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Everything posted by sagard

  1. Have you seen the light? Are you switching horses? Plenty of room on Goldies bandwagon....
  2. I don't think the Green will be bad with the POI maroons do you?
  3. This isn't the first year the WCHA teams will be playing by different rules once the NCAAs start. The Gophers inability to adjust to the referees was probably the main reason they lost to Holy Cross. Other years the Gophers have been quite adept at eliminating the ticky-tack crap from their game during the playoffs. During UNDs beanpot run a couple years ago they just kept taking penalties and had killing them, but eventually DU solved it. The Gophers have to get their game in order now because they have taken more stupid penalties this year than I can ever remember and their PK has been brutal all year.
  4. How can you not give me credit for arranging payment to WCHA officiating crews and my most sinister of all... I convinced Ralph it was a great idea to have explosives distributed throughout REA in case the powers that be chose to change the name.
  5. Why haven't I received any posters other than the infamous NDSU poster last year? Or were posters made of Bismarkfan getting scammed every year? I'm guessing if you don't drink three gallons of green beer, don't make eye contact with any Xcel employees (the most sinister type of Gopher fan), you can get through the weekend without getting scammed this year!
  6. Basic probability says that UND will likely go east. UND and DU will be very likely #2 or #3 seeds. They can't play in the first round, so UND would either end up in Grand Rapids or one of the eastern regionals. Two of the three scenarios put them out east.
  7. Don't get me wrong. This thread was a lot of fun, but it really pales when compared to the "poster scam" thread these days.
  8. Often this isn't true. Often the best get beat by someone else.
  9. Heard from deep within Mariucci that weekend. "Listen hear Campion. 25-10 power plays is rediculous. If you don't give us 20 plays when we play those clowns at the X, you are NEVER going to work in this league AGAIN!"
  10. I'll be fine with SCSU having to deal with UMD. AA seems to have packed it in for the year, but I guess we shall see. Nice weekend for your guys.
  11. It's hard to say if Notre Dame is going to be tough like Ferris in '03, or if they are going to be like Miami of '06. With Jeff Jackson behind the bench and his coaching resume it seems foolish to me to look past them.
  12. I would guess he wants to let them know their charges are BS and that he is more than willing to discuss them with a judge at a later date.
  13. sagard

    Brian Lee

    The Lee hating is rediculous. The random Sioux fans standing at the top of section 24 at Mariucci were complaining about him in the 3rd period Saturday night. Of all times to pick on him.
  14. Have you seen your guys play lately? The tourney is a LOCK. The Sioux will likely be a #2. That most likely keeps them out of Colorado because DU will likely be a #2 or #3.
  15. I don't know if this writer wrote it last year, but there was a lot of speculation at the time that Kessel might decide to leave to avoid dealing with that any longer. It's stupid speculation. The players will leave when they are ready, in Oshie and Toews case they both could be playing in the NHL this season so to point to "Judy" as a reason to leave is silly.
  16. Obviously not... Unless he was bartering free passes to the Termite game in exchange for an orange juice. If that was the case I'm afraid his '06 Christmas should be revoked and a 10 game Termite suspension applied. Further his Termite coach should be summarily dismissed. The current Termite team shall be excluded from any Termite post season birth for a period of no less than five years. Further restrictions should be placed on the Termite program to reduce the number of Termites allowed per team for a minumum of three years.
  17. Not me. Hennessy just hangs up on me now after all those years I'd try to get Blais to chat about recruits early.
  18. I have no problems with the Sioux anymore when they aren't playing the Gophs. Mostly I had to see if it looked like the pachinko ball in the video like it did in person. If I'm Frazee I personally verify those stupid pucks are in the freezer before and during every home game from now on.
  19. I was sitting 3rd row right behind Frazee's right shoulder and and I still click on those links.
  20. Holy Cross stuff goes pretty well in these parts as well.
  21. The only publicly known on ice punishment from "Blarney's" was Briggs getting suspended for three games at the beginning of this season, however they should get whatever punishment Hakstol sees fit. The case really has nothing to do with the Gophers.
  22. UND is a lock if they win four of eight and win their 1st round series, and they could easily slip in without winning their 1st round series. They could still jump to a #1 overall, but in my opinion will probably be a #2. Between viscious insults someone tricked Lucia into saying UND is the best team the Gophers have faced this year and they certainly looked the part at Mariucci.
  23. Notre Dame has looked VERY good when I've seen them play vs. Michigan and Michigan St. They seemed very fast and have a top shelf coach. They are a team that if it can avoid or get by the WCHA opponent in the regional will have a good shot at winning the whole deal.
  24. I think the WDAZ guys did your boys a favor. Say they chose to do an under cover investigation instead. Then the boys get comfy going to Judy's after big weekend victories or partying in general, sooner or later a grateful player tosses Judy a pair of tickets or brings in a hot prospect. Then after another Final Five victory the story breaks and everyones on youtube, etc... Basically a lot of headaches potentially saved getting caught now.
  25. Campion had to have been either wearing the badge or producing the WDAZ segment. I'm sure of it. Hakstol will look at the big picture and decide if these boys deserve to sit a game or if they should simply work off their punishment. Players who committed assault or received a DUI were sat down for a game or a non-conference series, should these guys punishment really rival those crimes in any way?
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