlier in the year, but right now they are awful. Maybe they have just quit playing for Mason. I still believe that Northern Iowa is still the best team that either the Bison or Sioux have played this year. Yes I definitely believe they are better than the team the Gophers are putting on the field right now. I also believe that the strength of the NDSU schedule has been over rated and over hyped all year long. A lot of the teams NDSU has played have been very good in the past but aren't as good this year. In fact there isn't anybody they've played that has a winning record. Some of the teams aren't close to 500. Ball State is 2 and 6 in the MAC and Kent State was undefeated in that league going into this weekend and the Gophers beat Kent State something like 44 to 0. I do also believe the Bison have a great team this year and yes are better than the Sioux. On any given day though we could play with them and yes beat them. Paricularly with Manke at the helm. Lets hope Manke can come back. Congratulations to NDSU on a game that should have been a victory. I was impressed.
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