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Everything posted by Sodbuster

  1. Absolutely correct on all your points! You must be about my age (64). Graduated in 74' from Mayville State, but got to be a huge Sioux fan while teaching at Warroad, MN. I held my breath when the refs were debating the 2 vs.5...whew.
  2. How'd Yon do this year? I saw one Force game and he didn't play.
  3. I think the moment the refs decided Olson's penalty was not a 5, that's when I relaxed a bit and thought, "We've got this."
  4. What Jeff Dubay thinks and says lost relavance a few years ago. (yeah, I know it's spelled incorrectly)
  5. You, Carson Wentz, are a class act and a true North Dakotan!
  6. Who knows....let's worry about that another day......National Champions!
  7. I hope not.....I'd be 80 years old and I don't think they let you drink whiskey coke in "the home" while watching hockey.
  8. I'm sure Brad will admit Dave deserves some credit for this one.
  9. I know this is going to happen...so I might as well be the first......and I probably will get chastised for it , but.... well, doggone, I just can't help it.....8>5
  10. Hhound.....you made a lot of brownie points here by referring to a certain team as the Goophers! Way to go and welcome!
  11. Yes, it would have been a big jump for him.
  12. Yeah, I saw that, too. They must have called someone at UND and asked about our record, and the person said, "Thirty, six, and four", and the ESPN guy said, "Okay, thirty-six and four. Got it! Thanks!"
  13. Beth Houle on KVLY just reported with a smile "all 3 goals in the second period by Duluth were scored by former Fargo Force players!"......uhh....who did Cam Johnson play for before college?
  14. From what I saw, there really wasn't any hit at all.
  15. I wonder what that poster who said UNO was now on par with ND has to say now?
  16. There's no such thing.....nor should there be.
  17. I have to say I never heard of him. He must be one of those older players that Lucia is so afraid of.
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