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Everything posted by Sodbuster

  1. Really? St. Clair out again? I think a pattern has developed.
  2. Hey, thanks for the heads up! I was just tuning in the Wild, saw this while looking at SiouxSports, and realized I was more interested in this NCHC game than the NHL game.
  3. My son said Saturday night that a Duluth fan posted on Twitter after our loss, "Great....now we get to be UND's punching bag the upcoming weekend." Geez, I hope he's right.
  4. I think he doesn't play at all this year.
  5. Why are they selling their stuff?
  6. Big games.....team is 22-3-3.....and we (some of us) can only see Friday's game? That's just not right.
  7. What are the chances MidcoSports picks up Saturday night's game?
  8. Coach Berry said he thought he'd be fine in a couple days.
  9. Considering the guys missing, it being at a tough place to play.......I think this was a hell of an accomplishment.
  10. Yeah, me too. (Ooops...another boring post by me).
  11. Is Hoff slated to come in next year?
  12. Two home Fridays in a row that have been......uff da.
  13. I don't know how "Nelson left before" appeared there.....it was not part of my post. I really can't remember what that might have referred to.
  14. Yeah, it's nice to get updates on these guys. Nelson left before
  15. Geez! Is it just me, or has UND had more than their share of injuries the last, oh, 5 years?
  16. Looks like they probably could be from the IRS.
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