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Everything posted by Sodbuster

  1. I hope whoever drafts him makes him an offer he can't refuse. Why should UND take all the "hits"?
  2. Just as I switched over from NBC to the Canadian broadcast between periods, Don Cherry was interviewing Kessel, Johnson, Toews, Staal and another kid I can't recall the name of. Asked them questions like favorite player, favorite car, most influencial hockey influence in their career so far, etc. Coincidentally, both Toews and Kessel named Joe Sakic as their favorite player. Toews looked like he was enjoying himself.
  3. #1Hakfan, if you can't/won't give us a name, woulld you please tell us, in your opinion, if this mystery recruit would be considered an "impact" player? defenseman or forward? American, Canadian, or other? Communist or Capitalist?
  4. Good news for Comet fans.....looks like Craig Smith is the Comet BB coach for a least 1 more year. If you're a Comet/Sioux fan like me, you probably have mixed feelings.
  5. As some have stated, NDSU didn't hire Tim Miles right from Mayville State either. I think, however, that somewhere down the road, UND might think back and wish that their "criteria" would have allowed them to give Craig Smith a shot.
  6. You're right. I'm worried about enjoying the winter when I should be enjoying the spring/summer. What a beautiful day this was. (I just should have ended it by reading the paper, not starting it that way)
  7. Is it just me, or does UND seem to always take the majority of the "hits" of people leaving early nowdays. Geez, it's a lot easier to take this type of news when you finish with a national championship, but when you're thinking "if we lose only a "reasonalble" number guys or caliber guys, we're going to be okay, then this happens, wow. Will UND be able to recover from these losses enoiugh to be a top 3 finisher in the WCHA? Please reassure me. I'm beginning to be afraid to read the Forums or the Herald. Crap.
  8. With the large number of applicants, what do you out there think Craig Smith's chances are?
  9. As of today, Coach Smith has indeed applied for the UND job. Mayville State is now officially a feeder system for our two largest Universities (not saying he's a lock to get the job).
  10. I would have to agree with you.
  11. As far as I know, Coach Smith has not applied. The word around town is that he's stated he really enjoys the small town life, that Mayville is a great place to raise kids' etc. This may be just wishful thinking, speculation, etc. on our part. It is a fact that he and the team enjoy great community support. If he has a chance at significantly more money and a situation like UND's, I can't see how he would be able to pass it up.
  12. I still can't get excited about NHL hockey. I have nooooo such problem about Sioux hockey.
  13. Not really my favorite Sioux (but excellent player), Brian Williams. I've always wondered why Fargo has only produced (for UND) one really good hockey player. Their program has got to be, what, 35 years or more old. Maybe there's been some others in other programs that have been standouts, but for the Sioux, he's the only one that comes to mind. Am I missing someone? Or something? Do the "good ones" not sign with the Sioux? Someone enlighten me?
  14. As an afterthought....Coach Glas is joining Ben Jacobson, who also has Mayville connections.
  15. I can buy that. I will say that I think that Craig Smith would probably be an excellent choice....and that besides being a huge Sioux fan, I am a huge Comet fan, and that Comet fans would hate to lose him (as we did Tim Miles, who is also one class individual, like Craig Smith).
  16. "Clearly inferior"... I was at that game....I think not.
  17. A source close to the family told me that Coach Lennon wanted Oksendahl to switch to FB from QB and that he did not want to make the move. What he decided to do, I haven't heard yet.
  18. I, too, would like to see a schedule for next year. I realize it's probably not finalized yet, but some seemed to have some inside info last year. Maybe this year, too? I like to start "reserving" weekends as soon as possible.
  19. Hey, Mike. Any coaching aspirations? I myself wouldn't be surprised to see you back at UND in 10 or so years in some official capacity. Whatever yor future holds, good luck, and it was damn fun watching you play.
  20. God. Just noticed all my typos. Sorry.
  21. Geez. Cursed. We Sioux fans are blessed. I've often thought how lucky I am. My HS has won like 25 state championships in various sports, I've watched the Twins win 2 world championships, I've watched the Sioux women win 3 BB N. championships, I've watched the Sioux win a football N. champioshp, and of course, watched the Sioux win 5 of their 7 hockey N. champioships. So nit's been 6 years since the 2000 championship. They've been in 2 champioship games since then. No, the Sioux aren't cursed. Sioux fans should be smiling, despite yesterday. I know I am (not last night, though).
  22. Sagard, your comment about 10 years is absolutely right.
  23. Took the afternoon off. Watching at the PLS in Portland, ND. Big Screen. Everyone is bringing food. Watched the Sioux win the NC in football there. I hope we add the hockey NC to that.
  24. I teach school and have a personal day left. I'm taking half a day to watch the game. Sounds like my principal is going to follow my example. I never usually use them all anyway.
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