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Everything posted by Sodbuster

  1. Geez, it's lasting forever. I guess the game isn't close enough to concentrate on?
  2. Boy, that's for sure. They're speculating why the refs are checking the replay after the second Drake C. goal and I'm screaming, "They're checking for a high stick, for Parise's sake!"' ( or something similar ).
  3. UND scores power play goal immediately after announcers say they are rotten on the power play.
  4. The TV announcers are not very...........uh, hockey wise.
  5. Hey, nice to hear from you. I, too, know some nice Gopher fans.....they are both cool. Good luck to your team this weekend.......just not 11 goals worth.
  6. My MIDCO channel guide shows that FSN has Friday's game (which I knew about) and that MIDCO Sports has the Saturday game, which I did not have written down. Anybody know if the Saturday game is a late addition, or did I miss it, or is it a mistake on the channel guide?
  7. That loss was painful for me. One of, I think, two games I made it to back then. So, I got to witness 1 of only 8 losses that year. And one they should have won handily.
  8. Ahhhh........Mr. T. The start of a nickname, perhaps? (Gotta be old to remember that one)
  9. Do you think it's just to shake things up, or is there a method behind their madness?
  10. I have the same feeling tonight as I did when I watched (in person) the 86-87 team lose to U.S. International.
  11. I remember one thrown over the glass at the old Englestad in the early 1980's.
  12. After watching the Brad Berry hockey show, I was left with the impression that Joel Janatuian (I know I probably spelled it wrong) speaks excellent English!
  13. Smart is something that's absolutely essential in the present mind-set of today's college hockey.
  14. Also, they'll be minus Drake C.
  15. If I remember right, didn't he just miss a chance right before that or something? I think some frustration caused him to do a boneheaded thing.
  16. How do you do one of those o's with a slash through it anyway?
  17. My, God, Burd. You misspelled damn......(sorry, I couldn't resist.)
  18. And the fact that he's Norwegian makes me love him already!
  19. And maybe play on a line with Jost.
  20. When's the last time NDSU played those schools? In anything?
  21. I sure hope so. Forked over the money a couple days ago and then figured out how to hook my computer to my TV (a techno whiz I am not).
  22. And a majority of UND's games are away during this fall before 2016. Just the way it is, except so far UND has handled their schedule very well, so far.
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