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Everything posted by sultan

  1. The Duluth women stuck it to the Bison women pretty good tonight in Fargo. They had the Bison down by 16 late in the game. Duluth, St. Cloud and the Sioux are all going to be very good. I think the top teams in the NCC are going to be as good as they have ever had. The NCC is really going to be a dog fight this year.
  2. I have stated this before. This could very well be the "best" womens team we have ever head. Time will tell.
  3. I believe Coach Lennon said on the radio show this year that UND is still penalized for playing the Bison. The reason being that NDSU is still a "probationary " team.
  4. This could be a very special season. I saw Kimborough play 5 or 6 times in high school. More times than not she used the board in high school. She is definitely an old pro when it comes to using the board. The bottom line is she has a terrific upside to her game. She has only touched the surface. The excitement is only going to build for the womens team.
  5. It is definitely time to get pumped up for the womens team. This "potentially" could be the best team we have ever had. Once again I said "potentially. It all depends on how much the younger players improve. Sunday's game against Crookston might be interesting. When Crookston palyed NDSU a couple weeks ago , NDSU was only ahead by 7 at halftime, and it was still a 10 point ball game half way through the 2nd half. Crookston has a player from Hatton who provides quite a spark to them. Anyway it will be fun to see how UND handles Crookston.
  6. The latest theme from Coach Bohl at NDSU is that the venues in DI- AA are a lot noisier. He says crowds are more of a factor now. I think Montana had some some decent crowd noise. At all the other venues the Bison have played at, the crowd noise doesn't seem to of been a factor in any game . There doesn't seem to be any facility that comes close to the crowd factor at the Alerus. SDSU gave Cal Poly a much better game than the Bison did. SDSU has increased their scholarship level very little since since they were in DII. (almost the same) It makes you think the Bison would be in the same place in the NCC like they used to be.
  7. The Sioux women have the makings of a real dynasty in the future. It's going to be fun.
  8. sultan

    UND vs. SCSU

    If the Alerus does hold 13,500 and considering the number of people standing on the ends , the figure of 12,200 did seem a little strange. The botom line was it was a full house. It was a great crowd and a great atmosphere.
  9. If Amy's assistant made the offer, that absolutely doesn't change anything. The offer never would of been made without Amy not knowing about it, and I mean never. Don't let anyone tell you differently.
  10. I haven't seen anything in the media yet about Hall of "Shame" coach Amy Ruley and her actions. I suppose everyone is afraid to ask her. They hate to tarnish her image. I'm sure the Forum will never ask her. The Forum wasn't afraid to talk to Bucky though.
  11. Here's an overview of the NDSU situation. Since last year Amy had three players graduate, which of course happens most years to every program. Amy has two players from last years team who would of been a sophmore and a junior not come back. Her two top recruits for this year are gone.(one not happy and one inelgible). Her roster is down to eleven players. NDSU doesn't even qualify for the playoffs for three years. After those three years she probably will still never make the playoffs. Amy has lost just about all the recruiting wars to UND lately. . And finally, Amy is losing her ethics now. Isn't Division I basketball exciting.
  12. There is an article in the Forum today about the Basketball situation at NDSU. Amy confirms that the Wisconsin point guard went home. She also says her Division I transfer post player is inelgible to play this year. She is pulling the red shirts of two players. She sounds a little desperate. She sounds a little "panicked". The stories we heard yesterday seem to fit right in.
  13. Tony, your the only one digging a hole. UND is not the guilty party in this fiasco. Quit trying to change the subject. The topics your talking about have nothing to do with the actions of the Bison coaching staff.
  14. It will be interesting to see if someone from the media has the guts to just ask Amy the question. Then we will have it on the record and we will see what the response from the parties involved would be. I see where Tony just wants it to go away.Tony is trying to find a loophole. None of his searching will excuse the action that took place. Nobody will ever believe that Amy wasn't aware that she had verbally committed to the Sioux.
  15. It makes you wonder what of recruiting practices Amy Ruley followed in the past. It's a sad commentary for a Hall of "Shame", I mean Hall of Fame coach like Amy Ruley. With the track record of the Gopher coachs in the past, are you sure you want to be emulating what they have done in the past. Just because the Gopher coaches coachs have followed those standards, it's still bush league.
  16. The reason Sioux fans are making a big deal about this is that Amy ridiculed the Sioux coaches as being unprofessional and not classy when they didn't cheerlead for NDSU in their move to DI. The statements the coaches made are minor in comparison to the actions of Amy Ruley. She probably shouldn't be preaching to others when her behavior is totally unprofessional and "unclassy". Maybe in the future , Bison fans and the Fargo media better clean up their own yard before they start pointing fingers at other institutions. The accusations made towards our administration, our coaches and even Roger Thomas have been blown way out of proportion. The people in Fargo don't seem to understand that UND does what's best for UND, not necessarily what's best for NDSU.
  17. Looks like the Sioux have been cleaning up on most of the local talent lately. I can see why Amy doesn't want to play the Sioux. The Sioux are going to be loaded for a while . But getting back to the topic at hand, Amy shows "real class" on this recruiting "no-no".
  18. Montana state was blown out by Cal Poly last night, Montana barely beat SDSU, and the Bison smoked Weber state. It looks like the Big Sky conference is really down this year. The Bison should really hand it to Montana State. UND had 10,600 people for the game yesterday and the Bison had 14,300. Since they have three times the population in Fargo, West Fargo and Moorhead , we can be proud of our community and how they show up for Sioux games. Since it was the first Big Sky team to play in Fargo in over twenty years, I was expecting there to be more than 14,300 at the game in Fargo.
  19. That's all Bison fans do is make fun of our coachs and administrators. I guess they can give it but can't take it. And yes, Bohl always has this fake smile on . Lennon is much more genuine.
  20. Compared to the attendance at other games, I figured there were 9,000 some at the game. It definitely didn't seem right when somebody said there were only 7000 people there. That is a great attendance mark to start the season. If it hadn't been Labor Day weekend we could of really had a nice crowd. Let's keep it going. Good luck to the Sioux tomorrow. That could be a very tough game.
  21. All the Bison games in the last decade or so have been a highlight reel for the Fighting Sioux. It 's hard to pick out just one play since there are so many of them. Anyway it looks like it is going to be a great season. I can't wait.
  22. ndsubison. Not everyone in Bisonland is in favor of this move to division I. I know quite a few people who aren't. There are also lots of ,people who think NDSU will be a guppie or a minnow for a long time in their true DI sports. Football being a sport they will compete nationally, but they don't play the big boys in football. I guess we really won't know who made the right decision on this for quite awhile. Everybody in Fargo thinks that the move to DI has already proven to be a success. NDSU has hardly jumped any hurdles yet. They don't have a conference and believe me when they get a conference that is only one piece of the puzzle. They are still going to have to pay the bills down the road when things might be a little lean in the won loss category. Also they are always going to have the same old problem of trying to attract enough good athletes who want to come to wintery North Dakota to spend their college career. NDSU might of made the right decision, but we sure don't know yet.
  23. ndsubison You were talking about UND ruling the small pond. There are a lot of people out there that would rather be a large fish in a small pond than a minnow in the ocean. This is not a jab, just reality.
  24. I guess Tony only wants to hear the stories that are positive towards moves to Division I. It seems to me UND needs to hear both sides of the story if they are going to make the right decision.
  25. Does anybody know if there are any plans to televise any games from the Betty?
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